chapter twenty- why is our daughter dressed like a demented clown

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*meghans pov*

Okay, so we are just getting into the limo that will take us to the Grammys. Charlie and I are wearing the same outfits, just a little more done up. Brooklyn is also wearing the same thing, I just made her hair neater. Her crystal blue eyes peer out the window as we pull up. She is sitting on my lap and I hold her close as Charlie gets out first. I kiss her cheek and we walk to the interviewing platform.
"So,Meghan. Introduce us to this sweetie" the interviewer says. Brooklyn just looks at her and I tickle her arm. She starts cracking up.
"This is Brooklyn Paisley Puth. She is seven months old" I say. Charlie answers some more questions and we take our front row seats I am to preoccupied with Brooklyn, that I don't even see who is sitting next to me.
"She's so cute." My head snaps up and Brooklyn gazes over to the person on my right. Charlie is on my left.
"Thank you, Taylor" I say. Taylor Swift just complimented my child. I'll have to tell her about this when she's like thirteen. My mind flashes back to this morning when I was getting ready with Brooklyn while Charlie was passed out and we we're listening to her speak now album. Brooklyn was kicking her feet and jammin. It was adorable. "We love your songs, we we're jammin to speak now this morning" I say.
"Wow throwback. Thank you" she says. We take a selfie with Brooklyn and then I take one of me and Charlie and Brooklyn to post to instagram. We be ballin. I post and instantly get almost 2,000 likes. I must admit it feels good but sometimes I get annoyed with my fans because they tag me in Everything, but it's cool. I love them. Then it starts. I hold Brooklyn and wait until my category pops up. Taylor performs 'welcome to new York' and Brooklyn and I dance. Then all of a sudden my category comes up.
"Best Breakout artist goes to...MEGHAN TRAINOR. Or should I say MEGHAN PUTH" Sam Smith says. Oh my holy fucking ducktail! I hand Brooklyn to Charlie and make a move to stand up. "Bring that beautiful baby up here girl" he says. I take Brooklyn back from Charlie and walk on stage. I am trying to hold back tears and am failing. Brooklyn hugs my neck and leans her head on my shoulder, holding on to a piece of my hair but not pulling it. I hold Brooklyn on my hip and my Grammy in my hand. My eyes flick to Charlie and he is crying a little. I go to the mic.
"So," I say, trying not to choke up even though it is obvious in my voice. "I just want to thank my fans for supporting me. My parents for supporting me since day one. My husband, Charlie, and my brand new addition,Brooklyn. Without these people I could not continue to be sane, thank you" I say and kiss Brooklyn's head as I walk off stage. The whole building is roaring with applause. They hand me a black case to put my award in and I put it on the floor next to me. I hand Brooklyn to Charlie and look for a tissue in his pocket. I finally find one and wipe my eyes with it, making sure my makeup isn't running. Charlie hands me Brooklyn As he goes up to accept his award for his new single, 'some type of love'. I smile at him.
"I wrote this song for my significant other when we first started dating. As of yesterday, it has been one year. One hell of a ride for us. Marriage, baby, new albums and adoring fans. Thank you" he says as he walks back to me. I kiss him and Brooklyn claps. Thats new. I scream excitedly. A reporter comes over to us at what I can only assume is commercial break.
"Meghan, tell us,why did you just scream" she asks.
"My baby clapped for the first time at an awards show" I say and smile at Brooklyn, kissing her head. She clapped again and I laughed.
"That's great! Well how do you feel about winning your Grammy, having Brooklyn and all that" she asks.
"Amazing. It's still unreal, like I hadn't fully grasped how 'famous' I was until I had Brooklyn because everyone was all 'she's so cute' and 'omg adorable' and stuff like that. Yeah, it's crazy" I say smiling.
"Thank you" she says and walks off. I turn to Charlie and kiss him. God, I love him.
"I'm surprised she's being so calm" he says nodding towards Brooklyn, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"I know right! I'm so happy." I bounce her lightly on my knee.


