thirty three~

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More fluff and some more fluff!!
While slowly going with the plot;)

🎵 Sweet nothing by Taylor Swift

Time stops by nct 127

The sun shone brightly after weeks of spotless dark skies, spreading warmth over the landmark. Such a great weather; he could be out playing kickball with everyone or go on a date but....

Assignments. Suck.

A month before finals took a toll on everyone, the group hardly are able to meet in the cafeteria lately, almost everyone's become a bookworm at this point especially 95z given its their last year of college. That means Joshua is as busy as a bee. Well Seokmin is too so its fair. As much as he loves wasting time, he won't risk grades being a model student at least in psychology professor's eyes.

Seokmin hasn't asked about the what after Joshua graduates,scared for separation,a part of him yet wasn't sure if he was in the older's future plan at all.

he still has another 365 days to go till he passes out college and nor did the other bothers to mention it. So they are avoiding it like we try to ignore doing projects until the last deadline TT.

He takes out his Laptop with two spiral binded thick books on Shakespeare's plays, puts on his glasses (sexy af) and starts reading.

Basically the assignment being, to read the famous play Othello (original ver with old English) in a fucking week!

The sole reason for taking English was that it'd be required for doing masters later and only so that Joshua and Seokmin could have at least one more common class.

Scanning all the new words, jotting it down and then hurrying to search for meaning. Downing his fourth mug of caffeine for today.

He really needed fresh air, cold even better.

Consequently the sun melted into the blue sea, when he finally switched his phone on (switched off so to not get distracted) flooding with notifications.

he flinched when it vibrated all of a sudden, he swiped to answer, it was Mingyu.

"Yah dokyeom-ah,get ready in 5, we are coming to pick you up" the other line said

"Pick me up where?" Seokmin asked baffled.

"PARTY TIME" he's sure it was Chan who shouted.

Before he could retort, "i know you are busy but surely you could use a break right?" He heard Minghao speak softly, "and also cause i need some emotional support " Seokmin wasn't sure if he heard it correctly or his friend didn't want it to be heard but anyways.

Oh he sure could use a break.

"I'll need at least 15 minutes, who all coming btw" he curiously asked.

"You'll know, be fast tell Hoshi too, we are dragging Jihoon out of his studio for him"

Mingyu Snickered and groaned the next second. Seokmin had to put the phone away from his ears due to his shout, he could already guess and imagined Jihoon smacking Mingyu, his temper really, strangely mellowed down for Soonyoung only.

Seokmin chuckled before replying a
"see ya"

Hoshi jumped on the mention of party as if won a billion worth lottery. He really needed to be away from books not like he wasn't already, studying only for the sake of degree he had other plans anyways.

Seokmin glanced at his closet, grabbed a leather Black pant, a black tank top and a red glittery warm jacket to pull over as much as he cared about glamour, it's bluing cold. (him in tanks>>>)

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