twenty five ~

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🎶: sweetest thing by seventeen

Be like the flowing river,
Silent in the night
Be not afraid of the dark.
If there are stars in the sky, reflect them back
If there are clouds in the sky,
Remember, clouds like the river are water
So gladly reflect them too
In your own tranquil depths

-Manuel Bandiera


15 days or so later

Things had been great....Not great infact oddly nice.
Our adorable new couple were equally busy but that did not stop them from meeting up thrice a week or whenever possible, in the college cafeteria.

Their busy schedules got them looking forward to the one and only lovely, precious weekend so they finally get to spend time together.

The weekend particularly became important since seokmin had gotten selected for the upcoming musical in his college for the annual festival held in October, it is almost like a prom, but including plenty of performances, competitions and of course FOOD and various stalls ending with a dance showdown. [Like a prom lmao]

Apparently Seokmin was timid regarding the musical and denied going for audition
If not for Seungkwan who rigorously dragged the older for auditioning.

Seokmin knew the basics of playing guitar
And has been learning a song diligently to sing for Joshua (later)

And his voice being the sweetest and melodious as it is captivated hearts of the known cold judges and they knew it would be dumb to not take him in.

As a result he now has rehearsals every day after the long dreading classes. He was tired, yes he was but in a good way, he finally had an opportunity to enjoy and improve his hobby.

He also has a solo song to practice, this was something he wanted to do by himself for the show.

Although by the end of the day he would
mostly loose his voice but that that didnt stop him from having endless late night talks with his boyfriend.

Joshua misses him.


And thats how he ends up here,outside the Psychology lab,waiting patienty actually no, impatiantly waiting for Seokmin's practical and last class of the day to finish.
(he knew because he asked Minghao to sneak out the younger's schedule for today)

As if he totally did not bunk his business lecture, he was done reviewing the topic anyways and had already asked Jeonghan to take notes for him.

At the moment he could not wait to see seokmin, his seokmin. they hadn't seen each other for two days ? maybe which seemed like an eternity for Joshua. Seokmin fell asleep on their facetime yesterday and he wanted to be there for him, to cuddle  him to sleep, to take care of him after his tiring day; his assignments held him back but not today.

He felt a tap on his right shoulder but no one was there when he turned back and quickly bobbed his head to the left side,
junhui of course thought and smiled at the playful chinese who was now giggling.

"I do that to you almost everyday, how can you fall for it every single time" he snorted cutely. It wasn't even funny- but he was that innocent to laugh at something so little and that was his charm. Everyone babied him for a reason. (Me too fr)

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