Okay... So we are home now. I just put Brooklyn down and now my husband and I are enjoying some quality Netflix with complimentary burritos. Killin it. We are so cool, being dorky and eating burritos, just yesh. (A/n I spelt yesh on purpose) We didn't stay up that late though, with Brooklyn starting to sleep through the night, it was rare we actually got to sleep before midnight. I'm sure I'll get back into the flow of things. In the morning Brooklyn is awake and staring up at the ceiling.
"Hi baby" I say as I pick her up. I go downstairs. She smiles. I sit her on top of the piano and Charlie watches her while I attempt to open the jar of carrot baby food. After that struggle, there is no clean bibs, oh I love you life. That sarcasm though. Anyways after finally finding one in the drawer, Brooklyn and Charlie are gone. I look everywhere and finally I find them in the place I left them, which I happened not to check first. Great job Meghan. Charlie is holding Brooklyn on his lap and playing the piano while singing to her. Oh my God, this is adorable. He loves her so much, and she loves him. Too cute. After feeding her, its naptime. Charlie and I decide to take a nap also because we still don't get enough sleep as it is. Brooklyn starts crying and I go get her. I put her in the baby swing, but she's not having it. I decide to go downstairs and get her favorite blanket from the playpen, maybe it will help her sleep. After I grab it, I rock her back to sleep. Charlie comes in with an excited look on his face.
"Whats up" I ask as I close the door halfway.
"My record hit number one on the iTunes charts. I'm going put to celebrate tonight" he says as we head downstairs.
"Thats great. Before you go, I need you to stay he fee with Brooklyn while I go to the store" I tell him while slipping on my shoes and grabbing my purse.
"Sure thing, Milady" he says. I punch his arm as I throw on my coat, it is pretty chilly for early September. I Peck his cheek as I walk out the door, preparing for one long boring hour of food shopping.

*charlies pov*

After Meghan leaves, I take Brooklyn upstairs and put her on the bed while I get ready. About an hour later Meghan comes home. I thought it would be funny to dress Brooklyn up crazily, so I put her in a pair of fuzzy socks. I decorated her diaper with sharpies and duck taped it closed. I also did her hair in two pigtails. I laughed really hard. Meghan closes the door and sets the groceries on the counter.
"Where's my daughter, Charles" she asks, panicked slightly.
"Playpen, Meghan" I say back. She rolls her eyes and goes over to it. She squeaked when she sees Brooklyn. Her eyes go wide and she glares at me.
"Can you answer on question for me,dear. WHY IS OUR DAUGHTER DRESSED LIKE A DEMENTED CLOWN" she screams.
"I didn't know what else to do" I lie.
"Charlie, that's, that'" she says, trying not to laugh.
"I know" I say, trying to control my laughter. Whenever I'm with Meghan, I laugh harder than the day of the music video when the director got pissed. I smile at the memory and then I look outside to see the limo waiting for me. I kiss Meghan and I kiss Brooklyn on the cheek. I get to the club with my manager and immediately wish I was with Meghan. I'll tell her about it when I get home.

*third person pov*

Meghan sat at him with Brooklyn, patiently waiting for Charlie to return. She was going to go on a walk, but decided against it because it would be to cold for the baby. The diaper bag sat packed by the door from yesterdays zoo adventure. There we're three woutfits and about eighty diapers. Brooklyn gurgled happily from the playpen as Meghan sat on top of the piano with her ukulele, remembering the spider. She thought of what Charlie might be doing. Charlie was doing something, in fact he was on his way home right now. He was totally drunk and in a bad mood for no particular reason. Meghan was working on a new song when Charlie came in and grabbed her by the hair.
"Charlie, what the hell" she asks while rubbing her scalp.
"Don't talk to me like that" he snaps. She glared at him.
"Don't pull my hair and we'll get along marvellously" she says in an extremely pissed tone. Rage boiled in his blood. He couldn't take anymore of this backtalk. He raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face. The smack echoed through the house. Blood dripped from her cheek. That sobered him up.
"Meghan, i-" she pushed past him into the music room. She plucked the baby from the playpen and rushed to the door, grabbing the diaper bag on the way out. She clipped the baby in and tossed the diaper bag next to her. She bravely went back inside, into the baby's room, and grabbed a handful more of clothes. Grabbing a tissue on the way back out, Charlie stopped her.
"Meghan im-" she cut him off with a hard smack and then slammed the door closed behind her. Meghan sobbed as she drove. She really didn't want it to end like this. She imagined an ending where one of them went to the others funeral as a wrinkled old toot. Apparently not. Maybe I'll give him another chance. She thought to herself as she pulled into Emmy's driveway. She shoved the clothes into the diaper bag, slings it over her shoulder, grabs Brooklyn and pats her cheek with the tissue. She tries to stop the tears from fall in as she rings the doorbell, but it's useless. Neither of them had the slightest idea of what was going to happen in the course of the next week.

A/n: okay so I've been wanting to write in third person pov for a while, but I don't think it's good. Comment what you think!

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