HUENING KAI - Our secret

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You have been friend with Bahiyyih since middle school and since then you two never once split from each other side. Wherever you go she will follow and vise versa. You are also close to her family member since you always visit and sleep over at her house.  Now both of you are 16 years old and attending the same high school with her older brother, HueningKai who is now 18 years old.

You and Hiyyih always tell secret to each other because you both trust one another very much but there is one secret you are unable to tell her. You are dating her older brother. You didn't want to date Kai since you were afraid it will ruined your friendship with Hiyyih. You were totally against on dating him but after he tries a lot of ways to catch your heart, eventually you decided to take the risk. It's been a year you two started dating and the guilt of keeping it a secret from Hiyyih is slowly killing you.

Now you are sitting in the living room as Hiyyih went to the kitchen, preparing snack and drink for you two. As you were  changing channel of the television, you notice fingers running down through your hair. You turn around to see your loving boyfriend smiling at you.

"Hi sweetie~" he quickly plant a peck on your forehead.
"Hiyyih is in the kitchen" you warn him but manage to pull him by his tie for a peck on the cheek.
"I know" he giggle and sat beside you.
"Don't you have any plan with the boys today?" You ask resting you head on his shoulder while playing with his slender fingers.
"They are busy finishing their assignment...that is due tomorrow. Thanks god I finish it early" he sigh with relief.
"Yeah..with the help of me. Even though I was also clueless what I was doing" you roll your eyes at him.
"And that is what I love about you. Trying to help in any ways that you possibly can" he plant a kiss on your forehead again as a gratitude of thank you for helping him.

As you two were in your own world, you both suddenly jolt at the sound of Hiyyih voice echoes from the kitchen.
"Y/n! I cut some fruits for us and made hot coco. I made your sweeter like you like them" Hiyyih said while walking towards you with a tray of drinks and food.
"Oh! Oppa!? Since when did you come back home?" Hiyyih ask after placing the tray on the living room table.
"Just a second ago" he lied with a nervous smile.
"Really? Well, do you wanna join us watch a movie?" Hiyyih ask.
"What movie are you girls watching ?" He ask, glancing at you then back to Hiyyih.
"The new release horror movie. Our classmate keep on talking about how scary it is and we both decided to watch it" Hiyyih said and take the remote tv that was place on the sofa beside you.

HueningKai were surprise to hear you're gonna watch a horror movie despite you being scared of it. You two don't really enjoy watching that kind of genre so you both usually watch other genre or anime.
"I'm curious of how the movie goes. They say it's really good" you give him a straight smile.
"If you scared of watching it, oppa. You don't have to join" Hiyyih said making HueningKai let out a fake cough.
"Who said I'm scared. I will join you two watch it" he cockily said, trying to hide that he is actually scared of watching the movie.
"Fine, don't complain to me if you're unable to sleep later at night" Hiyyih warn before turning on the movie and took a sit beside you.

Now you are sitting in between the Huening siblings. You took a glance at HueningKai as he secretly wrap his arms behind around your waist. You on the other hand, hide his hand with a pillow that was wrapping around your waist at Hiyyih side in order for her to not see it. As the movie continued, Hiyyih were hiding half of her face with a pillow while you were hiding your face with your hands. When there's a jump scared you will move your body to HueningKai side to hide your face. Hiyyih doesn't find it awkward or weird when you do that with her brother because she know how close you two are.

After the movie ended, you rest your head on the couch head rest out of exhausted.
"I feel so exhausted watching that! Tell me to never watch a horror movie again" you whine.
"I told you so to not watch it" HueningKai teasingly said that made you send glare at him.
"Says the person who scream like a dolphin whenever there's a jumpscare" you to stick your tongue out at him.
"How dare you" HueningKai gasp dramatically at you.

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