chapter twenty eight- how in the hell...

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*Charlie's pov*

"Wait, slow down back up" I say. Meghan takes a deep shuddering breath and walks over to the playpen, leaning down and grabbing Logan. I grab Charlotte. Meghan drops her duffle bag on the bed and shushes Logan as we walk downstairs.
"The bus was in an accident. Brooklyn is fine but Saylor..." Meghan tears up.
"Okay, let's go" I say and tell Kelli. Meghan is pretty much crying on the whole plane ride. She jumps out of the cab and runs into the hospital.
"Where are Brooklyn Puth and Saylor Trainor" she asks.
"What is your relation to the patients" the bored looking nurse asks.
"Mother and aunt" she says.
"Both room 718" she says. Meghan rushes to the elevator. She holds Logan close to her chest and takes a breath before walking into the room. Brooklyn's bed is right next to Saylors. They are holding hands. Saylor has a gigantic bandage on her stomach while Brooklyn has a bandage on her wrist.
"Pft no. How do you think Brian is hot. Jeremy is soooo much cuter...hi aunty Meg" Saylor says. Brooklyn's head snaps up.
"Howdy" she says. Meghan goes to sit in between the beds. Saylor takes Logan and Brooklyn takes Charlotte.
"So tell me" I ask while sitting on the bed next to Meghan, who leans on me.
"Well, the bus was in an accident" Saylor says, handing Meghan a crying Charlotte. Meghan grabs a blanket and drapes it over her. She feeds Charlotte for a good ten minutes.
"Gimme Logan" she says. I take Logan and we swap quickly.
"Oh my God what happened" Emmy rushes in with Ryan behind her.
"Well, Brooklyn broke her leg after she died for three minutes," Meghan starts crying, "and I was impaled by the support bar for the seat. How have you been" She asks. I look at Brooklyn. My baby almost died. When Meghan is done feeding, Emmy holds the blanket while Meghan fixes her shirt. Ryan takes Logan and Meghan takes Charlotte. My phone starts ringing.
"Charlie, what's going on. Should I send your stuff home" Kelli asks.
"We are at the hospital with Brooklyn and Saylor now. They are fine. If you could send it back that would be great, we'all keep you updated" I say.
"Okay, thanks Charlie" she says and hangs up.
"Who was that" Brooklyn asks.
"That was Grandma" I say, looking at the girls. I turn to Meghan, "they are gonna send the stuff back today or tomorrow."
"Okay" Meghan says. We stay at the hospital all night, Emmy, Ryan, Meghan and I taking shifts at home with the twins. Ashlee voulentered to stay so we didn't have to take shifts. Meghan and I agreed to also take shifts to go out for food. Hospital food for a month sounds like a death scentance, no joke. The nurses kindly brought in two more beds for us, and a crib in case the twins came back.
"Meghan, we almost lost her" I say.
"I know" she says, crying.
"Shhh, it's gonna be okay" I say and pull her into my shoulder. We are sitting outside the hospital. Meghan sits up and wipes her tears.
"Why are you always right" she asks, smiling at me.
"Because I am secretly God" I say. She laughs really loud, causing a few people to look at us. One girl, about Brooklyn's age, comes up to us.
"Hey, I don't want to cause a scene or anything, but can I take a selfie with you guys" she asks. We nod. She takes a separate selfie with each of us, then one with both of us.
"Nice to meet you" Meghan says.
"Thank you, I love you guys so much, you really helped me through hard times" she says.
"Megatronz and puthinators are welcome anytime" I say. She smiles.
"I hope Brooklyn feels better" she says and walks away.
"Fan interactions, check" Meghan says and gets up. We go back inside right as Emmy and Ryan are leaving.
"Food duty calls" I say. Ryan rolls his eyes and hugs Meghan before leaving. Meghan sits on the bed and talks to the girls. "Meg, I'm gonna go check on the twins" I say. She kisses me and I hug the girls. When I get home, Ashlee is bouncing on the yoga ball with the crying three week old masterpieces. I take Logan and he stops crying.
"How are the girls doing" she asks, not taking her eyes from Charlotte  as she goes to the kitchen. She tosses me a granola bar.
"Good" I say, setting Logan in the baby swing and turning it on. I plop onto the couch.
"Remember meghan's album release party, way back when. To this day I regret the boa" she says. I laugh.
"How could I forget" I grin. My phone pings.
Charlie, bring the nail Polish when you come back!!!!
I laugh and kiss Logan and Charlotte.
"I'm on nail Polish duty" I say and grab the big basket out of the closet. Ashlee waves as j walk out the door. When I get back to the hospital, there is a full on recording session going on. Meghan has her ukulele, which apparently was at Emmys. Emmy has her ganjo, Ryan has a guitar and there is a keyboard, waiting for me. Brooklyn and Saylor have drum pads that they are playing in flawless sync. I set the nail Polish on the table and sit next to Meghan on the bed, in front of the keyboard. I jump in at the prechorus of 'Title'
"I know girls ain't hard to find, if you think you wanna try, then consider this and invitation to kiss my ass goodbye" Meghan sings. Her voice is amazing. After that we sing 'some type of love', 'stand by me', 'cheerleader' (which makes Meghan tear up because that is the first song I sang to her) then we take the lead and sing Marvin Gaye.
"And when you leave me all alone, I'm like a stray without a home, I'm like a dog without a bone, I just want you for my own. I gotta have you babe" Meghan sings.
"Ooh, there's loving in your eyes that pulls me closer, it's so subtle, I'm on trouble but I'd love to be in trouble with you" I sing.
"Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on ooh" we both sing.
"Kiss kiss kiss kiss" Emmy chants. I lean in and give Meghan a kiss. She blushes.
"Wasn't that the song that started marlie" Saylor asks, pulling her pale blonde hair into a ponytail.
"Started what" Brooklyn asks.
"We need to show her" Meghan says, pulling out her phone. She looks up Marvin Gaye and shows it to Brooklyn. When it's over Brooklyn looks shocked.
"Well okay then" she says and we all alugh. We go back to singing.

