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You were walking at the beach in the middle of the night since you couldn't sleep. You were actually on a vacation with your group of friends. You were told to not walk alone in the night at the beach due to a myth. You never actually believe on a myth because you just thinks that it just a way of old folks to scared of kids.

As you were walking, staring at the full moon mirroring on the surface of the suddenly heard a voice. A soothing singing voice not far from where you are. You frown at hearing such beautiful voice but was confuse who will be singing at this time of the night. You believe that you are the only one at the beach at the time but shook it off by thinking it might be someone on a vacation like you, who couldn't sleep.

You were about to leave but then the soothing voice become clearer and more alluring that made you want to go near it. You try to pull yourself together by slapping both of your cheeks to gain conciousness.

"You should go back, y/n" you warn yourself.
"Y/n~" the soothing voice called out your feel goosebumps.
"It isn't true. Stay calm and walk away" you breath in and out before trying to walk toward your cabin.
"Y/n~" the voice was getting closer to you.
"No. It's just a myth" you shut your eyes tightly and try to walk away from there.

When you were about to take a step forward, you face suddenly hit someone hard chest. You open your eyes to see a tall man, dress in all black and his hair were damp as if he just took a shower. Your eyes met him as his dark orbs stare straight into yours. It's was beautiful that almost took your breath away and his feature was perfect in your eyes.

"Y/n~" as soon as he said your name, you took a step backward in fright.
"This isn't You're dreaming, y/n" you hide your eyes with both of your palm and keep repeating the exact words to make you believe it isn't real.
"Please open your eyes" he said before taking a step toward you.
"No. It's just a myth" you whisper.
"If it was then why are you closing your eyes after seeing me?" He said with such calming voice.
"Because I don't want to believe in what just I see" you said, still closing your eyes.
"Y/ your eyes" he said that sound more like a command for you to do so.

You bite your lower lips in anxious whether to open your eyes or not.
"Please, y/n. Don't you miss me?" As soon as he said that words, you slowly remove your palm and open your eyes to exchange look with him.
"Soobin" his name come out from your lips that made him smile brightly.
"I miss you so much, y/n" he stretch his arms out to hug you but you stopped him from doing so.
"This can't be real, Soobin. You're dead" you frown, staring him with sadness in your eyes.
"But aren't you happy to see me? Isn't that is why you're here? To see me? Like the myth?" Soobin question you that made you realize something.

You stare at your thumb to see a cut you didn't realize you had.
"How?" You ask yourself.

The myth of the resort you went is there was a happily couple living near the beach. Then the husband died due to a tragic accident making the wife feel so miserable after the loss of her husband. Every night, she will walk around the beach recalling all the memories she had with her late husband. She later drowned herself in the ocean in hope to be reunited with her husband. So after the incident, another woman come to the see and did the same thing in order to be with her late boyfriend again.

"Am I dead?" You ask Soobin, looking around at the ocean to search for your death body.
"No. You aren't" Soobin reply.
"But how am I able to see you? Aren't I supposed to kill myself in order to be with you?" You frown confusingly.
"It because you accidentally drop your blood in the ocean, making it believe that you sacrifice yourself to be with me" Soobin explain.
"Soobin..I.." You try to say that you didn't have the intention to do so.
"I know, y/n. You don't have to explain yourself" Soobin show a light smile, placing his palm on your cheeks
"You feel so cold" you hold onto his hand that is resting on your cheeks.
"I wish I have been more careful. If I did..maybe I could still be with you. Warming you up like I always do" Soobin said that made your tears run down from the corner of your eyes.

You sigh at the thought of the day he died because of a drunk driver crash their van to his car. Soobin loss a lot of blood and couldn't be safe.
"It was an accident. You shouldn't blame yourself for that, Soobin" you said.
"I wish I can still be with you" he said in between his cries.
"I wish the same thing but we can't" you said, pulling him nearer to you.
"If only there was a way" Soobin whisper.
"I can't do that Soobin. I love you very much but I can't" you said, knowing that the only way at to be with him is drowning yourself in the ocean.
"I know, y/n. I will always love you, y/n" he said before planting a peck on your forehead.
"I will always love you too, Soobin" you hug him, as you feel him slowly vanishing from your embrace.

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