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'Meeting you was like listening to a song
For the first time and knowing it would be my favourite..'

🎶: falling for you ~seventeen

He saw someone playing guitar and singing in a low but sweet voice so beautifully...

I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you
I'm falling for you once again
falling for you
It's already too late for me to escape....

Seokmin's POV

I was slowly melting to the angelic honey like voice. He had eyes full of wonder, his hair was bouncy full of volume.He looked so relaxed and composed wearing a blue sweatshirt and black jeans while his fingers movied gracefully on the guitar strings.
' I couldn't help but stare.'

No one's POV

He was so lost in the moment Until his phone rung and he was caught off guard as the beautiful voice stopped singing and turned back to notice a guy secretly looking at him, they make an eye contact. Seokmin quickly turns back in response and takes the call.

"Hey seokmin where are you?we are waiting for you at lunch." Soonyoung says,"hyung I'll be there in a bit , keep me a seat." And they end the call.

"Seokmin?"Turning back to the familiar voice that called his name, Seokmin's eyes widened at seeing the guy in front of him "jisoo hyung?."

Jisoo's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes it was seokmin, my first love. I know we all were gonna see each other but i mean what were the odds i was going to meet him so soon. I froze for a second until he turned around and called my name,i almost squealed dramatically
I suddenly felt a tingling sensation as I walked over him, pulling him into a long, warm hug.

Seokmin's POV
I could feel my heart froze and then pound to this sudden gesture as i leaned in further hugged him back. I felt the need to be held suddenly.

No one's POV
They slowly pulled apart and stared at each other blood slowly rushing in, as both of them were flustered at jisoo's action, their flushed cheeks gave away.

Until seokmin took the lead and broke the silence,"hyung am heading to meet the others for lunch, you are coming right?"he asks. Jisoo smiled and nodded,"you bet i am."

They walked in the hallway. seokmin stealing glances of jisoo time to time. He looked different, his newly dyed Burgundy brown hair suited him so much and he thought to himself, was hyung always this handsome. As much as he was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice two boys racing in his direction. He was almost about to bump into them when the older grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards himself wrapping his arms around the younger's shoulders.

There was almost no distance between them, chests slightly brushing to each other. The younger felt his heart beat increaing per second. Slowly lifting his head up, his cheeks going red again averting his gaze, managed to stutter out, "h-hyung".

A flush crept accross the older's cheeks as he looked at the boy he held and slowly moved away. Clearing his throat, "you should pay attention while walking you know, what if you got hurt just now?" he says.
Seokmin, fiddling with his shirt sleeves'
"Sorry shua hyung i was just thinking about something else.."he said still a bit embarrassed."As long as you are ok. Let's go others must be waiting for us" the older said in his sweet and calm voice as they continued on their way to the cafeteria.

"So when did you come back from LA hyung and i still can't believe you left without saying goodbye, why did I only got to know about it from hannie hyung?" the younger complained in a sulky tone.

"I missed the timing, am sorry. Everything just happened too fast(pace:) and sudden." The older said slightly ruffling the younger's hair after seeing him pout jokingly.

They reached the big cafeteria hall, the aroma of snacks was endearing for them,as they got past the crowd and approached the counter."what do you want to eat?am treating you today" the older asked the younger who was a little bit too seriously scanning the menu board in front of him.

"Aww okie then I'll get sandwich meal combo then, Soonyoung hyung said it's really tasty, thanks shua hyung."seokmin says turning to jisoo.

The older quickly goes and orders two meals for them and returns to seokmin, who takes the trays from the the older as he puts his wallet into his bag.

They turn to look for empty table but find a familiar someone waving his hands excitedly telling them to come over.

They both chuckled a little walking towards the table with everyone sitting, chaotic some smiling, arguing and being all lovey dovey of course like our Chinese couple.

Junhui shamelessly flirting with the younger who was trying to quietly eat his food while completely failing to hide his cheeks from heating up.

"You look so familiar....didn't we take a class together? I could have sworn we had chemistry ~"Junhui says slyly smirking at the younger. Minghao almost choking on banana milkshakes, hiting the older's arm"will you please just let me eat" he growls.

While others were staring at the cheesy junhui and Minghao bicker, jisoo takes a seat beside jeonghan opposite to whom Seokmin sits beside Soonyoung busy flirting with jihoon who was trying to push him away grumpily but eventually gave in to this clingy person he adored.

Seokmin just chuckled at them, as he moved his eyes to the two people sitting opposite to him whispering something to each other, "hyungs" he said gaining their attention, "where is mingyu and wonwoo hyung?" He asked noticing their absence and as in cue," hey seokmin am here and Mingyu is with his new girlfriend" wonwoo says in a cold but dull tone as he puts his tray on the table and takes a seat.
And then there was silence.

Seokmin passed concerned glances towards the others. Who could just nod in respond. Everyone knew about wonwoo's one sided love for mingyu but was only Forced to suppress his feelings because the younger was so slow in recognising his own."oh" was all seokmin could say.

Silence again. Until jun decided to speak up," so when are hansol and kwannie coming back?"" They have and early morning flight tomorrow so me and jisoo will leave around 10 at morning to pick them up."jeonghan informed the others.

The verkwan couple had spent their vacation at vernon's hometown and were returning tomorrow.

Jeonghan slowly moved his eyes towards seokmin who was fake pouting and before he could say anything,"you can come too, stop pouting now and eat quickly"he says in sort of given up tone. Seokmin squealed excitedly as he digs into his food again.

Jisoo let out a grin looking at the younger.

🎶: Double take by dhruv

Also Joshua's cover was insane... litterally made my day
Have a good morning or night wherever you are.
Enjoy reading 💖

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