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(Same morning at jisoo's residence)

Jisoo wakes up to his phone's notification, still sleepy reaches for his phone and checks the texts just to his best friend jeonghan spamming lazy texts...





Hong shuaa

Wake upppp


will you stop spamming
Am up what is it?

And just then his phone rings, it's jeonghan of course he picks up,"what" he says in raspy and sleepy voice.

"You didn't forget college is from today did you!?"jeonghan asks.
Jisoo gasps and wakes up, he was prepared for college but forgot to put an alarm. He checks the time and sighs in relief.."thanks yoon..see ya soon" he says ending the call and gets out of the bed to get ready...

He had, Shifted from LA alone (as his parents were not able to leave their jobs) not long back and it was his first day at this college as well although he knew jeonghan since childhood and was excited to see him and his friends.
Though he was a bit nervous and a bit scared because of all things happened in his hometown which was the reason why they shifted in the first place but he tried to shrug of the negative thoughts and was ready to have a new start in his life....

Back to college

Seokmin and Jaehyun entered their first class which was English, the professor introduced himself as Kim Namjoon and they began their class. Seokmin wasn't exactly a big fan of English but tried his best and as soon as the class ended Jaehyun bid him goodbye as he went for his next lecture.

Seokmin decided to look around the campus by himself and he was amazed by the beauty and the greenery. He was a nature loving person and found himself calm when surrounded by the fresh air,plants and clear sky.

He made his way to the lake and as he expected he was not disappointed he put down his bag and sat down with knees a bit up to his chest

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He made his way to the lake and as he expected he was not disappointed he put down his bag and sat down with knees a bit up to his chest. His head rested peacefully against the bark of the willow tree. He took deep breath in and a deep breath out, and thought about everything that had happened during his past few years before shifting to this new town........

Seokmin was an average student with a cheerful and friendly personality overall outgoing but deep inside he struggles opening up. He was scared..... scared that no one might understand or relate to him....scared that he might just be a burden to someone with his problems. Though he had many good people around him he always had a sense of insecurity which only increased as he grew up .

It all started when his apparent parents separated. It was lonely and a difficult period of his life. He thought people who he loves are bound to leave someday or the other, just like the fruits trees bare are bound to fall .Maybe he just doesn't deserve to be loved.

But this didn't really stop him from having a positive outlook on life, he basically thought in order to be loved, you have to give love first and accept others.

It was around that time only when he realised maybe no matter how much you try some things just don't work was his first love or crush it wasn't very serious if he thinks about it now but seokmin gave his all for his so called first 'crush' only to realise he was already in a relationship.
He moved on gradually after giving a very embarrassing confession knowing this innocent teenage attraction of his won't go anywhere (very depressing i know)but he never regretted. (kinda,sometimes,maybe,maybe not lmao)


All were memories good and bad but nothing helped him stop that one painful nightmare he had often, almost everyday , the endless breakdowns he had because of studies (me), insecure over loosing people, but he made sure to keep a straight face throughout even fake smiling sometimes maybe he wasn't exactly unhappy but felt empty in a way he never again had a crush all the butterflies were never once again felt, he slowly felt he was kinda of becoming stolid.

Don't take him wrong he loved his family, friends and cousins but sometimes he just wanted to back away from everything and find peace or comfort in something or perhaps someone.

But he wasn't ready, ready to feel that way for anyone too afraid of being hurt just like them. It wasn't that he had lost trust in love in fact he adores the couples around him for instance Soonyoung and jihoon they were so adorable and lovingly called Soonhoon (cuties) and even Junhui and Minghao even though it never failed to amaze him everytime how two people who are totally polar opposites found liking for each other which made seokmin drool in awe.

He would be lying if he didn't want a relationship but again he was held back by his insecurities crawling to him saying how he wasn't exactly a person anyone would desire.Considering his family's issue most would think he wouldn't like a relationship but no. His wildest desire or maybe even desperate wish was to have a home with his significant someone. He was sure to give his all for the ones he loved as much as immature this sounds.

He was shaken out of his deep thoughts when he heard something almost like someone singing or maybe even sobs he wasn't sure but made his way a bit close to where the sound was coming from.

There weren't many students in the garden lake as it seemed like the busy hours of the day. He got closer to behind the tree where he could here the aound just when he saw someone familiar playing guitar ..........

SONG: A little more by doyoung ~

Oooo what is that one nightmare ~
Hehe will clear that soon°°°
Wow my first 1k words lol
So just wanted to clear that i mentioned seokmin's first crush I may or may not introduce him not that he'll have a lot to do or will he? Hehe
Also sorry if am not that good at writing I'll work hard to be better promise.
Anyways lemme know your ultimate groups am curious.

Hope y'all have a great day
Lots of lovee

Hope y'all have a great dayLots of lovee

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