Staying In - 17

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A/N: hello! to make up for my slightly longer update time, i made the ending of this chap a little surprise for you <3

(Marci's POV)

I've found that one of my favorite spots over the last few days to hangout is in the secret reading room. Don't get me wrong, I love my bedroom here and the whole house is amazing, it's just something with that room that draws me to it.

Probably all the books. You can find just about anything on the shelves, and spend hours upon hours reading. Plus, let's admit it, there's some good memories there that shouldn't be.

I'm looking around the shelves, looking for what to read next when I hear the 'door' open behind me. It's probably Natasha, we're the ones who read the most out of everyone here. Loki and Thanos refuse to touch books, to read, they prefer TV, saying it's way better.

Reading a book or TV allows you to connect to the characters, pick out favorites and what storylines you want to happen. There's some swearing at them involved, sometimes characters are just plain blind when someone likes them.

"Hey," I hear behind me, and I turn around, recognizing the voice as not Natasha's, but Wanda's.

"Oh hey," I reply, turning to face her. "I thought you were Natasha."
"Don't worry, I would to, the rest of us never really come in here."
That makes me think of something, "Can I ask a question?"
"Of course, what is it?"
"Was this room always for books? I just thought it would be something else if you don't read a lot?"
"There were always shelves in here," she explains, pointing to them. "We put a few books on them and got some beanbag chairs, books got added overtime, a lot of them Natasha bought actually."

I look around the room in awe, I never gave any thought to actually bought all these books. I thought they just accumulated over time. Well, they probably did, but just not in the way I thought.

Natasha didn't mention that she had bought a lot of them. I wonder if she just simply didn't think to mention it, or that it wouldn't matter to me. Maybe if I see her later, I'll ask her about it.

She's probably one of those people that loves going to the bookstore, but never tells anyone that in fear of being judged. Or the fact she likes to read, since a lot of people prefer TV. I haven't been to one in a while, I miss going and having endless isles to look through.

I could spend all day at one, put me in one in the morning and I'll be out of there by the time they close that night. I haven't done that in a long time, I'll have to see if there's a time I can go.

"I never knew she liked reading that much,"
I comment, obviously I knew she likes reading, we do it all the time, but to think she bought all of these still amazes me.

"Me neither, really, until I saw all these books slowly accumulate. I'm glad she has something, though. An escape when she feels overwhelmed or whatever it may be, she's kind of closed off and I don't blame her either."

"That's nice to have," I comment, I never thought she was too closed off, after all what we do is basically as bold as a person could get.

Thinking back to what Natasha told me about her past, what Wanda's saying is making a lot more sense. I could never imagine growing up the way she did, she's so strong and I don't think I could have done it.

"Well I came here to tell you the forecast is rain for tonight, so instead of going to the bar, there'll be something in the living room instead basically like a teenage slumber party games."

"Ooh that sounds fun, I've never had a game night here, I'm not even sure its rained since I moved in."

"Me neither actually, well, I'll let you get back to choosing a book," she walks back out the door to the rest of the house.

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