fifteen ~

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🎶: look at me by George

Who's the guardian to Hong Jisoo? The doctor asked. Seokmin and Jeonghan registered Jisoo's form.

"We found that he is overdosed on sleeping pills and he's been skipping meals a lot which degraded his immune system  further weakening him and hence causing him to faint all of a sudden..." The doctor informed.

"It's mostly lack of rest in general, nothing serious but you need to care of his meals and sleep and definitely avoid these pills" he showed a bottle of tablet  which they assumed to be sleeping pills.

"We'll have to see when he regains consciousness, for now one drop of IV drop should do"

"He needs to wake up so we can decide if we require other tests so.."

"You can go see him now ." The doctor smiled at them as he finished, they  bowed him thank you.

Jeonghan had called Seungcheol to let him know about the situation.


I should have known....this is my fault" Seungcheol spoke up while they were still waiting before they could meet the patient.

"Wh..what do you mean hyung?" Seokimin asked baffled.

"He has been taking pills for a long time... I thought he stopped, he said so..." And now he also broke into tears.

Why, why would hyung do such a thing, how could we not know. Please just get up now.
Seokmin thought to himself.

They were all waiting and Seokmin barely controlling himself from tearing up again while jeonghan tried to comfort Seungcheol.

By now Junhui had gotten Chan to the hospital as well and the Soonhoon couple decided to drop by to give Seokmin a change over of clothes as he was too drenched in rain.

The nurse allowed them to go inside but only one was allowed to stay with the patient for the night.

Chan yawned. His hyungs noticed and decided that they should leave now as they all have college the following day.

Chan first left with junhui and Minghao.

Seokmin was gonna stay with Jisoo, reason being he was the last one to be with jisoo today, at least this was what he said(◕દ◕).

"You sure you'll be okay alone min?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yeah hyung go rest a bit all of you, I'll let you know when he wakes up" he tried to give a convincing smile to his friends.

"Let us know if you need anything. " Soonyoung said holding Jihoon's hand as they left. Seokmin only nodded.

He almost had to shoo away Seungcheol who refused to leave his best friend and Jeonghan who was worried for the younger himself.

After a while everyone had left seokmin went inside the ward..... leaving the two alone. Seokmin took a chair and put it nearer the patient's bed.

It was still raining outside...the only sound which filled the void inside the dull white walls of the hospital ward.

There was a pipe inserted in the other's hand and he laid unconscious looking so weak. Seokmin couldn't help but feel something wet on his cheek for the nth time today.

He hadn't talked to him for weeks, avoiding him while it was the other who kept trying.

I shouldn't have done that.
guilt now taking over seokmin .
Hyung was struggling, how could I not see that, how can I still say that i like him, i don't even know him, what is he going through, i really don't even deserve to love ...
He said aloud knowing no one is there and the other can't hear him.

All these thoughts while he stared at the other lying peacefully in front of him.

He reached for the olders hand and brought the now warm hands to his lips and then kept his hands there. He let his lips slightly touch the others fingers and then palm. Seokmin closed his eyes.

He slowly kept the hand down but not letting go of the grip as he kept his forehead on the other's forearm and too tired from crying now ...he fell asleep. Just like that in the same position.

It was past 2 am right now.

Hyung wake up please was the last thing seokmin mumbled before he drifted to dreamland.


"Hey hey..Cheol...look at me" jeonghan said in a soft voice while cupping the other boy's face who was a complete sobbing mess.

They were currently at Seungcheol's place. Jeonghan decided to call a taxi way back. Chan already dozed off in the car. Now leaving Seungcheol and Jeonghan in the living room alone.

Cheol finally looked up trying to hide his tears in front of the man he likes.

"It's not your fault Cheol, are you listening to me?" Jeonghan said to the other whose sobbed stopped a little and pulled him in for a hug.

Seungcheol getting comfort in the other's warmth moved back a bit.

"Thanks for being here for me hannie"
He said while looking at the other.

"Um..yeah so mind if i stay over here's pretty late right now" jeonghan said hesitantly.

To which the other happily nodded.

Just like that they fell asleep side by side on the huge fluffy sofa not really worrying about being uncomfortable and just feel better in each other's presence.


400 reads??
Ik only few are keeping up with this story and I LOVE YOU
Thanks for not making me give up on this.
Coz seoksoo>>>>>>>

Coz seoksoo>>>>>>>

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