chapter thirty five~ wtf

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*meghans pov*

Charlie and I flop onto the couch and Instantly fall asleep. Wow, kids.

"MEGHAN. MEGHAN!!" Someone screamed. I flutter my eyes open, searching around the oddly familiar room.
"Hmm." I mumble groggily, seeing Charlie in the doorway of my dressing room.
"Meg, we need to shoot."
"Shoot what?"
"Uh, did you forget? The Marvin Gaye video." WHAT!?
"Oh, yeah."
"Come on, you were asleep for about a hour." Charlie says, holding out a hand for me to take. I stand up, fix my hair and we walk to the auditorium together. It was all a dream? It couldnt have been, it all felt so real. I stop just outside the door.
"Charlie," I say, "what happened before you woke me up?"
"You got ready then conked out in your dressing room. Thats about it and then I came to wake you up but you were muttering something and so I didnt wake you up but you said my name so I laid next to you until now." He said. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, remembering the times in his arms. No way it was all a dream.
"Charlie I-"
"Guys!" The director yells. We look at eachother and enter the auditorium.
The kiss scene is totally the same. Every detail is exactly the same, down to the way his fingertips caress the back of my ears. Except for the actual kiss. The first kiss is filled with so much passion and intamacy I pull back a little from shock.
"Charlie." I mutter, our faces centimeters apart. His eyes gaze into mine and that old, warm feeling returns. When he speaks, I feel his warm breath on my lips and neck. He utters three words that make my heart hammer in my chest.
"Meghan, my love." The way he purrs my name, I cant help but shudder. "What took me so long?" He asked, mainly to himself. I wait for him to pull it together and bite my lower lip, looking down at the floor. His thumb wrangles my lip from between my teeth and tilts my chin up. "I love-"
"GOOD. CUT!" Damnit!
Charlie pulls away and I start walking away. I dont fall off the stage this time. All the highschool students are standing at the edge of the stage, eagerly watching us. Suddenly, someone grabs my wrist and spins me around. Before I even see who it is, I taste the familiar sweetness of Charlie's lips.
"You." His lips lift from mine and our eyes lock.
"I cant believe it took almost a year for this." Are we really this blind? He nods, cupping my face and pushing our foreheads together.
"Tonight lets go get pizza. Like right now its almost 7 anyways." I nod and we go back to our dressing rooms, meeting at his car in the parking lot.
"Charlie can I ask you a question?"
"Sure." He says, letting his hand slide down to my thigh.
"Do you remember what I was saying in my sleep?"
"You said you loved me." I froze. Will the past sixteen years, or hour, be the same. Will we get married? Will We have kids? Im so confused at this point I am so confused I dont even realize we are sitting at a table.
"You okay?" Charlie asks. I nod, even though im totally one hundred Percent not okay. Literally I think im having a panic attack.
"Actually, no. Charlie, I had a dream that lasted over sixteen years of our lives and marriage, including three children and a couple of my psycotic ex's." He just laughs.
"Meghan, its okay." I guess it is, because I get to experiance this all over again.
"I dont know I guess im going cra-" he cuts me off with a kiss. A kiss, and all was said.

A/n: alrighty, we have reached the end of this beautiful journey. Thank you to all of you who have been here since the begining of this story. I literally cannot explain how sad i am to end his. Love you all, thank you so much and please congratulate yourselves for lasting sixteen years (or an hour, you choose) of their lives. What was your favorite part if this story?

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