KANG TAEHYUN - Let me heal you

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This story is inspired from the kdrama (Dr. John).

"Dr Kang, someone just come with a big wound on their forearm" one of the nurse panicky said.
"Bring them in" he said but the nurse stood there as if she was hesitating to do so.
"What are you doing? Go get them!" He raise his voice at the nurse for neglecting his order.
"But Dr Kang...the patient...she doesn't look she was in pain" the nurse shuttered by the scene.
"What?" He frown and quickly stood up from his chair to go to the waiting room.

He saw the rest of the patient were muttering and looked in shock by something. He slowly went to the waiting chair to see a woman his age sitting there without a care of her forearm bleeding. Her face doesn't look like she was in pain, she looked somehow calm by the whole situation.

Taehyun slowly walk toward the woman. She slowly raise her head to face Taehyun with a calming expression. She soon realize that no one were sitting beside her and everyone there were giving her a look of fright.

"Ah! I did it again" she curse herself for not realizing her surrounding.
"May I know how you got the cut?" Taehyun ask.
"I was trying to catch a burglar when he suddenly cut my forearm with his pocket knife." You explain to him what had happened.
"Does it hurt?" He ask, staring at your deep wound.
"Not really. I don't feel anything actually. Btw, Dr..can you quickly stitch this up? I have a lot of report to write at the police station" you point at your wound while staring at him.
"Follow me" Taehyun asked you to come to his office.

He was about to give you anaesthetic but you told you there is no need for that because you won't feel a thing. Taehyun hesitated to stitch you up without the help of anaesthetic but after he poke the needle on your wound, your face remained calm.

"Have you always feel like this? Not feeling any pain?" Taehyun ask while stitching up your wound.
"I have been like this ever since I was born. I once broke a bone after falling down from my bike but I never notice it after my mom mention it" you shrug without a care about it.
"Have you hear anything about CIPA (congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis)?" He ask seeing how your face suddenly change into a serious one.
"Yeah. That is my illness. My mom have always taken care of me carefully. If she ever found out about my wound, she will burst out" you chuckle at the image of your mother scolding you.
"You do know that this kind of wound can risk you to have infection" Taehyun state the fact.
"I know. I also heard that someone with CIPA will only live up to the age of 25. That's mean I have 3 years to live so why not live to the fullest" you said then look up to face Taehyun with determination in your eyes.

Taehyun saw how your eyes looked at him. It seem like you were afraid of death but there is also a look that you have accepted the fact that you will die soon. There is something in you that pull him closer to wanting to treat you from your illness even though there is no cure for it. He have the urge to wanting to help you in any way he can.

"Come over to my office everyday for a check up" he suddenly said making you stare at him confusingly.
"Why? Is there a problem?" You ask.
"In regard to check your health daily since you are unable to feel any pain nor sense your own body temperature. I can't even believe how you can become a police officer with this kind of illness" Taehyun said while typing onto his computer to key in your data.
"How did you know I'm a police officer?" You ask, pointing at your in confusion.
"I can tell by how you dress and talk." He said, looking at you.
"Remember to always visit me after you have done your work. This is my number and I will be seeing you tomorrow night" he handed a piece paper toward you with a light smile on his face.

It's been a year, you have been coming to his office for a daily check up. At the same time, he will always ask how were your day and if you eaten anything. He will always get worried and scold you if you skip any of your meals or get small injuries due to your occupation. He repeatedly told you to be careful and stay out of danger. You notice how warm he treat you and how he will always try his best to give you the optimum care. Slowly, you realize that you were falling for him.

Today was your check up with him again. You knock on his office door to see him typing something on his computer. He saw you at the door and gave you the biggest smile.
"You're here!" He wave at you to come sit beside him.
"So...how was your day, y/n?" He ask while taking your temperature.
"Okay..I just? I was at home all day and didn't do anything." You sigh with boredom.
"That's good" Taehyun chuckle at your reaction.
"I was extremely bored. My mom keep on scolding me to stay still and do nothing because she was scared that I will hurt myself" you pout.
"It's true that you can easily injured yourself. Remember how you suddenly get a bruises on your shoulder for not looking out where you were walking that night" Taehyun remind you.
"How can I know that I hit the pole so hard!? And who the hell put that pole there??" You pout frustratedly at the event.
"Just promise me that you will be careful next time" he gently pat your head.
"Btw, your temperature is normal and it seem like you don't have any bruises or injuries so you are good to go" Taehyun smile.

You nod but were still sitting down on the chair until Taehyun realize you were still there after taking his eyes off from his computer.
"Y/n? Is something the matter?" Taehyun ask with concern.
"No...it just that I have been feeling weird lately" you said making Taehyun eyes wide.
"What? What is it that you're feeling? Are you feeling out of breath? Do you feel dizzy? " he scan your body from head to toes for any sign of sickness.
"No..it's not that. It just that my heart have been beating abnormally lately" you tell him making him stand up from his chair.
"We are going to scan your heart now!" Taehyun pull your hand but you pull him back to sit back on his chair.
"That is not it. Listen to me first, Kang Taehyun. I don't know how to explain this but I have been feeling warm inside even though I don't know the feeling but whenever I'm with you, I feel weird inside. My heart beat in an abnormal speed and I somehow feel safe whenever I'm near you" you nervously bite your lower lip.
"What I'm trying to tell you is...I love you" you said before raising your head to face him.
"Y/n..." He softly said your name.
"I know that you're my doctor and I'm your patient but I just wanted to let you know that I really do love you. I don't know how much longer I will live but I want to spend the rest of my live with you" you said with a sad smile on the idea of you dying soon due to your illness.

Taehyun pull you into a tight hug while softly caress your head.
"Let's go to America. I found a research team is experimenting to search a medicine for patient who have CIPA. I have been contacting team and they accept our request to join the experiment but I only need your consent if you are willing to do it. I will follow you and join their team to search for the cure. I want you to live long, y/n. I want you to stay by my side for a longer time. I can't bare to lose you." Taehyun explain while staring at your eyes to search for an answer.
"You have been searching a cure to help me?" You ask him as tears start to fill up your eyes.
"I want to treat you well, y/n. Ever since the day you come here. I know that I've got to treat you. So let me heal you." Taehyun cupped your cheeks to wipe the tears that have escape from your eyes.
"Let's do that. Let's hope for a better future for both of us. I also want to live longer with you, Kang Taehyun" you cried and pulled him from the neck to hug him tightly.

After 3 years joining the experiment, thankfully you both succeed. You were slowly curing from your illness and Taehyun was extremely glad that he had helped you in searching ways to cure your illness. Now, both of you are happily married and have 2 adorable boy and girl twins.

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