chapter thirteen- and the winner is...

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*meghans pov*

When I get home, Charlie is in the music room. I put the groceries away and slowly walk into the music room. He is playing a melody on the piano. I watch him for like thirty minutes before he realizes I'm there.

"Crap, oh my god, Meghan. You really need to stop doing that." He gets up and walks over to me. He slips his arm around my waist as we walk to the kitchen. I grab a box of Cereal and rip it open. Charlie stops me before I can eat any.

"Hey" I say, angrily reaching for the box of Cheerios.

"I have reservations at seven. Please wait."He looks at me bright eyed when I give in. Then I remember tonight is the Grammys.

¨How the fuck did I forget about the Grammys¨I yell at Charlie while I run upstairs.

"Because your a retard" He laughs when I glare at him. I quickly take a shower, wash my hair, curl my hair, make up, and all the other important things, except get dressed. I am at the other end of my closet, where my fancier clothes are. I pick a long black lace dress and I quickly throw it on. I ask Charlie to zip me up. He is wearing a nice suit. Charlie leads me out the front door, my heels i my hand. He opens the back door to the limo for me and I slide in. I quickly put on my heels, because it takes all of five minutes to get to the reservations. After we eat, we are ushered to the Grammys. Charlie stands at my side as we get bombarded with paparazzi. One reporter rushes up to us.

''Meghan, Charlie. Tell us, I'm sure all the Megatronz and Marlie shippers out there will want to know, are you engaged? I see a ring.'' The reporter thrusts a microphone in our faces.

''Yes, we are engaged.'' Charlie looks at me when I answer.

'' Did you ever expect this would happen?'' The reporter shoves the microphone at us again.

'' To be honest, I knew from the moment I saw her that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with miss Meghan Elizabeth Trainor'' Charlie says. I look him right in the eye, and kiss him.

'' Thank you for your time.'' The reporter says and bustles away to talk to Ed Sheeren.

'' Charlie, I love you'' I whisper during the best song of the year award. All About That Bass was nomiated for a few things, so was See You Again and Marvin Gaye. We wait patiently for the best new female artist category.

"And the winner is..." The host rips open the envelope, while Charlie squeezes my hand. "Meghan Trainor" he announces proudly. I gasp and tears fill my eyes. I walk proudly to the stage and take my award. I make an acceptance speech and walk back to Charlie.

(3 hours later)
Charlie opens the front door and before it is even closed all the way, we are making out. I stop him.
"Charlie, I want to wait to get married. For a while at least" I say. He looks at me.
"Okay" he says.
"Like two years?" I don't know why I said it like a question. He nods again, a little disappointed. "Charlie" I whisper and cup his face. He walks away from me, towards the music room. I hear him, playing the piano. Tears spill down my face as I walk up the stairs. I know he wanted to get married sooner, I really know. I just don't want it to not work out and us Have to get a divorce and all that. I sit down on the stairs halfway up. I lean my head against the railing and listen to the piano. Suddenly, I am exhausted and I fall asleep on the stairs. I wake up and, no surprise, my back is sore. I walk into the bedroom, change into a blue sundress, and walk back down stairs. I sneak a look in the music room as I walk past. Charlie is passed out on the piano bench, his forehead on top of the piano. I quietly walk to him. I brush a strand of hair from his face and kiss his temple gently. His eyes flutter open and I step back. He looks at me and I open my mouth, but I can't say anything. I wipe the tears out of my eyes as I walk out of the room. I run into the backyard. I go to the pool and look down at it. My reflection shows a red face and puffy eyes. I sigh and sit down on the warm cement. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my forehead on my knees. After, I don't know how long, the sun is blocked. I look up, expecting Emmy because I texted her. Charlie stands over me, offering his hand. I grab it and stand about a foot away from him. "Charlie I-" he cuts me off with a rough kiss. I am knocked into a chair. I pull away for only a moment. Hunger and want fills his eyes. I kiss him again. I have never tasted this level of want in him before. He picks me up and runs into the couch. He throws me onto the closest furniture item, which happens to be the couch. He rips off his clothes and then mine. After, I drape my body over him as we pant heavily.
"God I love you" he whispers into my ear. He strokes my hair and I fall asleep with my head on his chest.

*charlies pov* (a/n: yay!)

I stroke Meghan's hair as she falls asleep. I don't want to wait to make her mine forever, but I will do anything for her. I fall asleep soon after her and when I wake up, Meghan is gone. I look sadly around until I see her in the kitchen. She is wearing a teeshirt that fits her like a, really slutty, dress.
"Meg, please come back. I want you to want me" I joke, quoting her favorite song. She looks at me, smirking. She comes over to me and straddles my lap.
"Charles Otto Puth, I goddamn love you" she says. MAJOR TURN ON ALERT! I pull her down and kiss her repeatedly. She smiles and rips off the teeshirt. Three hours later, she lays next to me, drenched in sweat and panting heavily.
"Meghan... Elizabeth... Goddamn... Trainor... I... Fucking... Love... You" I say, trying to catch my breath.
"Charlie... Goddamn... Puth... You... Are... The... Love... Of... My... Life" she pants. I smile and force myself into a sitting position.
"I'm gonna get in the shower" I announce. She frowns. "What's wrong" I ask, petting her head.
"California is in a serious drought, and your gonna take a shower? You take long ass showers, Charlie. I've written whole songs while you were in the shower." She pouts. I smirk.
"We could save water by taking a shower together." She perks up and nods. I grab her hand and we walk up the stairs. We stand under the warm shower water together. After we get out, Meghan puts on her bathing suit. I put on mine and she takes a bunch of snacks out to the table. I walk down and sit on the edge of the pool. Meghan's hair is in a high bun, so she Doesn't get wet. She splashes her feet around in the water and I stand up. I run and cannon ball in. I look up and see Meghan's feet disappear. I poke my head up to see Meghan running towards Emmy, who has a bag in her hand.
"I brought booze bitches" she yells.i hoist myself out of the pool and grab a towel. I dry off and sit next to Meghan at the table. Emmy hands Meghan a glass of champagne and I grab a chip out of the bag. Meghan and Emmy talk about some boring ass girl shit. I lay my towel out on the grass and lay on it. I fall asleep almost instantly.

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