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I am a plantix, or that's what the humans call out in alarm when they see me. I have no interest in them, though. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be in the garden. Few people stay there for long and I feel at home around the plants. Besides, the calming music coming from the device under the tree makes me feel calm and happy too. I feel nervous when I am away from the garden, which happens sometimes. I try to stay close by though, because I know the plants need me.

For as long as I can remember, I have never seen a creature who is not a plantix or figs take care of the garden. The plants need us, and I sense that we need the plants as well. It makes me upset when the plants seem to be doing poorly. The flower bushes are my favorite plant in the facility. I feel drawn to them. In fact, the only reason I leave the garden is to care for the other plants in the facility. There are many, especially near the offices. It seems some humans must like plants too. It's too bad that they are so focused on not being infected. Maybe when all of this is over, the humans will be able to care for the plants again. It's not as though I dislike doing it, but sometimes myself and the few plantix and figs in the facility worry that we aren't doing enough for them.

Luckily, some of our stress is taken away by the sprinkler system. You see, the vines and the tree in the garden, as well as a small display in the office area, have a system that sprays mist on them every so often. When that system goes off and waters the vines, we all grab buckets off of nearby shelves and fill them with water from the garden. Then, we water the rest of the plants in the facility. So far, we have never broken this streak.

Whether the lights are on or off, we and the sprinkler system are always doing our jobs. Sometimes, we have to hide from humans while we do so, because they can be very aggressive. Most of the time, they don't attack us when we're in the garden. Maybe we aren't supposed to leave. But we can't let the plants outside of the garden die, no matter the risk.

Recently, I noticed that behind one of the shelves is a door. The door has the same markings on the floor as most of the automatic doors around the facility, but the shelf is in the way, so we can't enter. I have no idea where it leads, but if it leads away from the garden I have no interest. It always looks very dark inside, though, and I can't see anything on the other side. Maybe one day the shelf will be moved and we can go inside. If there are more plants inside, they surely require our attention.

Flowers are my favorite plants. It is sad that there are so few of them in the facility. I love to smell them. They smell sweet, like the flowers on my body. When I smell them, my tail wags, rustling like a tree in the wind. Sometimes, I wonder if I should be watering myself. After all, am I not a plant? The figs assure us, though, that we look healthy, even without any water. Less water wasted on ourselves seems like a good thing to me. Sometimes I wonder about the water in the facility. Where it comes from and how much is left. If we run out someday, I think more than the plants are doomed.

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