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Flashback (when he was in Korea)
[middle/high school for everyone basically]

🎶: Bye bye my blue by Yerin

Jisoo's nose burned in the frigid air and he squinted against the sun reflecting on the street. "New place again" he sighed. Due to his parent's occupation they shifted a lot. He didn't even know how much longer and he'll leave this place. He was shy or more like scared to make new friends, the thought of getting closer with people and then farewell again.

He made it a habit to become a loner and to be by himself. He was quiet usually, did well in school; planning to never draw unnecessary attention.

That particular day too he was doing the usual, not paying attention to anyone and keeping himself company, when he heard two boys chatting on a distance, chuckling and loud laughter filling the room.

He couldn't help but look at them with envy when suddenly one of the boy looked at him greeting him with a huge gummy smile.

Jisoo's POV
I was taken aback by the boy smiling so brightly at me. He looked beautiful.He made a signal asking me to come nearer.

I suddenly felt a rush of emotions as my heartbeat quickened, i stood froze but, with a fluttery feeling in the stomach walked over to them,him.

We quickly got close which was weird, but they were very nice to me and introduced me to their friends too, jihoon,wonwoo, Mingyu and Hoshi. Soon we were hanging out a lot.

I was close with all of them especially Seokmin, who helped me come out of my comfort zone and gave me a sense of warmth.His smile just made me feel that everything was going to be okay. I liked all the small things about him like how he would get excited on just the thought of ice cream.

Damn, it was adorable.

I was starting to have feelings for him, which was new for me considering i never had such feelings for anyone before but as much as i liked him i knew he had a crush on someone and i would never dare to intervene in between.

I would see him grinning while talking to his crush. It broke my heart knowing i couldn't do anything and just be a by stander watching them.

It hadn't been long since we shifted here and it happened again. We were going to move again, but to LA this time.

There was a painful tightening in my throat because of the thought of loosing my friends again, i haven't even confessed yet not that i was going to but my feelings just seemed to grow day by day.

I decided to tell about this to jeonghan only. He knew about my crush on seokmin, he could only comfort me though he strongly opposed the idea of leaving without informing everyone.

But i had to because there was no chance I'd be able to say goodbye to seokmin.

The day had come, we left. I let down a heavy sigh and wondered if things would have been different had i confessed.

But one thing i never imagined was that the days to come are going to be much worse.

To be continued.....

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