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🎶: Say yes by Seungkwan and dk

They were all having a good chat while they ate just when Joshua's phone rung. He took the phone out of his pocket and a name popped up "babe"

Jeonghan who had slyly peaked over gasped, "HONG JISOO, YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP!?" Gaining attention from everyone on the table.

Jisoo a bit overwhelmed by all the eyes on him, let out a small " yea, I'll quickly take this". As he answered the call and walked towards a silent corner.

Everyone including seokmin were looking at jisoo as he blurted out some words in English and clearly looked frustrated as he brought his index finger and thumb to his forehead massaging a little. The call ended after a while.

He fixed his shirt, walking towards his friends who all had worried expressions on their faces. Wonwoo was the first one to ask, "hyung are you okay?"
Jisoo shrugged and said"yeah of course" which definetely was a lie. Slowly picking up his tray and bag ,"I'll be going for my class now, I'll text you seokmin." He says and leaves giving a quick look to his best friend who looked tensed. Seokmin just nodded in reply.

"Isn't their still time till lunch gets over, why did he leave already?" junhui asks.
Minghao who's beside him snacks the older on his arm," can't you read the room, something's definitely not fine that's why he left". Junhui rolled his eyes and continued eating.

They all left one by one except seokmin and wonwoo. They were waiting for Mingyu because they had the same class later. "I wonder what happened to jisoo hyung" seokmin said. Wonwoo didn't answer, all he kept thinking was about mingyu. Since the day he was in a relationship, he spent less time with everyone almost like they don't exist.
When they heard someone come over with a "hey guys, we can go now". They looked over to see Mingyu with swollen lips, probably making out which grossed out Wonwoo as he got up and walked away without a word.
Seokmin lightly pushed Mingyu saying,"you better not regret this later gyu" and catches up to wonwoo.

Mingyu stood froze and then sighs following them.

The day got over earlier then Jisoo thought and he was already walking back home until he received a text.

Unknown number
>Hyung, seokmin here jeonghan hyung gave me your number because you left without saying anything. Are you ok?

Jisoo hyung
>Ohh am okay don't worry just a bit tired

>If you say soo.. anyways we are going to pick up Kwan and Sol right?

Jisoo hyung
>Yeah i anyways have to welcome my friend too. He just texted me he'll be coming tomorrow as well
You wanna go together maybe?

>Oh wow do we know him?
And yes this is my address**** I'll wait for you.

Jisoo hyung
>I don't think you do, we became friends while my stay in LA so but he's a nice guy y'all will get along very well. Ok will be there.

>Aight then hyung byee

seokmin couldn't help but keep thinking about jisoo and his boyfriend no one had an idea about he tried to shrug it off and take a nap. He was excited to meet seungkwan and hansol after so long.

He soon reached home and freshened up. Jisoo kept his phone beside as he leaned back on his bed. He had lots of things in mind right now. He felt confused about litterally everything. Why was this even happening to him? He saw this coming but avoided it he really thought that he and Johnny can make it work but guess destiny has something else for them....

Filler chapter TT

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