KANG TAEHYUN - I will always stick close to you

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You are in your third year in high school and your school decided to do camping for third year student before their final exam. You arrived in the bas and is now sitting beside the window as two of your best friend sit infront of you. Then suddenly you felt something was place beside your seat.

"I'm sorry but this seat is taken" you said before looking at the person who put their bag on the seat beside you.
"Oops...my mistake but there no more place to put my luggage so why not put beside you who look just like it?" Haru sarcastically laugh at you.
"Why don't you just throw your luggage at the sea?! There is no need for a monkey like you to need a lot of clothes in the jungle right?" Ryujin sarcastically said to Haru with a proud grin on her face.
"Why you!!" Haru was about to throw punches at Ryujin when Yeji step up to stop the fight.
"Lay a single finger on one of my friends. You will lose a finger or even worse your head" Yeji glare at Haru hand then to her neck with a grin.
"Psycho" Haru rub her neck while looking away form Yeji stare.
"Any..anyways! It's final! My luggage will be putted here!" Haru remarks before walking toward her seat, few seat from yours.

You sigh at her obnoxious behavior and think of ways to get rid off her language until someone beat you to it.
"Teacher! Someone luggage is place on my seat" Taehyun raise his hand up to get the teacher attention.
"Taehyun?" You finally smile to see him arrived at the right time.
"What?! Who's luggage is in this bus! I TOLD YOU TO PLACE IT IN THE BAS COMPARTMENT. NOW GO PUT THAT UGLY PINK BAG IN THE BAS LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT BEFORE I THROW IT AWAY" Mrs Kim scold harshly that made Haru immediately stand up.

Haru manage to mumble to you that 'you're dead meat, Cho Y/n!' before taking her luggage. You roll your eyes at her and sat properly after Taehyun took the empty seat beside you.
"Feel better now?" Taehyun ask with a smile on his face.
"Much better that you're here" you hug his arm while resting your head on his shoulder.
"Aww~ the lovebirds we all adore" Hueningkai cooed from the backseat.

Finally you all have arrived at the camp site and have been divided into 2 group to prepare the food and woods for barbecue
"Out of all people why do we have to pair up with those monkeys" Ryujin sneer at the thought of Haru and her gang being the same group as you in charge of washing and cutting the vegetable.
"We can always make it as an accident?" Yeji said touching the knife near her.
"Ok! Yeji you're in charge of washing the vegetable. Don't ever go near these knifes and Ryujin let stop calling them monkeys, it's not nice" you scold your two friends.
"But they started it first!!" Both of them said while pointing at Haru and her gang.
"True but let's just get this done so that Mrs Kim won't get mad at us for wasting time. Hm?" You said waiting for them to agree with you.
"Fine" they both agreed to not cause trouble.

You asked Haru's gang to help Yeji cleaned the vegetable while you ask Haru to help you cut the vegetable alongside with Ryujin. At first it was going smoothly but soon after Haru and her gang start to complain that they are feeling tired even though there are many more to be done. They won't stop complaining and start to clumsily mess things up. So you grown tired with their behavior and asked them to stop and go take a rest.

"But Y/n! They are faking it! " Ryujin complain.
"I know but if they keep this up, we won't finish this on time. Don't worry, I'm can do this so you two can take a rest for awhile." You reassured Yeji and Ryujin that you got this.
"We won't let you do these all by yourself. We will stay and help no matter what" Yeji nudge you with a warm smile on her face.
"Thanks you two" you smile.
"Mind if we join to help?" Taehyun ask from behind.
"Tyunni!" Your smile grew wider at the sight of him.
"And Huening~" Hueningkai cheer for himself.
"Have your guys finish collecting woods?" You ask.
"Yeah. Now let me help you prepare the vegetable" Taehyun said standing beside you to help you cut those vegetable.
"Thanks! You two are our live saver" you said to both of them before giving a peck on Taehyun cheek.

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