chapter twenty two- give me a break!

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*meghans pov*

"Mommy, I hungey" Brooklyn says and toddles over to where I sit on the couch.
"And what would my favorite two year old like" I ask and pick her up.
"Ouce ceme" she says and smiles, adorable.
"I'm sorry baby, daddy is getting some at the store right now" I say and kiss her chubby cheek. Her caramel ringlets fall around her face and she pushes them back with her palm.
"Bops" she asks as I sit her on the counter.
"Now that we have" I say and grab the blueberries for the fridge. She calls blueberries 'bops' and I don't know why. My phone rings as I wash the blueberries in the colander. "Hey girl" I say to Emmy.
"Meggy boo" she says excitedly. "SAYLOR PUT THE CUP DOWN" She screams.
"Everything okay buddy" I ask as I hand Brooklyn a bowl of blueberries.
"Yeah, but ever since Saylor started walking, she gets into EVERYTHING. No joke. Whatcha doing" she asks.
"Well, Brook just got some blueberries and Charlie is at the store. Which he takes for fucking ever to do" I say and put the phone on speaker and text Charlie.
"Fuck" Brooklyn squeaks. There is a moment of silence, then Emmy and I burst into laughter. I am laughing so hard, my hands are on my knees and my head is in between them, that I don't even hear Charlie come in.
"What's going on here" he asks skeptically as he sets the pizza on the counter and puts the groceries away. I wipe the tears from my eyes and he kisses Brooklyn's head.
"SAYLOR. Jesus, Meg, I gotta go" Emmy says.
"Bye bye, eminem" I say.
"Bye bye meggy boo" she says and hangs up.
"So, the laughter" he asks and hands me a napkin to wipe the rest of my tears.
"Well, Emmy and I were talking about how you take for fucking ever at the store when our perfect little angle child said-"
"Fuck" Brooklyn giggles.
"Brooklyn Paisley Puth, that is a very bad word. Don't ever say it again" he scholds. She gets all teary eyed and sniffles.
"I sowwy daddy" she says. His face softens and he takes her empty bowl to the sink.
"Its okay, but never say it again" he says. She nods and then I pick her up an hug her. I set her back down on the counter so I can get plates for the pizza.
"We're hungry" I say to Charlie and place my hand on top of my bulging stomach.
"We or I. Cause there is a difference" he says.
"Hey! Being pregnant takes a lot of work. Plus the fact that I'm TWO WEEKS overdue. Being preggos is hard. You do everything for two" I say.
"Well, it's not my fault your preggos" he says with a laugh. I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh so your saying this," I say, pointing to my stomach, "is all me? Last time I checked it takes a male partner to aid this process. Unless your implying we have a Jesus mirical baby on our hands" I say, cutting a piece of pizza in half for Brooklyn.
"Pizza" she screams as I hand it to her.
"Yeah, pizza" I say and take a bite of mine. Charlie laughs and kneels down.
"Hello my baby boy. How are you today" he asks and kisses my stomach. I readjust the straps of my pink camosile and pull it over my insanely large stomach. I am walking over to get another piece of pizza when I trip on the bottom of my long black skirt. I scream and drop my plate, trying to catch myself on the counter. I'm to late. My stomach hits hard and tears of pain fill my eyes. My stomach drops as liquid pools around my feet. I look and see it's blood. Charlie's eyes go wide and Brooklyn is starting to cry a little. That breaks my heart.
"Shh, it's alright baby" I say through my pain. Charlie grabs the dish towel and Brooklyn, helping me to the car. I sit on the towel and Charlie straps Brooklyn into the seat as fast as humanly possible. He hauls ass down the freeway and before I know it, I am in a wheelchair and Charlie is running alongside with Brooklyn. He practically throws her in a chair and tells her to wait there. She watches in horror as I deliver my baby boy. No cry. My heart drops and I am sobbing. I know what's wrong before the doctor even says it. They hand him to me and I kiss his forehead.
"Hi, Max. I'm your mommy" I say while sobbing. Charlie is trying not to lose it in front of Brooklyn as he calls his mom. She rushes in, gives me a sad glance, then takes Brooklyn without saying a single word. After she leaves, Charlie really loses it. He climbs next to me on the bed and we sob together for a long time. Oh God, why. I kiss Max's forehead and Charlie does too.
"We'all never see his firsts" I sob. Charlie sniffles and wipes his tears away. Then the doctor comes in.
"Mr and Mrs Puth. I am so sorry, but it's time" she says. I look at him for another minute and kiss him, handing him to the nurse who places him in a crib and draws a sheet over his face. I scream and sob, raw, painfilled, sobs into him.
"I want my mommy" I cry. Charlie wipes his tears and kisses my forehead.
"Ill call" he says and steps out into the hallway. I bury my face in my hands as my sadness turns to rage. Charlie comes back in and lays next to me again.
"Why? Why us? He could have had a chance. Charlie, what" I ask, sobbing and screaming at the same time.
"Shhhhh. Meghan. Its not okay, I'm not gonna pretend. But we've gotta push through the pain. We can try again in a few months, don't worry. I love you" he says and kisses me sweetly. I lay my head on his shoulder and sob uncontrollably.
"I want my Brook. Char, please go get her. We need to tell her" I say. He nods and pushes away. He comes back a second later with Brooklyn.
"Mommy" she says happily as she climbs onto the bed with me. She is wearing a mint green romper. "Wheres the baby" she asks and looks around. A stab of pain fills my heart and I look at charlie.
"Well, we aren't bringing him home, baby" I say, trying not to start sobbing.
"What not daddy" she asks and looks at him.
"Well, sweetie. He went to sleep and we can't take him home because he isn't big enough" Charlie says, his voice cracking at the end.
"Oh" she says and snuggles in between us. We fall asleep and when I wake up,y mom is there. She kisses Brooklyn and then shoes her and Charlie out.
"Meg, I'm so sorry sweetheart" she says and cradles my head.
"Mommy, why" I ask, starting to sob again.
"It wasn't your time honey. It'll happen next time, don't you worry" she says. We stay like this until the doctor discharges me the next day.

