chapter twenty six- in the middle of a storm in my best dress

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*meghans pov*

Halfway into the wedding reception, it starts pouring. Good thing it's already an inside venue. My flowey black bridesmaids dress almost pools around my feet as I try to heard the caterers into the building. I am completely soaked when Charlie comes out to find me. Well, now I can cross dancing with my husband in the rain at my best friends wedding off my bucket list. We sway side to side, me getting as close as I can to Charlie being eight months pregnant. Last night I had another dream where Charlie died, but this time he killed Brooklyn, sliced open my stomach, stabbing the babies and then killed himself. I was scared to let him touch me for almost an hour until my phone conversation with Emmy convinced me it was a dream. Charlie kissed me and we ended up making out in the rain for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. We danced and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He helped me pull my dress away from my body but it just stuck back. Well, so much for a flowey dress. Every inch of it stuck to my body. I pulled it away from my skin and smoothed out the wrinkles. We lightly sang a song to each other. Charlie sang 'budapest' by George Ezra. I sang 'wildest dream' by Taylor Swift. Charlie spun me in circles and my hair flung water everywhere, since I was soaked through to the bone. Charlie pulled my waist closer and kissed me, running his hand through my soaked hair. I lean my head on his wet shoulder. I look up at him, water dripping from the tip of his nose. I really should get inside for the twins sake. I drag Charlie to the archway, just to get out of the cold. He leans down and kisses me before pulling me into the reception hall. Emmy, Ashlee and my mom run over to me. They take me into the room where we all helped Emmy get ready when I start crying, Charlie tries to follow, but no one will let him.
"Meggy boo, what's wrong" Emmy asks.
"I'm wet" I sob. Jesus I'm so pathetic.
"How's Alexis" Ashlee asks, which makes me cry even harder. I haven't told her she died. The doctor told me the other day that it was a miricle I got pregnant so many times in the first place. Apparently there is something wrong with my uterus. Max died cause I slipped, Perri died because Stephen wasn't watching her and Alexis. Her organs werent developing correctly so just a few days after our fight, I had to induce and give birth. I wanted to name her Charlotte, but one look at her and I knew she was ment to be an Alexis. The doctor told me that natural birth for the twins could kill me. I am gonna do it anyways. I feel it in my bones, this little girl is ment to be a Charlotte Olivia Puth. My little boy is named Logan. Logan Christopher Puth. I smile through my tears as one of them kicks. I'm guessing Charlotte because she is down lower than Logan. He is also considerably smaller, but I think he'll be okay. My mom pulls Ashlee aside to explain to her. Emmy makes me sit on a towel in my robe as she hangs my dress up to dry. I grab my extra bra and underware from my purse. Hey, as a pregnant woman, you absoloutly never know when you will need them. I change in the bathroom and dry off with the towel. I am standing there in my underware and bra looking at my stomach in the mirrior. It is moving. Like a lot.
"Hey Em" I call. She knocks on the bathroom door.
"Yeah" she asks.
"Can you tell Charlie to come in here" I ask.
"Sure" she says. A few seconds later Charlie rushes in, locking the door behind him. My robe is draped over the counter and my gaze is still fixated on my stomach.
"Is everything okay..." he asks, trailing off when he sees my stomach. He puts his hands on the top and bottom while mine are on the side. It feels like someone is spinning a basket ball under my skin, except not as fast. Suddenly a small hand swipes my stomach. I scream.
"Holy shit Oh my God" I scream. My mom knocks on the door. "Char, let them in" I say he unlocks the door as I lean against the counter. I stand up straight. My mom comes over as I explain to them what happened. Then it happens. A foot swipes across my skin and then there is liquid pooling at my feet. Before I even know what's happening, I am tying my robe, and waddeling to the car with an enterage. My mom, Ashlee and Emmy put the back row of seats down. They make me lay down as Charlie drives as fast as humanly possible to the closest hospital, which is about an hour away because Emmy decided to have her wedding on a ranch.
"Meghan I'm so sorry" Emmy says.
"Nope, nobody talk" I say and then scream as a contraction hits. "Girls, it's probably better you move ever so slightly to the side, trust me" my mom says as another contraction hits and I kick my leg out to where my friends previously we're. I'm sobbing now. My mom makes me roll on my side which decreases the pain by half a percent.
"Char...lie" I say in between sobbs. "I want Charlie" I say.
"Hun, he's driving" my mom says. I start crying even harder. Suddenly we are swerving over and Ashlee is scrambling to the front while Charlie flops over a row of seats in Emmy's giant suburban. We are moving again instantly. My mom switches sides with Charlie, so I am facing him. He lays down next to me as I squeeze his hand.
