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'Beep beep beep'
The alarm buzzed and seokmin lazily reaches his phone to turn it off... giving a big yawn he looks out of the window at the sun shining brightly, squinting his eyes a little , finally gets out of the bad stretching his hands as he says to himself,"let's have a good day today" and proceeded to freshen up.

It was his first day in college today. He had transferred during his summer vacations.
After discussing his outfit with his best friend Soonyoung for hours he had picked out a fit. All black with an overcoat since it was pretty windy and specs to complete his look and it turned out pretty well.

Soonyoung was his close aunt's son but has been living with them ever since seokmin's dad had left them...
Soonyoung was the bestest friend seokmin could ever ask for. He was a year older than seokmin and was in the 2nd year of college so of course he was going to guide his friend on his first day.

After getting ready he goes downstairs, there's still some stuff unpacked so their house is not exactly the cleanest at the moment so he decides to just eat at a cafe nearby with his brother.

"Hey hyung, should we leave now?" seokmin asks to Soonyoung who had been waiting for the younger to come down while scrolling on insta to pass time, keeps his phone aside and walks towards seokmin and coos~

"Ayyyy looking handsome bro" seokmin blushes a little and thanks him.

He asks where his mom is and she peaks out of the kitchen
"In here darling."
Seokmin walks towards her.
"Good morning mom, we'll be having breakfast out so you take some rest before going back." His mom nodded in response.
"Travel safe mom".

His mom had helped them with the search for a good house near their college and was later going back.

His mom hugs him saying, "have a good day you both" and soon Seokmin and Soonyoung were on their way to the cafe.

They walked in comfortable silence until Soonyoung broke the silence,
"So seokmin you excited!??" Seokmin chuckled at the older widely smiling at him.

"Of course i am hyung, i can't wait to meet everyone after so long and of course your boyfriend." He smirked at the end.

"Hey! Anyways yes i can't wait as well, the guys missed you so much all along."

Their friend group was seperated after everyone eventually moved away from the town where the first met.

Seokmin nodded as they headed inside the small but aesthetic cafe.

They were in aww as their eyes looked around the cafe as soon as they entered the dreamy like atmosphere, soothing aroma of coffee and freshly baked loaf of banana bread was heavenly

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They were in aww as their eyes looked around the cafe as soon as they entered the dreamy like atmosphere, soothing aroma of coffee and freshly baked loaf of banana bread was heavenly.
The guy at the counter welcomed them with a warm smile and gave them menu. He looked around their age and hence Soonyoung asked, "hey do you happen to go to PLEDIS UNIVERSITY too ?"

The guy smiled and nodded, "Yeah i am majoring in psychology and law.. What about you?"

Seokmin squealed in excitement"oh wow me too, Am seokmin" he says putting his hand forward.

"Hi am Jaehyun you can call me Jeffery too" he says as they shake hands.

"Shouldn't you also be getting ready for college?" Soonyoung asks after he introduces himself too

" waiting for my boyfriend and then will head out as well..he owns this cafe you see, his mom is out of the town so we are helping her out..." And just then the door swung open and a handsome guy walks in.
"There he is" Jaehyun says walking towards Taeyong, his boyfriend, they share a quick hug.

"Taeyong?" Soonyoung says surprised.
"Hey Soonyoung" Taeyong says walking towards their table.
"Wait he's your boyfriend??" Soonyoung asks Jaehyun, he nods.

They both chuckle a little and soon Seokmin and taeyong are also introduced. They all have a good conversation while eating pancakes and coffee which they both ordered earlier. There wasn't much rush in the cafe luckily. Turns out Jaehyun and Seokmin had mostly common classes so they both decide to leave early.

"Meet me at lunch seokmin." Soonyoung says, to which he nods in response and waves goodbye while Jaehyun gives taeyong a peck on his cheek and leaves as well.

Jaehyun and Seokmin were awkward for a while but soon adjusted to each other's company and Jaehyun offered him to show him around the college to which seokmin happily agreed.

Without knowing what the day has for him...


Finally the first chapter wow
I'll slowly introduce all the members
But because am so weak for nct and seventeen both i needed some interactions lmao
Am still new to stuff so bare with me and i promise I'll work hard and try to get better as the story goes on:)

Hope you have a good day and enjoy reading

Edit- 8/8/22
I have written way lengthy and BETTER chapters ahead fyi will rewrite this someday

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