CHOI BEOMGYU - Give me a chance

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"I like you, y/n" he confess his feeling with a medium size teddy bear wrap around his arms.
"I'm sorry, I don't like you" you reject his confession and slightly push the bear to him.
"Ah...I see. Can we still be friend?" He ask with hope in his eyes.
"Sure" you half heartily said.

Ever since the day he confess to you, he never once left your side. Wherever you go, he will always be there and some of your classmate will assume he is your boyfriend. You always corrected them that he is just a friend and never more than that. Until one day, you got annoyed the people keep on assuming and teasing you about him as your boyfriend.

Beomgyu was waiting for you to finish your class to hang out with you. As soon as you step out from the lecturer classroom, you saw Beomgyu waving his arms to gain your attention.

"Y/n, your boyfriend is here" Soyoung gleefully pointed at Beomgyu direction.
"He's not my boyfriend" you annoyingly roll your eyes at her.
"Aww~ you don't have to hide it from us, y/n." Hyorin teasingly nudge your side.
"I'm not hiding anything from you. He's just a friend" you corrected them.
"Its seem like he's more than a friend. He's always stick so closely to you. Just tell us that he's your boyfriend, y/n" Daeyun teasingly said.
"Yeah~ I'm happy to see that you have move on from Eunwoo" Soyoung said that made you snap.
"JUST STOP IT ALREADY!" You raise your voice at them and stomp your way towards Beomgyu.

Beomgyu saw the furious on your face as he immediately crouch his body with a timid expression. He awaited for you to say something to him because he know it got to do about him. You let out a deep sigh before giving him a glare.

"Can you stop doing this? It's getting annoying and my friend keep on assuming we're a couple!" You burst at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't meant to make them think us like that." He apologize that made you feel guilty for being angry at him even thought it's not his fault.
"But if you give a me chance? You won't get annoyed by the idea of them thinking us as a couple ?" He carefully try to suggest with a light smile.
"Beomgyu...I don't see you in that way. I told you this a million of time" you sigh, massaging your temple.
"Yeah..I know. I was just try my luck there if you ever change your mind about it" he shrug as he let out a light chuckle to ease the mood between you two.
"I will never change my mind about it, Beomgyu. That is final" you state your final decision about it.

Afterwards, you excuse yourself from him and your friends. You were not in the mood to socialize with people at that time and went back to your dorm. You did apologize to Beomgyu on the same that day after you have calm down. You felt guilty for letting out your anger at him even though his intention was good.

A week later, you notice that Beomgyu haven't been sticking to you like he always does. He kept his distance and wasn't always at your side 24 hours like he always does. You feel a bit worried that Beomgyu suddenly act that way and somehow it feel a bit dull. Beomgyu have always been the mood make between you both and try to lighten up your day with his jokes and silly behavior.

On Saturday, Soyoung asked for a hang out with your group of friends. You accepted her invitation and thought it will only be a girls hang out but surprisingly she had brought her boy along and that meant that some of his guy friend will also be there.

"I'm leaving" you said and was about to leave but Hyorin stop you.
"Please don't leave" she show her puppy eyes for you to stay.
"If he's here then that meant he's gonna be here too!" You frustratedly whisper at Hyorin.
"I know but please stay. I know it's gonna be hard for you to tolerate him hanging out with us" Hyorin said that a made you roll your eyes at her.
"You think?!" You sarcastically said.
" please accompany me until Daeyun reach. She will join us after her class end then after that you can leave" Hyorin try to negotiate with you.
"Fine! I will stay until Daeyun come" you agreed and she happily hug you.

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