Chapter six- the reign of terror is over

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*meghans pov*
(Three days later)
The reign of terror is over! I'm off my period. I've been a real bitch to Charlie these past six days so I need to make it up to him somehow. I know! Pizza! We haven't eaten that in forever. We need to eat somewhere romantic. My patio! Sorry that's not romantic at all. My brain hasn't got the message to stop being screwed up yet but that's okay because my hormones are somewhat normal! I hug Charlie. I haven't been back to my apartment for a week now. I have a patio that I never use but I do have about a billion fairy lights strung up. Romantic... Not. I don't know. I've been laying on my back for half an hour trying to think of a nice way to
say sorry to my boyfriend. I finally force myself up and wear a gold skirt and you guessed it, a black long sleeve shirt with black booties. I scribble a note to Charlie and head home. I open the door and scream.
"Ryan what the hell, at least tell me when your having fucking sex on my couch with my best friend" I shut my eyes tightly. I can never unsee that. I gag.
"Okay okay we are decent now." Ryan and Emmy blush deeply.
"Why the fuck are you here" I ask.
"We came to Check on you because you weren't answering your phone and we got... Carried away." Emmy said.
"Yeah no shit" I say. I point to the door. "Out." They leave I grab Emmy by the arm. "I need to plan a romantic dinner for Charlie and I need help." Emmy nods.
"By Ryan" she calls. He nods and leaves.

-three hours later-
"Thanks, em" she hugs me.
"Good luck" she throws something at me and leaves. Jesus Christ Emmy Palmer. A fucking condom? Like I'm gonna need... Okay I most likely will need it, but seriously?! Then there is a knock on my door.
"Hey babe" I say to Charlie. I made Emmy steam clean the couch so I wouldn't be so grossed out to sit on it. We go to the backyard where the fairy lights are lit up and the pizza is waiting. We eat and make light conversation and I grab my ukulele. I start to sing Marvin Gaye and Charlie joins in. Right when I set my ukulele down he stands up and I do too. He kisses me. I hand him the condom. "If this is gonna happen, I don't want to get pregnant" I say. Charlie nods. He puts it in his pocket. He leads me to my bedroom. He lays down on my bed.
"It smells like you" he says.
"I live here dumb fuck" I say playfully and he laughs. I get into bed next to him. I take his shirt off, my hands on his chest. He takes mine off, his fingers brushing my stomach, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I smile when he takes his pants off. I pull my skirt off and he puts the condom on. "Charlie Puth, better love me right" I say as I unclip my bra and remove my under ware. He kisses me. And he does, he loves me right. He loves me so right. I smile and lean against him. I fall asleep.

"Charlie Puth was, and still is my lover." I say and wipe my tears away. "He once wrote me a song and I loved it so much, cause it is mine forever." I say and pick up my guitar. I sing 'some type of love' my song. "He was taken to fast. He will never see me again, nor I him, at least in this life. And , he will never know his daughter" I place my hand on my stomach and everyone gasps. " I love you so damn much Charlie," I lean over the open casket, "so god damn much. You were my best mistake. It's gonna rip my heart out thinking about you and explaining you to our daughter. I miss you and love you. God it hurts like hell. To think it all started with 'Marvin gaye'" tears slip down my cheeks. As I look at his body. I take the bracelet off his wrist and slip it on. I trade it for and ultrasound picture. I think back to when I was in that bathroom stall "what have I gotten myself into" I asked myself. "Love" I whisper to him. I got myself into love. It was worth every painful moment. I sob in the car in the way back home, all his songs on replay.
I wake up panting. Why do I keep having these dreams? I look to Charlie and then under the blankets. We are both naked. I smile and kiss his temple.

*charlies pov*
I woke up and Meghan was dressed. She was looking at me. I made a pouty face. I could have gone for round two, oh well I get dressed too and we plop down on her couch. I look at her lovingly. I pull her face to mine. I kiss her. She hugs my neck. I move her so she's on my lap. We sit there, making out for three hours! She leans forward and rests her head on my shoulder, soon she is asleep. She's been really tired lately. I think she had another nightmare last night because she kissed me at like 3am. I pick her up and carry her over my shoulder. I lock her apartment. And I put her gently in the car, tying a blindfold over her eyes as I drive her to our next romantic adventure. (A/n: sorry Charlie's povs are so short. Idk how to write from the perspective of a boy.)

*meghans pov*
I wake up blindfolded. Shit, I've been kidnapped. I scream.
"Holy shit! What was that for" Charlie says.
"Oh, sorry. I thought I was being kidnapped because you FUCKING BLINDFOLDED ME." I say to him. "Sorry, I'm being bitchy" I say.
"Yeah you are." He says playfully. I laugh. The car stops and Charlie helps me out. I'm not wearing shoes and I feel grass underneath my feet. I feel for Charlie. He is standing in front of me.
"Charlie." I say when we stop walking. "Take the fucking blindfold off" I say. He does. I see we are in a meadow. The sun illuminates the grass and I sit down on the blanket in the middle of the field. Charlie comes up behind me and flops onto his stomach next to me. I lay on my stomach too. Our eyes are locked as Charlie pushes our lips together again.
"God damn, your lips are addictive" he smiles and flips over to his back I do too and he puts his arm around my shoulder. My tiredness over takes me and I am instantly asleep. When I wake up Charlie is still asleep. I think it is the next day because I'm not tired any more. I nudge Charlie.
"Wake up dumb fuck" I laugh. He smiles and walked around for a minute.
"I'm gonna go to the car and get the food, okay" he asks. I nod and he jogs off. He comes back looking scared. "Meghan, they towed the car" he said. This was truly and oh shit moment.

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