fourteen ~

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🎶: Alright by keshi

Joshua patiently waited for the younger to talk first

"Um just" he started " that day when you hugged me and we like sort of slept together" he paused " i thought you might find me weird after that and...."
He hesitated " and that's it I just didn't want things to get awkward between us." He lied.

Joshua didn't completely believe that but let it pass for now at least they were talking now.

He smiled at the younger who looked nervous. "Hey I'd never do that, why would you assume things by yourself and think avoiding was the best option silly." He said in his usual calm voice.

This was one thing about the older. He never raised his voice at anyone no matter how much pressing or serious the situation became.

Seokmin loved this fact he was always so nice with his words.

He put a hand from behind slightly on Seokmin's waist. This action making the younger's heart beat quick.

"So are we good now?" Joshua asked to which the other shyly nodded.

"Also hyung can I ask you something?" Seokmin said looking at Joshua who then hummed in response. "You seem really tired these days are you okay?"

Joshua felt a pang on chest he was actually not but didn't think he made it obvious.
"I am, just need to get some sleep, which i think i will, now that we are on good terms you made me restless Dumbo" he said jokingly and ruffled the younger's hair.

"Sorry hyung" he muttered in a low voice.

They got back to doing their project. Another hour passed.The project research was getting boring and Joshua was feeling a bit sleepy so he suggested to buy coffee coffee for both of them.

"I said i can go shua hyung you don't look too well right now." Seokmin said to the other who was wearing his overcoat as it was pretty cold outside today. He didn't want the other to overwork himself.

"It's okay Seok, the cafe is nearby I'll be back in no time." He said now reaching for the doorknob. "Alright then I'll make some cheese toast with it" seokmin said excitedly.
"Go safe" he said waving bye and went to kitchen after closing the door and
Grabbing his phone quickly,

  Devil like angel hyung<3


What is it min?

Okay wait i got something to say too
You go first

Me and shua hyung made up

Hmm that's good and?

I haven't confessed yet


Damn tho

I don't know what Gave me the confidence
But he saw me with Jimmy....

That asshole came back??
Don't tell me you met him

I did but Seungcheol helped me out
Just we are kind of dating now ???
Maybe i am not sure

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