Chapter two- pizza, awkward situations and song references galore

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*charlies pov*
wow, Meghan looks hot.
"Well, Madame, it looks as if we have just arrived at the most classy Italian restaurant in he city" I say. Meghans eyes are shut tightly and I am glad. I don't know how she will react when she finds out we are only outside Pizza Hut. I know what you must be thinking 'Pizza Hut? On a first date? Yes, Charlie, way to impress the lady's, my good sir.' Well, to answer your question, YES PIZZA HUT! On set for Marvin Gaye, all she ate was Pizza Hut. She also happened to tell me on multiple occasions that she would marry Pizza Hut and make cheesy bread baby's with Pizza Hut. Of course those weren't her exact words but, you know, I improvised. "Okay, you can open them now" I tell her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She looks wide eyed at the restaurant. She smiles and claps excitedly. I have only just noticed that she is always wearing five inch black heels. Interesting.
"How did you know" she asks in awe.
"I'm very observant" I say and grin proudly.
"That you are, Mr. Puth, that you are" she says in a failed British accent. I laugh. Damn, this girl... I am pulled out of my thoughts when Meghan tugs me toward the door. We order and sit at a booth. She snuggles up next to me.
"I've got a great idea" I say excitedly.
"Shoot" she says while lazily taking a sip from her cup of water.
"We can only speak in song lyrics/ song titles for the rest of the night." She looks at me wide eyed.
"Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on" she says, a sassy expression taking over her face, and a competitive tone embedding itself in her voice.
"Geronimo" I say back, brow raised. She laughed and continued, even as we ate. Afterwards we went back to my apartment. I unlock the door and she immediately takes off her shoes. She massages her feet and then plops onto my couch.
"Boom clap the sound of my heart" she says while gesturing wildly to the fault in our stars. I laugh and stick it into the DVD player. I check the time on my phone, 11:30. I stretch out on the long part of the couch while Meghan lays her head on my shoulder, preparing for the movie. After the movie, she is bawling like a baby.
"Every little thing is gonna be alright" I say and rub her back soothingly.
"When did you fall" she whispers and yawns, falling asleep instantly. I have no idea what that song is. I make a mental note to look it up later.
"I'll tell you all about it when I see you again" I whisper and try, AWKWARDLY, to get into a comfortable position, without waking her.
"Dear future husband" she mumbles into my chest.
"Yeah" I sigh.
"You lose" she says very drowsily.
"Girlfriend" I laugh and playfully punch her arm. She smiles and then falls instantly asleep. I grab a blanket from under the couch and cover us with it. I sigh and rest my cheek on the top of her head.
*meghans pov*
"Girlfriend" Charlie whispers and playfully punch his arm. I sigh happily and burrow my head onto his chest more. I fall asleep dreaming about the kiss from the video, how it felt, what came out of it, yada yada.
-the next morning-
I yawn and stretch. Charlie is still underneath my head, but he is awake. His arm is around my shoulder and his hand is rubbing my arm. I smile at him.
"Morning sleepy head" he says. Then I remember that I have an extra pair of clothes in my purse.
"Can I take a shower?" I ask.
"Of course" he nods towards the door right next to the kitchen. "I will use the one in my bathroom so we can be done at the same time." He says when I grab my purse and head to the door. I nod.
"No problem" he says and hugs me. I giggle and open the door, locking it behind me. I turn the shower on and undress. The water feels nice as I wash my hair and body. I sing lightly and I hope Charlie can't hear it.
Flashing lights and we
Took a wrong turn and we fell
Down a rabbit hole...
"And I can't remember the words" I sing as I turn the shower off. I get out and dry off, then put my clothes on. I look under the sink for a hair drier. I finally find one and dry my hair. My hair is naturally strait, so I don't have to worry about it. I left it on the counter to cool and walked into the living room. Charlie has his back turned to me and his head phones in. I don't want to startle him so I sit at the kitchen island and play around with my phone. After about 45 minutes he comes over to me.
"Hungry?" He asks.
"Extremely" I respond.
"Well I only have cereal" he says after looking in the cabinet. "Hope you like cheerios" he says and grabs a box off the shelf. I nod.
"They're my favorite" I say as he slides the bowl across the counter to me.
"Me too" he smiles and grabs a carton of orange juice from the fridge. He is chewing so he just looks at me for approval. I nod, eagerly watching him as he lured me a glass. He handed it to me, poured one for himself, and places it back into the fridge.
"Thanks" I beam at him. He just nods. He's acting weird. "Your acting weird" I observe.v
"Just thinking" he replies, looking at the counter top.
"Bout what" I say and take a sip of orange juice.
"I will, never eve, break our puzzle." He says and leans against the counter. I choke on my orange juice, spitting it everywhere. I cough and Charlie pats my back.
"Excuse me" I say as I try to catch my breath. "How did you know about that?"
"I didn't. You said, last night, 'when did you fall-"
"Wait I did?" I interrupt him. He nods.
"Anyways, I looked it up and that's what I just was listening to." He says. I nod.
"Did you like it?" I ask after about 20 minutes of awkward silence. He nods and eats more Cheerios. I giggle and start to mop up my mess. He stops me.
"I got it" he says and quickly sops it up. He comes over to me as he washes his hands. He hugs me and I kiss his neck. I, sadly, pull apart from him and grab my shoes. "where are you going?" He asks.
"I have to go get something from my house" I say.
"Ok. Talk to you later?"
"Yeah...oh, no. I'm sorry but I promised my best friend that I would hang with her tonight." I say, remembering the promise I made to Emmy three weeks ago.
"Oh." He says, disappointment clear on his face.
"Hey" I whisper and tilt his face up. "It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." He nods. I give him a quick peck on the lips and walk out the door. Halfway to the parking lot I remember that he drove me here. Okay Meghan, you have two options, the good one and the bad one. I chose the good one as I knock on Charlie's door again.
"Did you forget anything" he asks and looks around.
"My car" I laugh nervously.
"Oh, yeah. Ok hang on," he says and grabs his keys from a bowl on a little table in the hall. "Let's go" he says and links our fingers.
"Thanks" I smile at him as he pulls up to my apartment. He gets out and rushes to open my door. He helps me out and I hug him. He pulls my waist close to him and I tangle my fingers in his hair. Our lips meet and my heart explodes. "Charlie Puth, you have lit the match that set my heart in fire" I whisper to him.
"Do you always accidentally write songs?" He asks. I laugh.
"Yep! I'm just that talented." This time he laughs.
"Text you later" I say. He nods and watches me walk to my door. I turn around. "Thanks again, Charlie"
"Anytime, darling.
I wave to him and close the door. I slide against it and sigh happily. Well better get ready for Emmy.
- four hours later -
Okay so Emmy just got here and it's... 7:30. We are currently sitting on my couch.
"You sounded so urgent yesterday. Where did he take you" she asks.
"Why do you automatically think I was on a date?" I ask.
"Oh, darling, you don't know me at all. Do you?" She says. I smile because Charlie called me that earlier. I look down at my phone.
I miss you already Ms. Trainor. Or should I say, Future Mrs. Puth? 😏
I laugh slightly, type a response and smile like a lunatic.
" I said- wait. Meghan! Are you even listening to me?" Emmy waves her hand in front of my face.
"Hmm. Sorry" I say. She rolls her eyes.
"Your brother, Ryan Trainor, has asked me, Emmy Palmer, ON A DATE." She squeals. I gasp.
"Yay! Remmy. Omg! You could be my sister in-law." I laugh.
"Your hysterical" she rolls her eyes. "And before you ask. I said yes" she beams and bounces up and down on my couch. "Anywho, you never told me who YOUR lucky guy is" she reminds me. I smile.
"Charlie Puth" I say.
"MARLIE" she screeches. Thank god my apartment is sound proof.
"I know, I know. Literally three seconds after it came out yesterday it's been all over Instagram and Twitter." I say, remembering how the producer texted us during TFIOS. She nods, to busy putting a movie on to concentrate on my words. "How..."I ask in disbelief. I don't even know how to work my own DVD player. How pathetic. She explains and POOF now I know how to work my own movie player. I still have no clue what movie we are watching until DIVERGENT flashes across the screen. I get another text from Charlie.

