Chapter 18

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Arthit's POV:

I now understood why it is called love making. I had my own apprehension about it, but when we made love, it was just so perfect. It feels surreal every time I think about it and now I really can't contain my happiness anymore.

When we were back to our happy routine, the days always went by swiftly. We were discussing about moving in together, before my internship days, because it felt like the right time to take the next step. We went on a condo hunt almost every weekend, in search of a suitable place.

Since Kong still had 2 years of college left, we had to consider the distance between the condo, our college and the company. After an extensive search, we found a perfect place. It was 15 mins away from both our destinations, and had all the amenities we needed.

Since I was leaving the campus anyway, I didn't have any trouble telling my parents about moving out. But Kong had to talk to his parents, and I warned him, quite severely, against mentioning my name, as I wanted to complete my internship, before my name was even remotely mentioned to his parents. I was very adamant about it, which he understood.

It was finally the D-Day, and both our friends had come over, in the pretext to help us move. It was more of a bother than help, having so many people running around a single condo. But since we needed that chaos, we let it slide. Being the muscular man, between us, Kong insisted on carrying the heavier boxes, and worked extra hard, to make our move smoother. We unpacked most of our stuffs, arranged them and rearranged them several times, before we gave it up to have our dinner.

The first evening at our new place was quite eventful until our friends stayed, and then we had our comfortable silence, which was actually golden, after such chaos. Kong and I decided to hit the bed as soon as we freshened up.

Kong was the first one to shower, and when he came out, I helped him dry his hair. Though we were exhausted to our bones, helping each other like this, put our minds and heart at peace. Our love language, unique to us, was more about such domestic help, which made our days more meaningful.

After drying his hair, I went for a shower and Kong straight went to sleep. When I was ready to hit the bed, I noticed how peaceful Kong's face was, when he was asleep and thanked my stars that this beauty is what awaits me, everyday, right when I open my eyes and every night right before I close my eyes.

We had a week to adjust to our new surroundings, before my internship starts. One evening, when we were at college, getting our documents ready, I told my friends about how I got to know that Siam Polymers was actually Kong's dad's company and they understood that I was nervous about it.

It was Knot who pointed out, that a CEO will have nothing to do with an intern, and so I can rest my worries, do my best, and make the best use of the internship. Realising what he said was true, I got ready, to face the real world.

Kongpob's POV:

P' starts his internship in 2 days, and it took me all my might, to not talk about him, to my parents, everytime they called me. I kind of understood why he wanted to prove himself, before we met our parents.

I was more excited than he was, for his internship. He made me promise to not set a foot, in the direction of the company, which I reluctantly agreed. Like I had a choice, in the first place!

Since he had a lot more free time, until Monday, he took care of everything, right from cooking our dinner, having my uniform ready the previous night itself, taking care of the supplies at home, literally everything.

This past week, he came to pick me up everyday, and we went for a lovely walk, by the riverside, spent a lot of evenings eating the snacks he prepared for us. We felt as if we were leading our happy married life. I really can't wait for that to happen!

Over the weekend, we reviewed all the documents he needed, made sure everything was perfect and went to bed earlier than usual, as he had to start his day by 7.30am, which is wayyy early for him. I know it is going to be a struggle to wake him up, but he can't afford to be late on his first day. So we had it all set up, and went to bed, with a little anxiety but lots of excitement, for the next phase of his life!


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