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Later at Seokmin's home

Joshua parked the car in front of Seokmin's house, as he looked around Seokmin opened the door and welcomed him inside.

"The house is messy," he let out a chuckle, "it hasn't been long since we shifted, there's still stuff to unpack."

"It's alright.....So you and Soonyoung live here right?" Joshua asked while his eyes moved around looking at all boxes and one particular thing caught his attention.

"Yeah, but he mostly has jihoon hyung over or he's at his place."

Joshua picked up a photo frame of Seokmin's mom, him and his brother. "Where's your father?" He asked raising a brow.

Seokmin hesitated a little before saying, "they got divorced years back, i think it was around the time you left too".

And then there was a silence.

"Am sorry....i didn't know" he said fidgeting with the frame ugh why did I ask him, he'll be sad now he thought and kept the frame down carefully before turning to seokmin.

"It's okay hyung you didn't know and anyways it happened for the better.i guess it's better than two people who hate each other to be together. I don't think about it much now." He lies.

A small flashback ~

"I guess it's better than two people who hate each other to be together "this was exactly what Joshua's parents were doing....the conversation he heard that day which made joshua blame himself for everything. His parents were staying together only for joshua, but they didn't think about how much this was affecting Joshua, The constant arguments of his parents,To know that his parents were giving up their happiness for him, which made the younger think that he was a burden to them, he became concious of relationships.


Trying to brush away the uneasy atmosphere unintentionally created, seokmin jumps on a black bean bag around the corner of the living room ,he grabs the tv remote and turns it on.

"Let's watch a movie hyung, what should we watch?" He asked the older who sat on a bean bag adjacent to the younger. The older was snapped out of his negative thoughts,
"Umm... BABY'S DAY OUT" he replied in a loud voice,it's litterally his favourite movie and he never gets bored of it. His mood getting better around Seokmin.

"Sure I love that movie too." Of course he does. Everyone knew how much seokmin likes kids, it's adorable really.

Joshua thought about that one time in middle school when they had a picnic in middle school, they had gone sightseeing in some fort-like place, where they saw a kid crying probably lost. Seokmin was the only student who approached the little girl and talked to her in baby-like voice wanting to help her. It turned out that she was seperated from her brother while roaming around in the garden. He still remembers the way Seokmin calmed her down, embraced her , patted her back to let her know she's safe and then helped her find her brother. It was just one of the hundred reasons joshua had fallen for him.

He smiled to himself as he thought of this memory.

"Hyung I'll go and make pop corn, do you want cold drink or juice?" Seokmin asked making his way to the kitchen. "Any juice would do." Joshua replied as the movie started and he turned his attention to the tv.

They watched the movie while having snacks and small talks and Joshua chuckled at the way Seokmin cood at the cute baby in the movie.

The credits were rolling after almost two hours. A large growl was heard. It was seokmin's stomach, he was hungry.
"Hyung would you like pasta for lunch?"

"Should I make it, i feel guilty that you are doing everything."

"It's fine i like cooking, it doesn't mean that am good at it but i try."

"Umm...then lemme help"

"Okay then just chop some garlic for me, rest I'll do, I'll just make a simple aglio olio if that's fine with you."

Joshua nodded and they both got up. Seokmin opened a shelf and took out a packet of speghetti and put them in a utensil to boil, while he took out some fresh parsley. Joshua was cutting the garlic skillfully, he was good at cooking, he secretly glanced at Seokmin who was litterally just cleaning the parsley before chopping it but he looked so GOOD not exaggerating at all.

The way his black colour sweatshirt was folded and his veins popped up slightly when he raised his arms to reach the shelf a little taller than his height to take out plates for them.
Joshua was staring a bit too mindlessly and got distracted. The knife slid a across and there was blood.

"Ouch" the older groaned slightly high pitched, the blood wouldn't stop. Seokmin turned towards his hyung after turning of the gas stove and panicked "hyung....blood oh god...what to do!?" He immediately took the older's hand and held it under running water, his eyebrows furrowed, looked like he would cry any second but ....Joshua was calm too calm, he just looked at the younger panic for him.

He let out a small chuckle, and turned the tap off, taking his hand back,
" Seokmin calm down, it's just a scratch,can you get me a bandaid?" The younger nodded and quickly rummaged through some boxes and took out a first aid kit.

He came back with an ointment too. He took the older's hand and carefully put the ointment on, blowing as he did. The older flinched because of the burn but later took the bandaid from the younger's hand because his hands were shaking a lot as he was scared. He smiled at how Seokmin held him like the most fragile person to exist. In the end Joshua put the bandaid on by himself.

Seokmin gently pushed joshua out of the kitchen and made him sit on a sofa in the hall
"I'll be quick so till that just be here and don't move a muscle." He tried to sound strict but laughed at the end.
Joshua's heart was almost in his mouth when he thought about how close Seokmin was to him just now.

"Yes sir." He said jokingly.

After a while Seokmin returned with two plates of delicious speghetti perfectly plated with two glasses of water.

Joshua clapped his hands excitedly,"woahh seokmin i didn't know you could cook so well"he said still amazed by the visuals

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Joshua clapped his hands excitedly,"woahh seokmin i didn't know you could cook so well"he said still amazed by the visuals.

Cooking was kind of like an hobby Seokmin developed, it helped him distract from his bad thoughts for the time being and eventually started enjoying it, he might not be the best at it but he liked when people ate the dishes he made.

"I can't guarantee the taste but here we go"the younger replied blushing at the compliments.

The sun had already gone down giving them a signal that they have to go.


Kinda filler chapter but i find it cute
Hope you enjoyed<3
Have good day/night💗

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