CHOI SOOBIN - Why don't we try?

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" Soobin...honey when are you planning to get  marry?" His eomma  ask.
"Eomma...we talked about this. I don't want to get marry" Soobin sigh.
"But you're my baby. Your hyung and noona have already married and have kids. I want to see you settle down with someone before I die" his eomma said.
"I don't want to be rude but hyung and noona is already enough. I mean you already have a daughter in law and a son in law. You also have grandchildrens. Why do I also have to be like them?" Soobin ask.
"I just want to see you settle down with someone you love. Build a family with her" his eomma said.
"There is no one special in my life that I want to spend my whole life with. I'm happy by my own" he said.
"How about y/n?" His eomma suggest.
"Y/n is my best friend. I can't possibly see her like that and to even think of marrying her. I bet she think the same way as me." Soobin state.
"You're going to be in your thirties soon. Why don't you rethink about it. Maybe consider y/n to be your wife? We all love her and she looks like she's is the suitable woman for you" his eomma give a pat on Soobin back before leaving him at the living room to think about it.

He had told you his conversation with his eomma about marriage. At first you laugh that his eomma told him to get married untill he brought up the topic of his eomma suggest him marrying you.

" way I'm marrying you" you said with disgust on your expression.
"I have feelings too. I'm not that disgusting to be with" Soobin roll his eyes at you.
"Sorry but I just don't see the point of marriage. It seem like a waste of money and time" you said before taking a sip of your drink.
"You get me!!! I don't know what is so good of being married" Soobin laugh with you.

A week later, both of you hear a shocking news from both of your parents.
"We're going to what?!" You and Soobin simultaneously said.
"Marry each other!" Your and his eomma cheerfully declare.
"We didn't agree on this!!" You said.
"Y/'re almost on your thirties. It's time to settle down and why not be with Soobin? You two are already close and know each other since middle school so why not marry each other" your mom said that made your jaw drop with her idea.
"Yes! I agree with Mrs Jeon. Soobin see on the bright sight. I pair you up with y/n" his mom said with the widest smile.
"But we don't want to get marry!!" You both said simultaneously.
"Come on...after being married and start living together. You two will soon realize that you two are made for each other' your mom try to persuade you two.
"Can't you see that, Soobin? Y/n is a perfect match for you. Plus, the wedding will be held on November" his mom said.
"That is 2 months left!" Soobin said in shock.
"Yes! Your appa and Mrs Kim is now making arrangements with the wedding venue while your siblings are already discussing on the foods" his eomma said.
"Y/n...soon you and Soobin will go pick your groom and bride dress. Plus, your Eonni is already planning on the decorations." Your eomma said.
"NO!!! We don't want to get marry!!" You and Soobin refuse on the whole idea.

2 months later.
"How did we ended up like this?" Soobin ask you, standing infront of your and his now shared apartment.
"I don't know. The next thing I know is that we are already standing here as a married couple" you tiredly reply.

You two start to live together in the apartment you and his parents bought for you two. Thankfully, they bought an apartment with 2 bedroom so you two won't be sharing a room even though you both a lawfully husband and wife. Everyday it goes like a normal day for you and his because both of you are already comfortable with each other presence so it seem like you two are just roommates compare to being an actual husband and wife.

You two made a deal to not interfere with each other personal life and push the fact that you two are married. So that meant, you two can date whoever you two want as long as the marriage stay as a secret from your significant others. Until that one night, you broke up with your boyfriend because he cheated on you with random chicks. You drank yourself to drunk. Soobin had just come home from his date night and see you all depress in the living room.

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