thirty two~

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🎵: Blueberry eyes by Max ft Suga

Adore by Suggi

Enough by colde

[Lengthy ch ahead]

Trees blurred green as the bus sped along the highway, Seokmin's mind yet once again filled with thoughts from last week but in a much more controllable manner. 

He still has the small slip of paper with a certain number, on his phone's back cover.

His hand unconsciously reaching to fiddle with the little piece of Shua as he liked to call it, a small delicate crescent shaped silver pendant, carefully gilded with roze quartz stones.

He loved how it shone in the dark when he absentmindedly slept wearing it. Joshua gave it to him after their coddling session last week. Seokmin did his best to not break into tears again, he was wanting to give Joshua something special which would remind the older of him but with all the events occuring failed to do so, instead he managed to save successfully from his tutoring and few part times..

Doing couple things seemed like an unreachable dream that never felt like the one he could experience but with Joshua everything seemed possible better even.

Seokmin put on his airpods and stared outside the window vehemently as he usually did, lost in thoughts and by the melody of his all time favourite song

[~Damn you look so good

Laying there wearing nothing
but my tshirt~]

But its usually Seokmin borrowing Joshua's hoodie.

[~Your body's a neighborhood

Wanna drive my lips all around it

Cause am holding my breath

Wondering when you gonna
wake up in my arms~]

He blushes by himself imagining how Joshua woke him up with kisses whenever they slept together-not having sex necessarily. Along thir months together,Joshua figured there are days Seokmin was confident and days he only wanted to be cuddled and obviously couldn't care less it was a win-win for him anyways

[~Head on my chest
My heart's beating

I can't wait too
Kiss you each morning

With strawberry skies

Cause I get so lost in your
Blueberry eyes~]

after messaging a quick 'i miss you' to the older he got off the bus. He had plans with Junhui wanting his help buy a gift for Hao, planning to give it during the party he decided to have In the club near the campus with few close friends and anyways Seokmin had been wanting to buy something for the older too, so he readily agreed.

"dokyeomah, here" he looked over his right from where his name was called.

Junhui looking exceptionally handsome today, he always did actually, a baby pink sweatshirt hanging over his broad shoulders showing off a bit of his smooth collarbone line perfectly along with off-white bottoms, his body ratios sure did him good.

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