KANG TAEHYUN - You fell first but he fell harder

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"Kang Taehyun, Saranghae~~~~" you bravely confess to him infront of every student in the corridor you both were standing.

Taehyun didn't accept nor reject your confession. He just gave you a nod as a sign of acknowledge your feelings for him. You don't know what he meant by that but you didn't give up and keep on trying many ways for him to 100% accept your love for him. Ever since that day, you will sometimes give him small gift, greet him and even tell him you love him.

It been going on for a year and to your luck, you got into the same class as him on the following year. You were extremely happy to finally be more closer to him and maybe that year you are hoping to finally be together with him.

It was the first day of school on your 2nd year as a high schooler. As you opened your classroom door, you saw Taehyun have already arrived and sitting behind the classroom that is close to the window. You also saw that there is an empty seat beside him so you fasten your pace to get that seat beside him but you were too late.

"No no...this is my seat" a girl who also have a big crush on Taehyun said to you.
"No it isn't" Taehyun said to the girl making you smile.
"Because it's my seat" his best friend, HueningKai spoke from behind as the girl left from there.
"Aww..." You sadly pout.
"Y/n!! Hiiii" Hueningkai cheerfully greeted you after sitting on his chair beside Taehyun.
"Hi" you reply him with a sad smile.
"You can sit in front of me. It's empty" Taehyun point the seat infront of him then look back outside from the window.
"Really!? Yeah" you jump lightly with excitement.

After being in the same class as him and also sitting close to him, you soon notice how his behavior is in class. He sleep a lot during class but easily can answer the teachers question as if he's already memorize all the answer beforehand. You were already amaze by his good looks and his athletics, now you are more amaze by how smart he is. You have lost count on how many you have fallen in love for him.

It was recess time, you saw Taehyun is getting up from his chair.
"Taehyun, where are you going?" You ask.
"To the cafeteria. I forgot to pack my lunch today" he said.
"Can I tag along?" You ask like a puppy wanting for its owner approval to come along.
"But you have your lunch. You and Kai can eat first. I will be quick" he said before leaving.
"Oh....okay" you slump on your chair with a bit of disappointment.
"Aww....don't be sad about it. Come, let's eat first. Taehyun will comeback in no time" Heuningkai try to cheer you up.
"Okay" you nod and began eating.

As you and Hueningkai were talking while eating suddenly your (favourite drink) landed infront of you.
"You like this right?" Taehyun ask.
"Yeah...but how did you know?" You ask with surprise on your face.
"I always saw you drinking this. Take this as a sign of sorry for not bringing you along to the cafeteria" he said that made your heart melt.
"No...it's fine. Thanks, Thyunnie" you shyly smile before taking the drink place infront of you to drink it.
"How about me?" Hueningkai ask Taehyun with his puppy eyes.
"Here!" Taehyun place a big bottle of grape juice infront of him.
"Grape juice!!! Thank you, Jagiya" HueningKai give Taehyun a flying kiss before devouring the big bottle of grape juice.

You have gotten closer to him and Hueningkai. You found out that they are childhood friend, no wonder they were always together. You will sometimes ask for Hueningkai advice on how to capture Taehyun heart and also ask him about Taehyun past life. You found it amusing that Taehyun use to be a child model and wanted to be a wizard back then.

"Hahahaha that is so cute!!!" You gleefully cheer the facts about Taehyun.
"I have a feeling that someone was talking about me." Taehyun glance at Hueningkai after coming back from the toilet.
"What? It's facts" he stated.
"About me! You dumbass!" Taehyun lightly smack Hueningkai on the back of his head.
"Don't worry...he didn't told any embarrassing facts...yet" you giggle.
"Don't you dare, Kai Kamal Huening" Taehyun warn Hueningkai making him gulp nervously.
"O...okay, I think someone is calling for me" he nervously smile said before leaving there.

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