*meghans pov*

After we show Brooklyn the video, she is shocked.
"Well okay then" she says and we all laugh. We continue singing. I turn around and see a large crown has gathered around the door.
"Meghan" a little girl yells.
"Hey" I say.
"Sing" she asks. I look back at everyone. They are all nodding their heads on agreement.
"Well okay, looks like I'm doing a hospital concert" I say. "Dear future husband, here's a few things you need to know if, you wanna be, my one and only, all my life" I say, starting to dance as my family picks up on what songs to sing. After I finish my entire album, everyone cheers. I take selfies with some of them and then plop back onto the bed.
"Amazing" Brooklyn says.
"Simply brilliant Meghan darling" Saylor says in a brittish accent. Here's the thing, I'm not like a mom I'm like a friend. Brooklyn is never embarrassed of me and I always know what's going on. I think being famous helps, although she has told me people only want to be her friend because of me. I told her to slap em.
"Thanks Say" I chuckle. "Who's ready for a manicure" I ask and grab the basket of nail Polish. The squeal excitedly and I paint their nails. A week later we can take them home. Brooklyn is mastering her crutches. The babies are a month old now.
"Oh Charlie" I say in a sing song voice, going to the door of the music room.
"Yes, darling" he says as I sit next to him at the piano.
"I was hoping Brooklyn could have a sleepover tonight" I ask.
"Of course dear" he says. I smile and kiss him, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck. After twenty minutes of that Brooklyn opens the door on about four squealing girls. I quickly straighten out and sneak into the kitchen while Brooklyn gives the tour. Saylor comes marching into the kitchen.
"Hey, honey. How's it going" I ask, eating a Brownie bite.
"Fantabulous" she says. I laugh. She deffinately inherited my brothers humor. "Get ready. Brook has been friends with these girls for three years, this is the first time they are coming over here. She hasn't told them they your her mom, so, get ready. They are MAJOR fans, Meghan, major" she says, popping a grape into her mouth. I nod.
"Why do you have Meghan Trainor's Grammys" someone asks. I look at Saylor and try not to laugh.
"And why do you have Charlie Puth's billboard acchivement award" someone else asks. I have to eat a grape to stop from laughing to loud.
"And here we have the kitchen" Brooklyn says, pushing open the door. Saylor discretely rolls her eyes and I smirk. I am facing away from them and Saylor turns around first.
"Becca, Sabrina, Courtney, wassup" she says.
"Hey" they all pipe. Saylor adjusts the crop top of her cheerleading uniform. All these girls are cheerleaders. Charlotte starts crying from the playpen in the corner. I whirl around to pick her up and when I turn back around, one of the girls is sobbing, the other one is hyper ventilating and one is just staring at me.
"Hey girls" Charlie says from behind them with Logan. They all scream and I start laughing. After they calm down, we order a pizza. Saylor takes Charlotte and I take Logan. We sit on the couch and watch Twilight while eating pizza. Saylof bounces Charlotte on her knee and I let Logan hold his bottle while I eat. Charlie has his arm around me and I lean into him, tucking my feet under me. Becca is the blonde one, Courtney has red tips and Sabrina has brilliantly bright turquoise hair. I have complimented her on it four times already. After we eat, the girls go swimming. Saylor slides down the banister and I laugh.
"No matter how many times I tell you not to do that, your gonna do it anyways aren't you" I ask.
"Pretty much" she yells from the deck. I sigh and put the babies in the crib. I meet Charlie outside. We then the music all the way up and dance as the girls swim. Except for Brooklyn that is. Good news is the cast comes off tomorrow. After a long night, the girls go home at noon. I get the babies ready and strap them into their car seats after Brooklyn's cast is off.
"How does it feel" I ask. I look at her in the rear view mirror.
"Normal" she laughs. Charlie laughs beside me and I turn onto the freeway. We all sing along to the radio. Suddenly a car rolls infornt of us. I swerve to the side, but not fast enough. We spin into the cement divider. My head slams into the stearing wheel and everything goes black.

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