CHOI YEONJUN - Does it benefits you?

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In friendship there are boundaries that you can never cross but you accidentally cross it with one of your close friend. You wish you can turn back time to before you agreed to make the deal but at the same time you want to stay in that situation. It's not healthy to be in that kind of relationship but you are so deeply under his spell that you couldn't break from it.

"Good morning, someone had a great night last night" Soobin greet you from the kitchen after seeing you walk out from Yeonjun room.
"Where's Yeonjun?" You ask, looking around for Yeonjun.
"He went to the company just now" Soobin reply.
"I see" you sigh after taking a sit on the dining table chair.
"Something the matter?" Soobin ask.
"Am I making the right decision, Soobin?" You ask him.
"Are you?" He ask back making you frown at him.
"What do you think? " he ask again.
"I don't know that is why I'm asking you!" You groan.
"I think you're exaggerating about it but I do think it's something you should consider about" Soobin said making you sigh deeper.
"Talk to Yeonjun hyung about it" Taehyun suddenly shown up.
"Talk about what?" You ask him.
"About your relationship with him. It's clearly that you two are more than friends now. Friend do not know how they taste like" Taehyun remarks that made your slumped yourself on the table.
"I tried asking him about it but he will dodge the question and eventually we ended up did something else" you pout.
"Then try to resist him" Taehyun said.
"Resist Choi Yeonjun?! I bet that words doesn't even exist in his dictionary " you scoff.
"Well if you're going to keep continue this relationship between you two then be prepare for the worse." Taehyun warn you before leaving the kitchen with his snacks.
"What does Taehyun meant by be prepare?" You ask Soobin.
"Y/n...I hate to break this to you but what will you do if Yeonjun hyung suddenly have a girlfriend?" Soobin ask.
"Why..why would he have a girlfriend. He have me....right? " you ask while pointing at yourself.
"But you're just friends with benefits. You are still typically a friend, you don't have the rights to get mad at him when he have a girlfriend" Soobin explain that made your sigh at the thought of you and Yeonjun will eventually stop this kind of relationship.

You went to the company to go meet Yeonjun and when you got there, you saw Yeonjun flirting with some girl. You quickly hide yourself to not been seen by Yeonjun but it was to late. Yeonjun actually saw you and walk behind you.

"Y/n, why are you hiding?" He said from behind that made you jolt.
"Ah!! You scared me!" You in surprise.
"Are you here to come see me? I don't remember you have practice today" Yeonjun ask.
"I...can we talk?" You ask.
"Sure. Follow me" he hold your hand and lead you towards his studio room.

You had hope that you can finally have a talk with him about your relationship with him but your thoughts was wrong. He slowly pull you in for a kiss and then it start to lead to another. His touches and kisses slowly making your mind go haze and slowly making you fell deeper into his spell. As you were letting him do what what he wants with you, you suddenly remembered what Taehyun and Soobin said to you this morning so you lightly push him off you.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Yeonjun ask with a bit of worried in his tone.
" you didn't" you said, trying to catch up your breath.
"Then..let's continue" he grin before leaning in to kiss your neck.
"No..Yeonjun. I come here to talk with you" you said.
"We can do it while talking" Yeonjun said and continued kissing your neck.
"Yeonjun..this isn't what I have in mind" you said.
"Shhh...try to feel the moment" he said before kissing your lips.

You love how his lips kisses yours. It slow yet sensual. You love how he will always wrap his arms around your waist to bring you closer to him.

"Yeonjun...please" you said after pushing him off you.
"What is it y/n?! What is the thing that you want to talk about so much?" Yeonjun's annoyance grew.
"I want to talk about us. What are we to you? Are we friends or are we more then that?" You ask.
"I've told you this before. We're friends with benefits. We made a deal back then, y/n." Yeonjun sigh.
"But...its been a year we're in this kind of relationship doesn't that meant anything to you?" You ask in hope for his answer to your question.
"Do you expect me to fall in love with you?" Yeonjun ask but it sounded as if he's disgusted by it.
"I've told you that we made a deal to not fall for each other. It's only sex between two friends. Nothing more nothing less" Yeonjun said that left a sting into your heart.
"Does it benefits you? Doing all of this just for sex" You ask, staring at him.
"It does because I got to satisfied myself but here you are ruining that. I should have asked someone else rather than you. You're just a waste of my time" he said that earn a hard slap from you.
"I hate you! I regret to ever have feelings for you. I should have never agreed on this term with you!" You said before leaving from there.

