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(the photo do be killing me)

🎵: Sweet by cigarettes after sex

To say that Seokmin was nervous was an understatement, he never thought he would experience body trembles, like he had hand tremors sometimes but mostly because of cold. But currently His hands were sweaty and he was constantly running them through his silky, perfectly slicked back hair and was soon gonna ruin the hairstyle he spent ours perfecting.

Although Joshua kept assuring him that it'll be fine and that his mom already likes the latter, Seokmin couldn't help but feel scared, what if she doesn't like me anymore? What if i stammer in front of her? What if she thinks am not good enough for Joshua? I mean it wasn't impossible given it had already happened before.

Joshua had already left to pick mom Hong
Seokmin was settling cutlery and fixing the house so it looks neat, he definitely wanted to give a good lasting impression. After all first impression is that last as well.

-At airport -

Joshua saw his mom and ran to hug her, even though him leaving LA wasn't a good process but he still missed his parents. She returned the hug and kissed his forehead, tears streaming down soon. Joshua noticed the glow on his mother's face. She looked ....happy, not stressful or weary.

In Joshua's memory she usually had puffed eyes and wore dull coloured clothes but now it was like she had complete change over, wearing a beautiful meadow yellow floral gown that hung till her knees and a brown leather jacket. he felt like he finally had his mom back he hugged her once again trying to  fight against that one tear which still escaped his eyes. They decided to stop by a cafe before meeting Seokmin. Joshua texted the latter about the change of plan and chuckled only by imagining how nervous his boyfriend is that he even refused to leave Joshua to recieve his mom from airport. 'cute'

Once they ordered their drinks in the retro themed cafe, his mother suddenly became concious and fumbled with her hands which were on the table. Joshua was hesitant still decided to be courageous enough to reach and carress her  hands, he wasn't very good with words so he hoped this would help her know that Joshua was there for her.

She calmed down a bit, this small gesture meant so much. She exhaled deeply before speaking.

"Am sorry" she looked down then back at him, "we are sorry, we neglected you a lot, i was so blinded by my problems and miseries it never dawned upon us how much it affected you" Joshua felt his knees going weak even though he was seated, he swallowed hard but kept the silence lingering in the air,to digest what his mother was saying.

"We still don't know why it was so hard for us, communicating" she continued "effort has to be made from both sides, love can never be one sided," she sarcastically chuckled, "we 'so called ' adults just realised that now." Joshua listened attentively, he firstly didnt know how to respond so he just listened.

"But about a week after you left, your father talked to me and we came to a mutual decision to seek help from professional" she looked at Jisoo to look any pinch of discomfort or hate but only found him patiently listening. He grew up so much she thought.

"And?" Joshua finally said something.

"We are getting better, argue a lot less and even  going on our weekly dates" she smiled. Joshua felt his heart swell. He couldn't be happier for his parents. Yes it was difficult for him, but his parents were working out their relationship. To think that they were on the brink of separation...broke him, just the thought of it. And at the back of his head he kept thinking about what Seokmin must had gone through.

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