CHOI BEOMGYU - I'm trying to move on

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"Let's break up"

He have heard this phrase million of times after dating uncountable girl. In the end, they never satisfied his needs. They were all the same to him, a person who he hope to fill up his emptiness but no one was cut for it. That wasn't the only reason he dated girls, he wanted to forget about you but it was never a success task for him.

He had received many slap across the face from girls he dated for acting cold to them when he doesn't feel like wanting to be with them anymore. Sometimes he thinks that he deserve the slap not because of his attitude but for what he had done to you before losing you. He often feel regret for what he had done to you before losing you in his life. He wish he could turn back time and tell you to stay with him and said he was sorry.

Now, Beomgyu had come home from drinking. After closing the door behind him, he greeted his home that he had come home like he use to do when you were still living with him. He miss how your scent linger around the apartment you both shared. He miss your big smile greeting him after he come back home from work. He miss how you will always attack him for a hug and kiss him on the cheek for coming home safely.

Beomgyu slide his back on the door as he throw away his jacket on floor. He cover his face with both of his palm as tears start to run down his cheeks.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" He will start to scream due to frustration that you were no longer with him.
"Why....why!? Why did you left me, y/n?" He ask himself.
"WHY!?" He stood up and start tarnishing his whole house out of anger.

The next morning, he was woken by footstep of people coming towards him.
"Yah! CHOI BEOMGYU!" Soobin with a worried voice start shaking his worn out body.
"Yah! What happen to your house?" Yeonjun ask him at the state of his house.
"Y/n..." He reply weakly, his friends was quick to catch on what exactly happened last night.
"Beomgyu hyung... Go wash up. We will help you clean the place up" Taehyun gave him a light pat on the back.
"Thanks" he said before weakly stand up from the couch.
" I feel sorry for Beomgyu Hyung. It's been 4 years" Hueningkai sadly said.
"I know...y/n was a big part in his life." Soobin sigh and signal the other to help him clean the mess Beomgyu made.

After they help cleaning up and bring Beomgyu to grab lunch together. He start to feel a little better after hanging out with his close friend until Beomgyu suddenly stand up from his chair. He ran out from the restaurant to look for someone but no where to be seen.
"Hyung, what's wrong?" Taehyun ask after chasing after him.
"I...I thought I saw her." Beomgyu grab a fist full of his hair to the thought he saw you just now.
"Hyung..." Taehyun stare at him with worries in his eyes.
"I really did! I saw y/n! " Beomgyu raise his voice at Taehyun that earn few stares from people around there.
"Beomgyu, calm down" Soobin rest a hand on his shoulder to tell him to not make a scene.
"Y/n...she was here awhile ago" Beomgyu look down in despair while telling his friends that he saw you.
"Hyung...that is not possible" Hueningkai frown.
"Beomgyu, let's go" Yeonjun pull Beomgyu to the car as the other follow from behind.

Yeonjun start to drive somewhere and Beomgyu can tell that it was a place that he always despite to go to.
"We're here. Come out" Yeonjun said after opening the door for Beomgyu to come out.
"I don't want to. Why are we even here!" Beomgyu frown angrily while crossing his arms as a sign of resistance.
"Because you are starting to make a big scene out of it! NOW! Come out from this car before I count to 3" Yeonjun treated Beomgyu as Yeonjun's finger start to count from 1 to 3.
"Fine!!" Beomgyu finally come out from the car but remain standing where he land.
"Hyung, aren't you being a bit too harsh on him?" Soobin ask Yeonjun.
"He have to face the truth! This behavior have to stop" Yeonjun declare before pulling Beomgyu towards the place.

Beomgyu was trying his best to resist where Yeonjun was taking him but due to him being weak for the pass few months he couldn't get out from Yeonjun's tight grip. They eventually reach the place but Beomgyu tightly shut his eyes to not see what lies infront of him.
"Open your eyes, Beomgyu" Yeonjun said.
"No!" He refuse to do so.
"OPEN IT!" Yeonjun raise his voice at Beomgyu that made him flinch.
"Hyung, please don't be harsh on Beomgyu Hyung" Hueningkai plead.
"We can't always be the one to clean his mess, Huening. Beomgyu have to face the reality!" Yeonjun said.
"But Hyung...he still need time" Soobin said.
"It's been 4 years, Soobin. That was enough time for us to give Beomgyu to recover and yet he still stayed the same." Yeonjun said.
"We need Beomgyu back like he used to be but he just couldn't because he can't face the reality that he had lose someone extremely close to him" Taehyun remarks that earn a nod from Yeonjun.
"We need you, Beomgyu so please master your courage and open your eyes. Please, we are begging you" Yeonjun beg to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu took a deep breath before slowly opening his eyes to see your grave stone. He saw the picture that is place on your grave stone who look happy in that picture. His knees grew weaker as he kneel down on his knees. His tears start to stream down uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry, y/n!! This is my fault! This is all my fault. I'm sorry for hurting you till your last breath! I'm so sorry" Beomgyu repeatedly cried out loud that he felt sorry.

What actually happens was that, you two had a big fight that cause you to storm out from your shared apartment. Beomgyu was a minute late to safe you from getting hit by a car after you were trying to cross over the road. He was there holding onto you till your last breath. You had actually forgive him and told him to that you love him very much and ask him to move on. Since then, he never once smile genuinely. He change a lot after losing you and start dating a lot of girls to help forget about your death but no one helped fix his broke heart.

"Y/n, wouldn't like to see you cry like this" Soobin kneel down beside Beomgyu.
"She hate seeing you cry since it made her cry too" Yeonjun gave a light pat on Beomgyu back.
"We will always be here for you, Beomgyu Hyung. We just need you to open up to us to help you." Taehyun said.
"I bet Y/n noona will be extremely happy if she see you be happy like you use to." Hueningkai show a light smile to him.
"I'm trying to move on...but it's just too hard. " Beomgyu cry more.
"We know and we are here to help you in that journey." Soobin rub his back.
"Y/n is someone special to us too but we all have to accept that she is no longer in this world." Yeonjun said.
"I miss her...very very much. I wish I could have turn back time and hold her tightly in my arms" Beomgyu wished.
"We all wish for the same thing but we can just hope that Y/n is happy up there." Taehyun said.
"Y/n will be proud of you, Hyung. To see that you have grown stronger" Hueningkai try to give him a positive cheers.
"Thank you" Beomgyu said to his close friends.
"I'm sorry, I miss you, and I love you very much, y/n. I think it is time for me to move on from our past. I hope you are happy up there and I will never forget the loves and care you have showed to me. I will cherish all of our memories together. Goodbye, my love" Beomgyu gave a kiss on your grave stone before leaving there with his friends walking beside him.

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