HUENINGKAI - Enternal love

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Hueningkai has always been doing his life like a normal person will do. Wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, meet up some friend, go back to home and repeat the same routine everyday. However, he didn't do any of those stuff because he's not a normal person, he tried but he couldn't do so. Hueningkai is actually a long live vampire that is now rare to be found by human.

Vampire actually existed back in the days but soon as years pass by, they become less and less due to people killing most of them. Hueningkai survive from the riot including the love of his life because she wasn't a vampire to begin with. She died from an old age and Hueningkai swore to her that she is the only woman that he will love. Until you come into his life.

You were new in town, and is also an high schooler. Hueningkai actually met you after you introduce yourself as the new student in his class. Yes, Hueningkai attended school as an high schooler. Even though he have many experiences and a lot of knowledge through out his life but he don't have anything to do with his life so he disguise himself as a high schooler instead.

The moment you walk into the classroom, he was already feeling a bit weird. He feel as if you had cast a spell on him. He couldn't stop looking at you because you look so alike of his past lover. He had met a lot of his past lover identical face but never once feel the attraction he felt for his past lover but you were different. He couldn't keep his eyes off you until you greeted him with a smile that he have been longed to see.

"Iris" he softly said a name.
"Who?" You ask.
"Oh! No one. I'm sorry" he apologize before focusing back on the class lesson.

You stared at him weirdly but soon shift your focus back to the class lesson. Recess time had arrived, some of your classmate went to you to ask you questions. Hueningkai got to know that you use to live at China before moving to America then move back to your hometown, South Korea. People were amaze by it and how you can speak those languages fluently too.

As Hueningkai was done ears dropping your and other classmates conversation, he was about to leave but he felt a grip at the end of his sleeve. He turn his head to see it was you who had stopped him.
"You're Hueningkai right?" You ask for a confirmation from him.
"Yes" He answered.
"Good! Can you showed me around school?" You ask with a smile on your face.

The others offered you but you keep on insisting that Hueningkai is the person to show you around school. He agreed and you were happy to know that. After a few meters away from your classroom, you sigh in relief.

"Feeling burden by the whole attention?" He ask.
"You can tell? It's nice and I'm thankful that they were trying to be friendly but it feel a bit suffocating that they were trying so hard. You know?" You shake your head.
"Yeah...I know the feelings" he nod making you feel at ease that he's the same as you.
"Actually, I don't really wanna know about this school that much. I just wanted to know where the place that is quite and away from other student. It's nice if there is a place here to spend my time away from people" you said making Hueningkai stare at you.
"What? Is it weird for me to ask you such question. I was just guessing that you will know such a place. It's okay if you don't" you showed him a light smile.
"No...its just that you remind me of someone" he said.
"Who?" You ask.
"It...its nothing important. I actually know a place where you can take a breather away from people. Follow me" he said as you followed him from behind.

He showed you behind the school corner. You saw there is a bench facing at the forest and there is also a mini garden lining up in the middle of it.
"Wow!! They plant roses here?" You quicken your step toward the garden, being amaze how beautiful the rose have bloom.
"It was me who plant these here. Only I knew of this place" Hueningkai declare.
"Is it okay to that? What if the teachers find out about it?" You ask.
"They won't. People rarely walk by here" he said making you believe that he's telling the truth.
"Then, can I come here when I needed the time to relax my mind from other people?" You ask, hoping for him to say yes.
"Sure but in one condition." He said.
"Yeah!! What is it?" You ask.
"You can only come here at daylight but never come here when's it's dark" Hueningkai said with a serious tone.
"Wh...why not?" You shuttered in a bit of fright.
"Because... There is many mosquitos here! You don't want to get bitten by them, do you?" He said with a more calming voice.
"Aish! I thought it was something serious!!" You lightly slap his arm.
"Hahahaha. It's nothing but not come here at night. That is my only one condition. Promise?" He ask, holding out his pinky to make promise with you.
"Yeah, I promise! I won't come here at night" you swore before making the pinky promise with him.

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