Later that night, Yeonjun had come from from the company.
"I'm home" he greeted his member but then suddenly got a punch right across the face.
"What the hell did you do to y/n?!" Hueningkai said after giving Yeonjun a punch.
"Huening!!" Soobin went toward them and held back Hueningkai from injuring Yeonjun more.
"Why...did y/n told you what happened?" He scoff, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip.
"I saw her walking out from the company with tears in her eyes! She told me you hurt her feelings!! " Hueningkai angrily shout at Yeonjun.
"Then...what are you doing here? You should have stayed by her side and comfort her then maybe you two can become friends with benefits too" Yeonjun stood up after letting out a scoff.
"Hyung!!! Don't say that about y/n" Beomgyu frown angrily at Yeonjun.
"Beomgyu...she's really good in bed if you're wondering. You should go ask her about it" Yeonjun smirk.
"Hyung!!! What the hell is the matter with you?! Why are you talking so bad about y/n?!" Taehyun frown.
"Because she piss me off with all this love nonsense!!!" Yeonjun click his tongue out of annoyance.
"Is that what is that all about? Just because y/n love you doesn't meant you can bad talk about her! She have done so much for you and you took gratitude of her kindness." Soobin defend you.
"So you do know that she fall in love with me? She's gone in our life now. She will never come back after what I said to her and that is such a happy news, isn't?" Yeonjun chuckle.
"Y/n have always been in love with you way back before you two agreed to be friends with benefits. She only agreed to be in that terms thinking that will bring her closer to you" Hueningkai explain that made Yeonjun taken back.
"What are you blabbering about Kai. She fall for me after being in that terms with me." Yeonjun scoff.
"Hueningkai is right. We all know y/n have liked you for a long time and yet she pick to be in that kind of relationship just to be close to you and yet she got hurt from her own decision." Soobin back up Hueningkai.
"I don't know why does she even love about you. You're just a sicko. I can't even look at you at the same person anymore" Beomgyu disappointedly said to Yeonjun before leaving to go to his room.
"Huening lets go to our room. I don't think I can be in the same room with this bastard who hurt y/n" Taehyun said and pull Hueningkai to their shared room.
"Hyung, y/n is someone really special to us all. I don't care if she hit you with a lamp or a chair as long as you apologize to her for saying such bad words about her. Also resolve those feelings of your towards her. I know you don't actually meant all of those" Soobin point at Yeonjun's heart before going into his room.
"What kind of mess did I made" Yeonjun ruffle his hair out of frustration.

2 days later, he went to your dorm. Thankfully, all your members are at the company while you stayed alone in your dorm because you said you don't feel gone. You opened the door after hearing someone knocking on it. You were shocked to see it was Yeonjun so you quickly shut it but he manage to stop it with his foot.

"We have to talk." Yeonjun said after coming in.
"Get out before I call security!" You shout at him.
"Try and reporter will put a headline of me getting forcefully walked out from your apartment. Do you want that?" He treated you.
"What is it you want?! I have enough of your scam. I don't want to be your toy nor be your friend anymore!" You glare at him.
"I come here to apologize to you for what I have said to you" he said.
"You expect me to believe that. I bet the boys tell you to go apologize to me, right?. I don't want your apology so get out!" You angrily said to him.
"This is what I find it so annoying about you!" He roll his eyes at you.
"What?! Are you even here to apologize or to insulted me?" You ask.
"You tell me what you want from me?" He raise his voice at you.

Your anger builds up and it reach its limit. You start to pull his hair and he did the same thing to you. You two got into a quarrel and began to fight with each other until the two of your grow exhausted from it.

"What happened to us?" He ask sitting down beside you.
"I don't know. We were so close and nice to each other then things happen" you said.
"I'm a jerk" he admit that made you turn your head to him.
"You just realizing that?" You said.
"Hmm...I'm a jerk who flirt a lot, who doesn't care about others feelings, who care too much of myself rather than other, I hurt my members feeling and I hurt your feeling. I'm genuinely sorry about it" Yeonjun apologize.
"I'm sorry too for making all these selfish and wrong decisions. I should have think deeper about it before crossing the line between friends." You apologize to him.
"So what are we now?" Yeonjun ask.
"It's better if we just stayed as colleagues. Since we are still under the same company, I think that is the better decision for now" you said.
"Can we ever be friends again?" He ask.
"It's depend on the situation but I...I don't think I will recover from this for the meant time. I need a long time to heal from this" you said and he nod understanding with what you trying to say.
"I understand. Goodbye, y/n" he stood up and stretch his hand for a handshake.
"Goodbye, Yeonjun" you said, accepting his handshake before he left your dorm.

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