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"You may kiss the bride"
"I don't want to!"
"You have to! I'm your bride and we are married"

That was when you first experiences playing marriage as a child with your one and only childhood friend, Choi Yeonjun. You remembered how you force him to give you a kiss whenever you two play marriage game. You will always play as the wife and he as the husband. Ever since then, you have a dream of marrying Yeonjun even though back then you didn't know the exact meaning of it but you just have the feelings Yeonjun is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

On the other hand, Yeonjun hated to play marriage game with you. Whenever, he come by your house you will always pull him to play as your husband and he hated it! He sometimes doesn't want to go to your house to avoid playing that game but he doesn't have the nerves to left you alone because you're his best friend.

Years have pass by. Now you two are attending in the same high school. The two of you are inseparable. There were one time where you and him had to separate for 2 years due to him going to move to the U.S. Both of you were miserable without each other, well that was what both of your and his parents told about you two. After he come back, you had never left his side so wherever he go you follow and vise versa.

In school, your classmate will always think the two of you are a couple but Yeonjun corrected them that you two are just childhood friend while you told them that you two are married. Yeonjun will always scold you to not say that because it's not true but deep inside you wished it was true.

So, whenever there are girls trying to flirt with will always growl at them and pull Yeonjun away from there. However, that didn't stop him from having some girlfriend behind your back but you will always caught him red handed. You know its a bad thing to ruined someone else relationship but you just couldn't help of being jealous and told everyone in school that you are married to Yeonjun eventhough it's not true. That lead you and Yeonjun to have a big fight and didn't spoke for 2 days but he later forgive you after you cooked him food, and apologize to him millions of times.

-back to present time-
You are alone in the library in search for a book until you heard whispers. You follow those whisper to see a very familiar back with a female silhouette standing closely infront of him. Your rage grew to see that it was Yeonjun flirting with a girl in the library. You harshly pull Yeonjun off the girl while glaring at her.

"Yeonjun...who is she?" The girl ask, pointing at you.
"I should be asking you that question? You don't look like you are from our school" you stare at her up and down.
"Yeri, I can explain. Y/n, we will talk later" Yeonjun said after getting your grip off his elbow.
"No! Let me explain it to her" you grin, pushing Yeonjun to the side.
"No..y/n" Yeonjun whisper, trying to stop you from talking what he was thinking you are going to say.
"Yeri-sshi, Yeonjun is my husband. So, please don't ever come near him" you smile at her after seeing her gasp.
"You asshole!" She slap Yeonjun on the cheek before storming out from there.
"That is it. Come here!" He pulled you by the elbow out of the library to an empty classroom.

After he lock the door and check that the hallways is empty, he let go of your elbow as he furiously run his finger through his hair. You know you are in big trouble for doing that again but you just couldn't help it.

"Yeonjun...I'm sorry. I didn't meant to" you were trying to apologize and make some excuses but he stop you by raising his palm at you.
"That is the 5th time you did it, y/n. We talk about this million of times" Yeonjun clench his jaws, trying to hold in his anger.
"I know" you stare down in guilt.
"If you know...WHY DO SUCH A THING!?" Yeonjun burst out at you making you flinch at his voice.
"I'm sorry" you said as your body start to shake.

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