forty two~

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Chapter is divided in two parts:)

(Being in the same world with you
Each moment we breath
I like it
The word love is not enough for this beautiful feeling)༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

Joshua almost tripped, bouncing on his feet to jog to Junhui and Wonwoo waiting for him, while dragging his jumbo suitcases.

He let go off the luggage to hug the youngers together wrapping his slender arms around them, "ahh i missed youu, this air too, kyeom doesnt know right?"

"no, we are too good at this, but he's definetely mad about it"

"issokay, i cant wait to see him," wonwoo took one of his bags,"lets go?'

"oh by the way i need to buy flowers for him so halt by" wonwoo nodded.

they soon reached and were surprised to see the house pitch black- light off.

the four lying on the comforter on floor all cozy but no sign of Seokmin. They came inside, and the others who had crashed at Seokmin's place woke up due to the sound even though Joshua, jun and Wonu tiptoed towards their boyfriends.

Jeongcheol still cuddled were sleeping soundly, The other pairs left. Joshua was taken aback seeing the new house looking so bland, he was ready to see a flashy coloured house with at least a small karaoke machine.

He nevertheless went to the room on which a board of 'do not disturb' with a puppy eyes emoticon was hung, Joshua shook his head and turned the knob ready to jumpscare the younger anxious to see his expressions after all the drama they had put up.

What he wasn't ready to see was a cutely snoring seokmin rolled in covers up till his nose bridge, he went closer and knelt down beside the bed, smiling lovingly looking at his lover's features which shone so very beautifully in the dim moonlight coming through the parted curtains, he lightly caressed Seokmin's cheeks which he realised were a bit damp.

Teeny bit of guilt rushing to him for the little sweet prank, he should have considered better , seokmin prioritises birthdays greatly.

"sorry am late" he kissed his forehead and closed his eyes, the lingering feeling he loved so much, "happy birthday sweetie" he fixed Seokmin's blanket, placed the flowers on the bedside table right by Seokmin's side and went out of the room.

he glanced at his best friends cuddled on the sofa come bed in the hall, Joshua couldn't believe they were getting married, really time flies.

He took out the small velvet box from his pocket and gazed at it, warm fluid covering his sight, he has never been so sure about anything in his life then being in love with Seokmin, but is it too soon? He might have been uncertain of a lot of things in his life, but never of Seokmin, he was the constant in this whirlwind of life where everything doesn't go your way.

he closed his eyes cherishing this fondness, locking it in his core memories, one you'd look back to and smile.

he thought as he fiddled with the box before putting it back and taking out a kettle to boil water for some tea, yawning, he should be fresh as a baby by the amount of sleep he got in the plane, nevertheless he yawns again.

Stretching his neck on the either sides few times before changing into pajamas, and resorting to going and sleeping beside his boyfriend.He climbed on the empty side of the bed, and he heard some murmers- of course, his sleep talking habits, Joshua's sure he heard his name. Holding the urge to cuddle the younger to not wake him up, he just slept facing Seokmin's back.

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