CHOI BEOMGYU - Try openning your eyes

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You and Beomgyu had been friends since you can last remember. You're one of the trainee under HYBE Ent. Ever since he come in as a trainee, you were astonish by his looks and asked Yeonjun to introduce you to him. Other than having the same age, you two immediately click and have the same crazy behavior. Since then, you two had become the best of friend.

A year after TXT debuted, you decided to become a producer instead of being an idol. Since then, you had help produce most of TXT song track.

The other boys notice how different you treated them when it come to recording session. You will always treat Beomgyu nicely and softly speak to him. Meanwhile the others when they made a mistake or don't sang the part as you wanted it to be sound, you will scolded them and asked them to repeat the part again and again. The other will always complain at you to be nicer to them while recording session and you tried but you just couldn't help it. You were too caught up with your own personal feeling for Beomgyu that you didn't realize how differently you treat him and other people.

One day, the boys had been practicing since morning till night so you decided to treat them food. You bought a lot of food for them because you know they didn't have the time to eat because they were busy practicing for their concert that is around the corner. You open the door to see 5 tired boys laying down on the dance floor.

"Boys!! I brought food for you!" You said while showing the plastic full of food.
"YEAHH!" They cheer and quickly take the food from your grip.

While eating, you notice Beomgyu were struggling opening the cap of his bottle. You took the bottle off his grip and help loosen the cap for him.
"Thanks y/n!!" He happily drink his coke.
"Oh~ so sweet~~help me open my coke too, y/n" Soobin stretch his bottle at you.
"Fine" you agree and helped him
"Gomawo~~" he cute thanked you.

Time to time you will place Beomgyu's favorite food on his plate and the other notice how sweet you were. Then they also notice how good you take care of him while he was eating. You will wipe the corner of his lips when there is sauce left there. Beomgyu didn't decline the gesture nor asked you to stop, he will just let you do it as if it's a normal thing for you to do it for him.

After finish eating, they helped clean the mess up and then lay down on the floor again before going back to practicing.
"I guess, I will be going back home now" you were about to stand up but Beomgyu stop you.
"Wait for me, I will walk you home. It's already dark outside" he said while staring at you.
"I can just take a taxi to go home. It's no biggie" you try to reassure him but he won't budge.
"Ok, fine. I will wait for you" you decided to gave in and wait for him to finish practicing.
"Yeah! While at that, you can play the game in my phone~" he handed his phone to you as if you're a child to get occupied by playing game.
"Okay!" You widely smile at him before accepting his phone.
"Aww~ do y/n want candies too?" Yeonjun cooed at you as if you were a little kid.
"Don't push it, Choi Yeonjun" you glare at him making him flinch by your intimidating glare.

After they finish up their practice for today, Beomgyu quickly ran towards you with his bag on his side and his hair was all of the place.
"You sure you don't want to freshen up first?" You giggle at his cute messy apperences.
"I want to but it's already late and you have to go home by now" he said.
"It's fine. You can go freshen up first. I can wait for you" you said after pushing his long bangs off his eyes.
"It will take 5 minute!" He said while raising his 5 finger up before running to take a quick shower.

While you wait for him to finish, you and Yeonjun had a little chitchat.
"So how it is going between you two? Any progress?" Yeonjun ask with a grin on his face.
"Like the usual." You shrug.
"You haven't told him? Despite all the gesture and sign you had showed him?! Is he dumb or just dense to notice it??" Yeonjun frown at your situation with Beomgyu.
"I have told him that I love him but he accepted it as a love for a friend. I don't know how many more sign to show my true feelings for him" you sadly said.
"Hang in there, y/n. I bet he will caught on soon. I hope so" Yeonjun gave a friendly pat on the your back.
"I hope so too. I don't know what other ways to let him know that I love him more than a friend" you deeply sigh.
"How about you try confessing your love for him again. Maybe this time it will work?" Yeonjun suggested and you reply him with a nod.

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