*Charlie's pov*

"Daddy. Play a song" Brooklyn asks as I sit at the piano. She sits on top, looking down at me.
"Okay, one second" I say and dart upstairs to see if I'll wake Meghan. She hasn't gotten out of bed in a week. she is still asleep and I go back downstairs. I sit and sofltly play a song and sing to Brooklyn. She claps when I'm done.
"Daddy, I hungey. Ouce ceme" she asks. She pushes her caramel ringlets back with her palm.
"Okay, answer this. Whats your name" I ask.
"Booklyn Paisey Poof" she says.
"Oh, honey. Its 'puth'" I correct.
"Booklyn Paisey Puth" she says. I nod.
"Good girl. What flavor" I ask.
"Chocolate" she says giddily.
"Okay" I say and toss her over my shoulder. She giggles as we get to the kitchen. I set her on the island and scoop a baby amount I to a little plastic sippy cup. She contently eats it and proceeds to slather it all over her face and shirt. I wash the cup and then pick her up.
"Bath time" I say and prepare the tub. After she is nice and squeaky clean, she toddles across the hall and into our bedroom while I'm not looking. I cringe and peek inside the bedroom. Brooklyn is laying on her back and Meghan is looking at her.
"Daddy gave me chocolate ouce ceme" she giggles. Meghan laughs.
"Oh really" she asks and shoots me a look. Fuck. She picks Brooklyn up and walks over to me. She kisses my cheek. "Your right. We just gotta push past it. I think I'm ready to move on" she says as she walks down the stairs. She is wearing a beautiful red dress. Her hair is curled, she must've done that when Brooklyn was in the bath. Damn, she looks so hot. "Char, ima invite Emmy and Saylor over, is that Kay" she asks. I nod and look at the clock. Only 1:30. After she calls Emmy, I am left on children duty. Saylor and Brooklyn play together for a while and then they both konk out. I put them in the playpen and watch them. Saylor is so cute, her blonde hair swept into her eyes. After about another hour of insanely loud laughter that,surprisingly, didn't wake the babies, Emmy leaves.
"Bye eminem" Meghan screams.
"Its been a slice, Megamus" she says. Meghan laughs and I smile. She closes the door and picks up a sleeping Brooklyn. This is what I live for everyday. My beautiful wife and amazing angel daughter. Meghan starts talking about whatever her and Emmy we're talking about; aka boring ass girl shit. Give me a break! First I'm forced to watch babies sleep, then I'm subjected to fucking girl talk with eminem and meggy boo? Nooooo. Don't get me wrong I love Meghan so much, but sometimes I need a legit guy moment. Oh well, maybe I can hang with Ryan tomorrow, now that he's out of rehab and he patched things up with Emmy. I sigh and close my eyes, sleep soon following even though it's only like 4:30 pm.

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