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Everywhere you go he will always be by your side or behind you to be most specific. Choi Beomgyu had confessed to you multiple time but you keep pushing him away. He even ask you if you two can be friend and you decline the idea too. So he decided to always follow you and talk to you even though he know you will ignore him or give him the cold shoulder.

It's been going for a year now, he never once say or show that he will stop anytime soon to make you fall in love with him. You sigh at thought of it and your best friend, Jihyo ask you what's wrong.

"It's Beomgyu...why can't he leave me alone! Arghh! I hate him so much" You growl out of frustration.
"How about you give him a chance? It's been 2 years after you're last relatio...." Before she can finish her sentence you cut her off.
"I don't want to do that and will never agree to do that ever again" you sternly told her.
"But y/n...Beomgyu seem like a nice guy" Jihyo try to make you see the brighter side.
"My answer is final, Jihyo. I will never do it again with anybody" you said before excuse yourself to the toilet.

After school ended, you went to the school garden because you are in duty to take care of the crops there. As you were watering the plants, you saw a figure fidgeting at the corner of your eyes and it started to annoy you.

"Go home before I spray you with water, Choi Beomgyu" you warn him.
"How did you know I was here?" He nervously chuckle.
"I can sense you miles away" you said.
"Does that meant you like me?!" He enthusiastically ask.
"No! It grew as a skill after you keep on rubbing yourself near me!" You annoyingly role your eyes at him.
"I see...I'm sorry...if it isn't too much. Can I help you?" He ask.
"Just go home, Beomgyu" you sigh, turning your head to see him looking down with a sad expression.
"Fine. You can help me carry the soil over there to here" you pointed at where the packet of soil are placed.

Beomgyu happily accept your instruction and even help you plant the seeds you are asked to do. After finishing doing it, you sigh in relieved that it was done sooner than you expected.

"Thanks. It got done quicker with someone helping me" you thanked him and it was the first time he heard it from you.
"I will always be here to help you, y/n" he widely smile at you reminding you of someone.
"Can you stop being so nice to me" You said making him stare at you.
"Why would I?" He ask curiously.
"Because I can hurt you and break you trust in a blink of an eye" you side while staring at the side.
"Really? But I don't think you're a bad person, y/n. Everybody make mistake once in awhile and if it's you, I can consider forgiving your mistake because I know you have nice intention and good heart" he said and show you a warm smile.

You were stunned to hear that coming out from someone's mouth. The last time you heard someone said such a thing ended up hating you with their whole lives. You quickly put the equipment to their places and pick you stuff before leaving that place. Beomgyu quickly followed your step and followed you from behind.

"Can you leave me alone for once?!!" You shout at him with your back still facing him.
"Y/n...are you okay? You sound weird" he noticed something about you.
"I'm fine! Just leave me alone" you said and continued walking but stumble upon a rock.
"Y/n!" Beomgyu was quick to catch onto your backpack and pull you up before you hit your face on the hard ground.
"Are you okay?" He turn you around only to see your cheeks are wet by your tears.

Beomgyu didn't ask any further question and pull you into his embrace. You didn't know what to react or do with the sudden situation. You ended up crying on his chest while he gently caress your head. After you're done crying, he brought you to the convenience store and treat you ice cream.

"Your favorite" he handed you your favorite ice cream flavor.
"Thank you" you were a bit surprise on how he know your favorite but push it aside for the time being.
"Mind telling me why you cried?" Beomgyu carefully ask.
"I cried because you said those word that remind me of my ex" you confess.
"Ex? You use to have a boyfriend. Where is he now" he ask.
"We were childhood friend that turn into lovers. He doesn't attend to our school if that is what you are thinking right now.  We broke up 2 years ago before we lost contact." You said.
"What made you two broke up?" He ask.
"The most pity thing that I can ever imagine. He saw me hanging out with a guy friend of mine. He accused me of cheating on him when I told him that I wasn't. He told me that I'm a bad person who broke his trust and that He can't never trust me like before. He even said he was disgusted by me saying that I like to play with random boys. Because of his jealousy that lead us to break up and I also broke all of my friendship with my guy friends." You storied to him about your past love.
"How can he do that to you?! How can he say those thing about you even though you were innocent!!!" Beomgyu was furious that your ex accuse of things that you are not.
" I actually never told Jihyo about the real truth because I'm afraid she will go and kill him. I only told her that we just parted away. You're the only person I told this to so please keep is a secret" you stare at him with plead eyes.
"I will take this secret to my grave, y/n. I promise you that!" He cross his heart indicating that he's telling you the truth.
"Thank you, Beomgyu" you smile and it was the first time he saw you smile like that at him.
"You're not that  annoying like I thought you were. You're actually a good, kind and caring person. I'm sorry for acting such a bitch to you." You apologize to him.
"It's understandable after all the things you went through" he gently pat your head.
"Maybe I don't hate you....lets be friend? If you wanted to?" you shyly ask.
"I WOULD LOVE THAT!!arghhhh!! You don't know how happy I am to hear that, y/n!!" He excitedly said that made your surprise with his energy.
"I'm glad you feel the same way as I do" you warmly smile at him that made his smile wider than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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