CHOI YEONJUN - Lay down on my shoulder

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Being a trainee in an entertainment was never an easy task. You know the consequences of being one but you still want to do it because you want to make your dream come true. You have always wanted to be an actress after watching a lot of dramas since young. You have always fascinated by how the actors can express their character and how they can show the emotion and effect you so deeply. 

As soon as you heard that you got accepted to train as an actress under HYBE Entertainment, you were extremely exciting by the news. As 2 years has past by, you were getting tired of the training and feel like you aren't going anywhere. You were feeling as if you have lose your spark in acting after being scolded multiple time by your teachers. You tried to practice and practice but nothing was working for you. You feel so exhausted and was slowly your interest in acting was fading.

One day, you were in class and your teacher called your name to see your progress in the task she have given to you. After you present what you have practice for the months evaluation, the look on your teacher didn't looked satisfied with your acting.

"I still can't find or feel the spark in your acting, y/n. For 2 whole years? What have you been doing?! I've seen you're practicing a lot of times but why can't you get it right by now? Do you even want to be an actress? If you don't then it's better you quit and stop wasting your and my time" she said before telling you to go back to you place and called another trainee.

You isolated ourself from the others, as you hug tightly your knees. You were feeling ashame, sad, disappointed, and regret that time. You even start to think to quit on your dream and just wanted to go home to your parents. After class ended, you quickly went to the emergency staircase since rarely people took the stairs. As soon as you close the door and sat down on the staircase, you cried as if your world have crumble down.

While you were busy crying, you didn't notice that someone had opened the staircase door behind you. The person heard a crying voice and notice it was coming from you.
"I know I will find you here" male voice echoed the staircase making you immediately stand up.

You were about to walk away from there but the guy hold onto your wrist preventing your from going anywhere.
"Y/n" The male called out your name.

You clearly know who the voice belong to but didn't want to raise your head up to face him because your were feeling embarrass to see him.
"Another bad day?" He ask with concern.

You gave him a nod, not letting out a voice nor raising your head to meet his concern eyes.
"Here..follow me" he gently pull you to his studio and lock the doorknob after both of you were inside.

He sat you on the couch as he sit beside you.
"Here" he handed you a box of tissue for you to wipe your tears.
"Thanks" you thanked him after taking few of the tissues.
"Do you want to tell me or let it all out?" He ask, understanding what you are going through.
"I...I..I just can't do this anymore, Yeonjun" you said before breaking into tears again.
"Shh...shhh...just let it all out." He gently pat your head.
"Lay down on my shoulder. I'm here for you, y/n" he said as you slowly rest your forehead on his shoulder, wetting his shirt with your tears.

He start to hum you a soothing song to help soothe your mixed emotion like he always does. After like a half of hour crying, you finally stop but was still stuck on his shoulder.
"Feeling a bit better now?" He ask, receding a light nod from you.
"Might telling me why you wanna quit?" He carefully ask you.
"Because I don't have the talent to be an actress" you said.
"What made you think so?" He ask.
"Because even how many I have will never be good enough. My teacher even said so that I cant express the feeling while acting" you explained to him.
"Y/n, I have seen your acting back then and it was mesmerizing." He told you.
"You're saying that because you're my best friend" you painfully let out a chuckle.
" true but I'm not lying when I said I was mesmerized by your acting. Maybe it better if your take some time off and find back the reason why you wanted to be an actress" Yeonjun suggested.
"I can't simply do that, Yeonjun or else I will be kicked out from being a trainee here" you sadly tell him.
"I will help you with that. Just try focusing on finding your own spark first. " Yeonjun said making your raise your head to finally face him.
"You will get into trouble" you frown with concern.
"I'm the Legendary Trainee of Bighit. I bet that Bang SiHyuk-PD can helped me deal with this stuff" Yeonjun confidentially tell you.

You look down once again with guilt.
"I'm sorry, I have always trouble you with this side of me" you apologetically said.
"Y/n, you don't to apologize" Yeonjun gave a light smile.
"I just don't know what to do with my life anymore. I want to quit and just go back to my parents but there is also part of  me wanting to go on and see what the future held in this industry." You try to held in your tear again but it keep on streaming down your cheeks once more.
"Tell me why you wanted to be an actress in the first place?" He suddenly ask the question that was once asked by him since the first time you two met.
"Because I want to be a person that can convey the feelings of my characters and make a huge impact for the viewers and also to myself" you answered that actually made you genuinely smile for the first time in months you have been feeling despair with yourself.
"Remember those words of yours and believe me that you will make it" Yeonjun gently caress your head with a proud smile on his face.

You start to cry again and wrap your arms around Yeonjun's neck tightly. This time, you weren't crying because of sadness but happiness because you have finally found your spark again that went missing for such a long time. You can finally start feel happy towards acting again.

"Thank you so much, yeonjunnie" you thanked him.
"You should thanked yourself. In the end only ourself can make us feel happy again"

Yeonjun said that making you realize that his words is true. Because, ever since you got praise on your were fully proud of yourself and start to depend on those praises. Then after receiving some criticism, you start to feel down and think lowly of yourself since you were depending on the other people praise instead of your own achievement towards yourself.

"Thank you for always supporting me, Yeonjun." You said with a big smile on your face.
"I'm glad to be support an amazing soon to be actress. I know you can make your dream come true, y/n. I believe in you" he said with a big smile.

The next month evaluation, you manage to show all your effort and your talent after the talk with Yeonjun. You teacher and the other trainers was mesmerized by how you amazingly convey the feeling of the character. It was also the first time, you have seen your teacher smile proudly at your acting.
"Good job, y/n. That was the thing that I have been waiting in your performance and you did amazingly. Keep it up and I'm sure you will be an amazing actress" she praises you.
"Thank you teacher. It was all thanks to my best friend" you thanked her with a big smile.

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