thirty eight~

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•••to live is the rarest thing
In the world
Most people , exist
That is all••••
-Oscar Wilde

Bonus^^Minwon special

🎵:Bittersweet -Mingyu Wonwoo feat LeeHi

Ready to love - seventeen

Mingyu and Wonwoo were the typical besties since undies pair, well sort of.
They were that duo who everyone perceives to be a couple and they deny.

Wonwoo' being a year older, was always directed to look after Mingyu which he gladly did but it was mostly the other way round with Mingyu taking care of the older.

They are the complete opposites, Wonwoo' is a man of few words that and Mingyu speaks his heart whatever the occasion maybe.

Wonwoo's someone who'd rather express his love through action and Mingyu was too ignorant or maybe scared to acknowledge it.

Gradually came high school and college their love for each other kept growing and so did the distance.

You cannot control yourselves falling in love, it just happens before you know it.

Scared to cut off the last string of friendship to give it a new name of love, Wonwoo suppressed his feelings and adoration whenever Mingyu got together with someone.

Something Is better than nothing right?

Well, no.

Mingyu interpreted Wonwoo's hesitation in a complete wrong way. He thought maybe the older will be jealous if he sees Mingyu with someone else.

Heck Wonwoo had never been so obvious when they did this one prank of Mingyu asking Wonwoo for many and he straight away asked for his account number. There were many instances, they would unknowingly act like 'not friends '
(that vlive call istgTT)
What was even stopping them

Seeing Mingyu dating felt like daggers continuously stabbed onto his chest.

After every breakup which were mostly hookups he'd go back to Wonwoo for 'comfort' which was a disguise so that he could spend time with the guy he loves.

Fools right?

And henceforth Seungkwan had to step in, on their last day at Gapyeong before they go back for graduation celebrations, they arranged the most cliche date night- a candle lit dinner for the clueless two.

While they both were asleep, all eleven of them cleaned and decorated the backyard.

"Vernon-ah put the lights in a swirling design" The8 said as he helped the younger by passing on the fairy lights. He was currently sitting on a sturdy branch of the tree trying to wrap the heart shaped red lights and hang the small lanterns on.

 He was currently sitting on a sturdy branch of the tree trying to wrap the heart shaped red lights and hang the small lanterns on

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