twenty eight ~

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"jihoon-na,put the streamer further up" soonyoung asked his boyfriend who was currently  balancing on a stool trying to stick the the decorations. the other groaned, "am trying you moron and wait why cant Mingyu do this again?"

he asked after finally sticking the paper

they were all currently gathered in Jeonghan's house for his birthday party.

Technically the plan was supposed to be perfect at least thats what joshua and seungcheol assured them. Apparently they had booked a rowhouse by the sea in the countryside and since it was a weekend they thought that they all could make a small trip and celebrate as well as spend time there.

but our very precious and smart 95z forgot to confirm the reservations and the same rowhouse got booked by someone else before them and this whole situation called to this last minute decoration in Jeonghan's  house himself.

Wonwoo who was using all his respiration powers to blow the balloon kept it aside
"Will you two stop being lovie dovie and get to work. They might be here any minute".

seungcheol was busy buying them time by keeping his lover distracted while others get time to prepare.

jihoon rolled his eyes and got up taking Soonyoung's  hand in his and going over to the bespectackled to help him with balloons. 

"honestly shua hyung its yours and coups hyung fault" soonyoung fake pouted.. seokmin came out of the kitchen with a plate of french fries in his hands and a certain someone who had  his hands wrapped around the younger's waist tightly.  he kept the plate on the table and covered joshua who was behind him as if to pretend to potect him,
"kwon hoshi stop blaming my boyfriend at least they did something " he said teasingly raising his voice.

after sticking his tongue out to his best friend, soonyoung did the same and then snuggled to woozi more.

Joshua felt giddy inside after being called 'my boyfriend' this childish feeling of being defended by his lover, Seokmin turned to him and pressed his lips on Joshua's forehead,
"you did so well hyung, am proud of you for trying." he smiled into the kiss. Joshua never thought his love language will be words of affection though it wasn't about anything big.

he appreciated himself enough but hearing compliments or good things about himself from Seokmin is his favourite thing, he feels much more confident than he ever did back in LA, for once he doesnt feel the need to overdo and that he is enough, maybe he just needed someone to appreciate his efforts all along and Seokmin was more than obliged to be the one.

"seokmin-ah do that shit later, if you don't want your pizza to burn" they were giggling to each other until mingyu calledhim back in the kitchen. 'FUCK" he cursed under his breath to not let the older hear and ran to the kitchen. but this time instead of cohering on to his boyfriend, he went to help Jun who was making a happy birthday board.

"Hansol that's not how you wrap a gift!" seungkwan was nagging his clueless boyfriend, who had scotch tape stuck all over his pretty fingers.

Seungkwan sighed as he leaned back on the chair to take it out one by one.

Vernon only cheekily smiled at the attention.

an hour went by like few seconds but luckily, Mingyu was done with dishes, they had mostly ordered takeout.

Minghao was about to roll in soon with a cake and Chan was no where to be seen. according to him he participated in a random dance  showdown at the mall so he will be late..

the course of action was Scoups texting joshua when they are about to reach,
very cliche, they would turn off the lights and sing a song when the birthday boy enters. Simple. right?

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