Chapter one- the video

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*meghans pov*

Oh. My. God. I am freaking out right now. I am on set for the Marvin Gaye video, at a real highschool, and I'm supposed to kiss Charlie, now.
"And, kiss" the director yells. I motion seductivly for Charlie to come towards me. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck, lean forward, and... I can't do it. "Kiss him Meghan" the director said.
"Oh, you mean, like now?" I ask stupidly. Of course Meghan! He just nods at me like 'duh I told you this like 100 times'. "Ok sorry." I apologize. I take a deep breath and, again, seduce Charlie over to me. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and kiss him. Our lips meet and fireworks exploded inside of my body.
"...guys? I said cut like thirty times. Do you think they can hear me?" I faintly hear the director say. "Okay, it's official. I give up" he says. There is a loud band and I am so startled that I pull apart reluctantly. I look around finally see that the director angrily threw his clipboard on the ground in a last-ditch effort to get our attention. I feel someone looking at me and I realize it's Charlie. I look at him awkwardly and he just smiles. I decide to break the ice first.
"So, I uh..." My eyes wander to his chest, where my hands still rest. I quickly pull them off.
"Um...were done right? So I can like go..." He rubs the back of his neck nervously. The director just goes wide eyed, balls his hands into fists and storms off. Charlie starts laughing his ass off and I'm barely containing my own laughter. Soon the realization of the kiss hits me. Holy shit. I just kissed Charlie Puth. I giggle nervously when I see Charlie blush as realization hits his face also.
"So I'm gonna..." I say and gesture to the door. He nods and hops off the stage. Walking towards the other exit. I forget how close I am to the edge of the stage, and I am wearing five inch heels. I scream as my foot slips off the stage. I brace myself for the hard impact of the floor, but it doesn't come. Instead I am in the arms of Charlie. "I...uh, I..." I sigh and drop my head, ashamed. He just laughs and when I look up he is blushing deeply. He starts walking out the door.
"So, I uh..." He struggles. "Okay. I've been wanting to ask you this for like a year but... What I'm trying to say is... Meghan Trainor, will you go on a date with me?" He finally struggles out. I just laugh until it registers that he just asked me out.
"Wait, like today" I ask. Oh my god could this get anymore awkward?
"Well...yeah" he chuckles nervously. I look him in his dark brown eyes.
"I,uh, yeah" I stutter. Marvelous job, Meghan. Really you should get an award: most awkward dating situation ever. Meghan, how do you feel? What are your thoughts on winning this award. Okay stop being weird in 3...2...1. Then I realize something. "Oh, um, can I, like, have my body back?" He looks confused at first but then realizes.
"Oh yeah, sorry" he apologizes. He slowly sets my legs down and I plant my feet firmly on the ground. My hands are still on his shoulders and then He does the unthinkable. He tilts my chin up with his finger and pulls my face closer. My eyes flick to his for a single second, and then our mouths are interlocked again. We walk backwards slowly until I'm pushed up against a door. I find the Handel and push it open. Our lips still glued together, I am now pushed against the wall of an empty bathroom stall. His lips wander down to my neck and I gasp.
"Charlie, stop. I'm not ready for this" I whisper.
"Oh. Duh I'm sorry" he quickly says, rubbing my arm, soothingly. I lean my head against the wall of the stall as Charlie looks at me. "So, I'll pick you up at six. Okay?" I nod and he reaches his hand out to me, but drops it halfway. I sigh and shake my head when he is gone. My whole body falls limp against the wall and I shake my head.
"What have I just gotten myself into?" I whisper.
*charlies pov*
I don't know why I kissed her again, so don't ask. Her lips are...addictive. So soft and sweet... Okay Charlie your getting creepy. I couldn't resist walking into the bathroom. My mouth moves to her neck, wanting her so bad.
"Charlie, stop. I'm not ready for this." She whispers. I lift my head quickly.
"Oh. Duh. I'm sorry." Slick, Charlie, real slick. I sigh and rub my neck nervously. I clear my throat. "So I'll pick you up at six, okay?" She nods and I reach my hand out to her, but decide not to. I just turn around and March straight out of the bathroom. I get into my car and go home. Only when I sink down on my couch do I sigh. "Holy crap!" Ok Charlie, calm down. I have only one hour. I get up and shower. I pull on a black short sleeve shirt and some jeans. I sigh and get in the car. I tell Meghan I'm on my way.
*meghans pov*
okay, so I'm in a little, teenie, tiny, not big at all... OKAY HUGE CRISIS. I don't know what to wear. Ohhhhhhhh, I know, I'll call my best friend Emmy, she'll know what to do.
"Emmy" I say frantically.
"What's the crisis" she asks urgently.
"I NEED TO LOOK ATTRACTIVE" I scream as I put the phone on speaker and run to my closet. My hair is done and my makeup, so basically I am standing here in an oversized teeshirt.
"Oh oh oh. I got it. Wear that black leather skirt and cream shirt with 'cloud nine' printed on it. Also that leather jacket" she blurts. I squeal excitedly.
"Emmy, your a genius! Okay I've gotta get dressed, he'll be here in like," I check my phone, "holy crap one minute." She hangs up for me. I literally throw my clothes on, straighten my hair out, and toss my phone in my purse, right when he rings the doorbell.
"Hey gorges," he says and takes my hand. I lock my apartment door and lean my head on his shoulder as we walk to his car. I sigh happily and stare out the window as we drive to our destination.

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