I love you
I smile.
"Grrrr. This is supposed to be 'girls night' not 'girl texts her boyfriend while her best friend sits here felling bored as fuck night' that takes to long to say anyways." She grumbles. I laugh and text Charlie back, adding an explanation about why I won't be able to respond for at least three more hours. After the movie Emmy leaves. I hug her and close my door. I flop into my bed face first and don't bother to find a blanket because I fall asleep to fast.

Charlie holds my hand as we walk across the street. Suddenly headlights are approaching and fast. I scream because they are headed strait for me. I scream when Charlie pushes me out of the way and again when snapping sounds fill my ears. I crawl over to his smushed body, sobbing.
"Charlie" I scream as I cradle his head in my lap.
"I love you," he gasps for breath, "so damn much." I cry when his eyes roll back into his head and scream when his body goes limo in my arms.

I wake up screaming and crying in a cold sweat. Tears roll freely down my cheeks as I search for my phone in the dark. I click on Charlie's contact. "Answer,answer,answer" I scream as it goes to voicemail. Shit. Okay, okay think Meghan! I pull on my uggs and grab my keys. I get into my car and rush to Charlie's. I'm going well over the speed limit but I don't care. Plus it's like 2 in the morning. I call him a few more times and he doesn't answer. I try to tell myself he's fine, but that doesn't stop the tears. I park very illegally in front of Charlie's house but right now I only care about him. I knock on his door, sobbing. Ten minutes later he answers the door.
"Meghan?" He says groggily. I fling myself into his arms.
"Your okay" I scream as he closes the door.
"Of course I'm okay" he says and hugs me tightly. He picks me up and heads into his bedroom. He lays me down and hugs me. I don't know when I fall asleep, but I know it's after I cry a lot and for a long time. I am comforted by Charlie as I fall asleep. He rubs my back and kisses my head. "I love you" I whisper.
"Meghan, I love you more than the stars in the sky at night" he says. And with that I fall asleep.

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