Chapter ten- lets talk about it

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*meghans pov*

I am crying. Me and Charlie just got in a huge fight about... Wait, what was it about? I don't even know. All I know is he lied. He said he would never hurt me. He hurt me. He locked himself in his bedroom like a little kid. I am sitting in the farthest corner of the living room sobbing. I know he hears me because he yelled at me to shut up. Which made me cry even harder.
"Charlie, just leave me alone" I scream when he tries to talk to me. I storm out of the apartment and drive to mine. I grab a box and shove all his clothes in it. I text him:
Come get your shit
I stick it outside my door and write his name on it. I hear him a few minutes later. He knocks on my door.
"Can we talk about it" he asks. I don't open the door.
"Why Charlie. You made it very clear you wanted nothing to do with me twenty minutes ago. I sigh.
"Oh" he whispers. I hear his footsteps fade.
Plz Meg, I need to talk to you.
I call him.
"Fine, lets talk about it" I say. I really wanted to forgive him, in fact I already forgave him, but I can't just let him think I will fall right back into him every time he does something wrong. I will, but I can't let him know it.
"Meghan. I'm so sorry, I never want to fight again. Please forgive me. I honestly don't even remember why we were arguing, I only remember I yelled at you and made you cry. I'm so sorry, my love" he says. I feel a tug in my heart. "I can understand if you hate me but plea-" I cut him off.
"I forgive you" I said.
"Thank god" he said. I laugh. "Cmere" he says.
"I'll be over in three minutes." I grab his box of shit and pull it back. I get in my car and drive to his house. I knock on his door and he hugs me.
"I hate fighting with you." I cry into his shoulder.
"Me too" I sob. God I cry a shit ton, don't I? He kisses me, and the next thing I know we are naked in his bed.
"God. I can't live without you" he says and runs his fingers through my hair. His eyes locked with mine. He looks lovingly at me and I am hugging his neck. I'm so happy he decided to come on the mtrain tour with me. It starts in Three months.
"I'm glad we decided to talk about this." He smiles and falls asleep. I do too soon after. I love him.

-three months later-
Yay! The Mtrain tour starts right now. We are in the tour bus, me and Charlie. We are cuddling on the couch. Dani walks past us.
"Ugh. Get a room love birds." She walks off the bus to get the rest of the things.
"We would, if there was any on this bus! Honestly no damn privacy" I yell after her. We get up an I lead him to my bunk. I pull the sliding panel closed and turn on my little light. My bunk is bigger than the rest, but it's still barely enough for us to sleep side by side. Charlie lays with his back to the panel and I face him. I press our foreheads together and turn my light off. We are in the pitch blackness except for my glow-in-the-dark stars I placed there during my last tour. Best decision ever. He kisses me and we end up having a two hour make out session in my bunk. I giggle and hear a knock on the panel. "Who is it and what do you want" I groan and motion for Charlie to keep quiet.
"No activity over pg-13. Okay guys?" God damn Dani.
"Fine" I flip her off jokingly, and she walks away.
"You heard her, no 50 shades" Charlie whines.
"Calm down, skittles" I laugh.
"Wanna taste the rainbow" he smirks. I smile.
"You nasty fuck." I kiss him and press our foreheads together again, falling asleep instantly. In the morning I slide the panel open and crawl over Charlie. I plop down on the couch with a donut in my hand and everyone stares at me. "What the hell guys" I say. They just smile and look away. I grab a donut for Charlie, grab bridesmaids, and crawl back into my bunk. I have a tv on the ceiling of my bunk and I pop bridesmaids in. Charlie yawns and grabs the donut from me. "Hey, you greedy fuck, what if that was for me." I laugh when he takes a huge bite of it.
"It's not anymore" he says when finishes it. I laugh and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. After the movie is over, and after another three hour make out session, we are at our first tour stop, Atlantic city. I'm so excited to kick off this tour, seriously. Being with Charlie just makes it better.

-after the last concert-
We have just finished the last concert of the mtrain tour. I'm sad but also happy to get some well deserved alone time with my boyfriend. We are laying on the tour bus, waiting to start driving home. I cuddle next to Charlie in the pitch blackness. He kisses my forehead and I fall asleep when the bus starts moving. I can faintly hear the tv and I assume Charlie is watching something. I don't mind. I love him to damn much to give a shit.

*charlies pov*

Finally we are back to Meghan's apartment. We are on the couch with a blanket. The doorbell rings, signaling the pizza dude is here. She stands up but I pull her back down instantly.
"Hey" she laughs when I kiss her. I kiss her again until the pizza guy rings the doorbell again.
"No" I whine and pout.
"You have to stop doing that" she says when she sets the pizza box on the coffee table.
"I wouldn't have to if you weren't so damn irresistible" I smirk and grab a piece of pizza.
"Well, I try" she purrs in my ear. I set my pizza down and pick her up. God damn this girl. She laughs when I throw her down on the bed. She kisses me. "Charlie... Seriously... The... Pizza...." She trails off.
"Who gives a shit about the pizza" I say and kiss her, God I want her so bad right now.
"Starving children in Africa." She wiggles off the bed and back to the couch. She smirks, she knows she's got me wrapped around her finger.
"Screw that" I say and finish my piece of pizza. Meghan puts the rest of the pizza in the fridge, grabs her ukulele from her desk, and goes outside. I follow and see her strumming and singing. She dances around me, her beautiful voice floating through my head.
"Don't call me your friend, if I hear that word again" she motions for me to sing the last line.
"You might never get a chance to see me naked in your bed." She finishes the song and then plays Marvin Gaye. After we sing a couple more songs she sits down on the patio couch. I kiss her and gently lay her in her bed. She smiles at me and falls asleep. I'm glad we talked about it.

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