CHOI SOOBIN - How do you feel?

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You were brought along by your cousin for a double date. You didn't want to go at first because you don't know who your date will be. When you asked your cousin who he will bring, he told you it will be a surprise.

" y/n, you're not ready?!" Yeonjun gasp at the image of you still in your pajamas.
"Ready for what?" You glance at him, still half asleep.
"The double date, I told you a week ago!" He said, rummaging through your clothes.
"I told you. I don't want to go and why are you rummaging my clothes?!" You whine at the pile of clothes he made.
"Get ready and wear this! I'm giving you 30 minute" Yeonjun tap on his watch indicating your time start there.
"Arghh!!! Leave me in peace!!" You groan annoyingly at him.
"30 minutes!!!" He shout to let you know he isn't gonna shut up until you get ready.
"Aish! Fine!" You frustratedly agreed to his double date.

After you both arrived at the destination, Yeonjun was greeted by his girlfriend.
"Y/n! You actually came?" Raen surprised to see you.
"Yeonjun force me" you glare at Yeonjun.
"You said you will come" Yeonjun state.
"I said I will think about it!" You nudge him at the side.
"Ouch! Babe...y/n is abusing me" Yeonjun pout at his girlfriend.
"You deserve it though. You force her to come" Raen shake her head at Yeonjun.
"But I promise Soobin!!" Yeonjun said that made eyes wide.
"Soobin?! " you grab tightly onto Yeonjun collar.
"Arghh!!!! Raen! Help me! Y/n is killing me" Yeonjun try to get out from your tight grip.
"I'm sorry babe, you're on your own on this" Raen took a step back to not get involve of your and Yeonjun quarrel.

While you were shaking Yeonjun like a puppet, someone lightly tap on your shoulder making you drop Yeonjun on the floor.
"Annyeong~" Soobin happily greeted you as if he just didn't saw you strangling his best friend.
"Soobin!?" You said his name out of surprise to see that he has arrived.
"I'm alive" Yeonjun crawl toward Raen.
"You're here!" You said, trying to tidy up your dress.
"I heard you were gonna tag along so I decided to join our little hang out" Soobin smiled.
"Ahh...hang out? Is that what Yeonjun told you?" You ask, giving death glare at Yeonjun from the side.
"Yeah...why? What did Yeonjun told you? Cause you look surprise to see me just now" Soobin tilt his head.
"No..nothing. I was just surprise you arrived at the right time" you lied.
"Oh...okay then. about we grab food first? I'm quite hungry" Soobin scratch the back of his neck while rubbing his tummy.
"Sure bro!" Yeonjun cheer happily at the word food.

After getting some food and walk around the mall for awhile, the boys decided to go play some arcade games. As you were following Yeonjun and Raen from behind, Soobin tap you on the shoulder.
"Wanna join me play dance dance revolution?" Soobin ask.
"Me? Dancing?" You hesitate point at yourself if he was serious.
"Yeah!" He smile while nodding.
"I'm not a good dancer like Yeonjun. How about you ask him. Wait? Where are they?" You look around for Yeonjun and Raen.
" I saw they run towards the tekken section. Oh~ come on, y/ isn't that hard. I promise you it will be fun" Soobin try to persuade you to join him play dance dance revolution.
"Well..I guess, I can try" you agreed to his invitation.
"Yeah!! Lets go!" He hold onto your hand and bring you toward the game machine.

At first you didn't get how to play it but step by step, Soobin guide you and you were getting the hang of it. After playing some other arcade game with Soobin, you two decided to go buy ice cream while waiting for Yeonjun and Raen to finish playing their games.

"Chocolate for you and vanilla for me" he said after picking up an ice cream cone for both of you.
"Is it that obvious most girls like chocolate?" You giggle.
"Not really, I just know that you love chocolate because most of the time I saw you eat and drink are chocolate flavor" Soobin said that made you surprise by his answer.

After paying for the ice cream, you two waited Yeonjun and Raen outside the arcade area. Soobin notice your shoelace was loose so he handed you his ice cream to bend down to help you tie your loose shoelace.
"I can do it myself" you said to prevent from tie it for you.
"Its okay. I wanna help" he said as he tied your shoelace.
"There we go!" He cheerfully said after done helping you.
"Oh! You got chocolate all over you lips" he said, chuckling at your messy image.

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