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Around 7 pm when they reached Soonyoung's home~

A few hours earlier, Jeonghan called and let Jisoo know that they'll be heading first because Chan was bored so Seokmin and Joshua were the last ones to arrive as they had to bring pizza too because someone was craving it and that someone is Seokmin. How much he loves pizza.

They reached after a while and rang the bell. Soonyoung's mom greeted Seokmin with a hug and a huge smile on her face. He later introduced Jisoo too as she pulled him for a hug as well. Jisoo felt so warm inside. She later went upstairs to busy herself.

The moment they entered the house it's was pure CHAOS

"Pass me sprite"




"Woozi hyung can you for once take out your headphones when you are with us"

"Ya, don't you say anything to my chiwooji"


"Mingyu stop crying about your little girlfriend." Seungkwan said bluntly.

Vernon nudged him, "yay maybe take some time and to look at people actually there for you". Minghao added moving his eyes to Wonwoo. Who just glared back without any words.
Jisoo and Seokmin just stared at this all happening standing by the door.

While all this was happening Chan was squeezed between Seungkwan and Vernon and Seungcheol just stood there too confused to say anything.
Jeonghan noticed this running his fingers through his brown long hair.
Everyone was talking at the same time until "WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP !" He said Almost screaming now. Everyone went silent, All heads turned towards the usually sweetest boy now red fuming with frustration.

Jisoo walked over to him," hannie calm down, don't scream. Anyways we got PIZZAAA ." He said excitedly showing the boxes in his and Seokmin's hand.

Everyone cheered, Seokmin bouncing on his toes went towards Seungkwan and Soonyoung as they randomly started talking about something and happy because the trio was now finally complete.

Joshua grabbed Seungcheol and made his way to everyone,"so they are a bit too chaotic and loud to maybe but you'll get used to it, i think Chan already likes it here" he said chuckling glancing to the younger happily talking to Seungkwan and others.

"Yeah they all seem so nice and accepting too, i kinda was worried they might not like me," unconsciously looking at jeonghan who was already staring at him. Their eyes met. Jeonghan managed to quickly look away. Jisoo smiled at their antiques and went to his best friend telling him to give company to Seungcheol.

He then saw Seokmin telling jokes and laughing frequently with others. He saw Seungcheol talking to Mingyu, they got along pretty quickly having the same major and career choice. Joshua sighed in relief as his friend would be fine even without him now. But there was one person's gaze Seungcheol kept avoiding.

They ate pizza, and a lot of other food  Hoshi's mom had prepared while watching home alone considering it was a movie everyone could watch. No one wanted to cry watching a sad movie or be horrified while watching a horror movie so comedy was it.

After few hours of binge watching Everyone was just doing their stuff. Junhui and Minghao smooching each other in a corner of the room. Seungkwan and Soonyoung arguing over whether a nun dancing in disco is funnier or a baby dancing in a disco is. Vernon and Jihoon just watching their boyfriends be ridiculous.

Mingyu sat with his head down, deep in some thought definitely not a happy one so Seokmin was trying to be his comfort buddy. Wonwoo was reading a book as always secretly glancing at Mingyu time to time. Jeonghan and Seungcheol were talking or more like flirting probably. And Joshua sat their with Chan asleep in his lap.

After a few hours it was time to sleep. The living room was big enough for the thirteen to sleep together. They lay down a big furry carpet and another one on it to keep warm.

Preparing to sleep now. All dead tired from all the mess they made and games they played. They were gonna sleep in accord to their age, but no the couples definitely wouldn't stand this as jihoon snuggled close to Soonyoung wrapping his arms around the older's torso. Vernon and seungkwan sleeping face to face. Junhui slept back hugging Minghao almost suffocating the younger but didn't seem to mind it much. Chan between the awkward Mingyu and Wonwoo. Seokmin slept beside jeonghan, so did Jisoo with Seungcheol.

He couldn't sleep again. Not without his sleeping pills . Joshua was tossing and twirling, he regretted not bringing them along. He got up to drink water. He carefully moved the arm which had a heavy grip on his stomach. Darn Seungcheol
He thought,  pulling away and got up without making a single noise not wanting to be the reason to ruin anyone's sleep.

He went to the kitchen, drank some water and too some with him, in case he might require some later at night.

Jisoo's POV
I heard some sniffles, someone panting and almost crying, on reaching the living room where everyone i thought to be asleep.
I moved back a bit to a point from where i could see everyone and turned my phone on, i followed the dim light accross the room and saw Seokmin trembling and murmuring something in his sleep.......


I was actually trying to  make this chapter with some funnier stuff but terribly failed at it so i might post it someday after revising it.

Sorry for not being funny.

Aren't things going way too smoothly
Hope you enjoyed
Have a great day/night ahead


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