"GOD" I scream out in pain.
"Honey, I need to look. I used to be a delivery nurse before I met your dad" my mom says.
"Sure" I say with a squeezed breath. my moms eyes widen and I squeeze mine shut.
"I need two dry towels and everyone's jackets" my mom orders. Emmy grabs five towels from the stack of fifteen. Charlie places three under my head as a pillow. Everyone shucks their jackets and my mom places them underneath me because there will be blood. She sets the stack of towels aside and tosses her purse to Emmy.
"Whats-" Charlie begins to ask.
"Emmy, be a dear and look for my baby wipes. EVERYONE GET READY CAUSE THERE IS ABOUT TO BE SOME BABIES" my mom says. I scream again, but this time in terror.
"Backseat babies. Holy fuck" I say and wipe the thin layer of sweat off my neck. Emmy hands my mom the baby wipes and ties my hair up into a bun, holding my other hand. My mom puts my left leg on top of her shoulder and I clamp my eyes shut. "I'm gonna lose blood. The doctor said this could kill me" I say in a quick breath before another contraction comes. My mom looks scared.
"I know how to take care of that" my mom says. I am still crying.
"Everyone shut up" I say as Charlie strokes my hair.
"Honey, push for fifteen seconds. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9..10...11..12...13..14..15" my mom says and I push as hard as I can. I scream through gritted teeth and the car comes to a complete hault. Ashlee flops into the back and begins helping my mom, since she is a nurse too.
"I'm sorry Meghan, the hospital is way to far away" Ashlee says.
"Its fine but everyone please shut up" I say screaming. There is a knock on the drivers side window. Charlie springs from my side and I clamp my hand down into a fist.
"Push Meghan, push" my mom says as I scream through another round of pushes. Charlie rolls down the windows at my request because the windows are steaming up and I need fresh air. Charlie returned to my side and my mom scoots closer to me. I've only done two rounds of pushes and I am already exhausted. Emmy is feeding me small rations of water.
"Mommy" I cry, opening my eyes.
"Almost there, just one more big push" she says. I push and bite back my scream, hearing the wonderful piercing cry.
"Meggy, it's your girl" Ashlee says as she cleans her with the wipes and wraps her in the towel. Charlie takes her and I look at her, since I am laying on my side I don't have to strain my neck.
"She's beautiful" Charlie says with tears in his eyes.
"My little Charlotte" I say and feel a burst of pain from down there. I whimper loudly, causing Charlotte to jump. Ashlee takes her back and sits in the middle row of seats so Charlotte can get warm with the heater blowing on her. Meanwhile I basically bit Charlie's head off about cranking the a/c up full blast back here, not caring that he is shivering.
"M-m-meghan" Charlie says. His teeth are chattering so hard. I got rid of my robe a while ago and am now only wearing my undergarments. He kisses my forehead. "You c-can d-do this" he says I smile slightly up at him. Emmy shoves a folded washcloth into my mouth.
"Te fk" is all I can manage. "Mahlie" I whimper.
"Meghan, I'm really sorrly sweetie. The other baby is flipped. I have to turn him around" my mom says. At first I don't get it, but then... my gargantuous scream is muffled by the cloth. My mom cleans her hands with a towel and Emmy gets ready to clean off Logan. Charlie takes the cloth out of my mouth and I sob into him. My mom makes me turn on the other side. She takes my right leg and puts it over her shoulder. Charlie comes over to my other side and takes both of my hands in his.
"I just want it to be over" I sob. He strokes my hair as my head falls limp against the towels.
"It will be soon, babe, it will be soon" he says.
"This wasn't even supposed to happen for two more weeks" I say. He nods.
"Meghan" my mom says. I nod and push as hard as I can on the count of fifteen.
"Ugh" I scream as Charlie tips a sipful of water into my mouth.
"Hey, mommy it's gonna be okay" he whispers dangerously close to my ear. I am feeling extremely tired and I can tell that isn't good by the look on my face. "Charlie. Wet five of those washcloths and hold them close to the a/c. Don't let her fall asleep" my mom says. "Meghan, get ready" my mom says and counts off. This round was bad, just a couple weak pushes.
"I can't" I say as Charlie wipes my face with a freezing cold wash cloth.
"Yes you can, babe. You can do it" Charlie says and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. I give him a small smile.
"Okay honey, one more big push. 1...2...3... big push, big push" my mom says. I give it everything I have. I am rewarded with a reassuring scream. Emmy quickly cleans him off and hands him to me. He is tiny. Everyone in the car looks at each other, then bursts into action. My mom trying to stop the blood I faal flowing. Charlie taking both babies and Ashlee jumping in the drivers seat. The world spins in circles as Emmy tries to keep me awke. Everything goes dark.

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