HUENINGKAI - My sunshine

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"Lets be friend!" You stretch out your hand towards the lonely boy.
"Aren't you afraid people will give you weird look being friend with me?" He ask, staring at your tiny hand.
"I don't care what people said. I want to be friend with you!" You smile widely at the boy.
"You sure? Friend with me?" He ask once again.
"Yes! POSITIVE!" You nod your head telling him that you genuinely want to be friend with him.

That's how you become friend with Hueningkai, 8 years ago. Now both of you are 17 years old. He attend to an all boys school while you attend to a coed school but both of your school aren't far from each other. Whenever school ended, it will be either of you will wait for each other infront of yours or his school gate.

Today is your turn to wait for him at his school gate. You see a tall boy running towards you with wide arms ready to bear hug you.

"Hi to you too~~" you giggle as he spin you around.
"Have you waited for a long time?" He ask.
"Maybe like 20 minutes ago but it's okay. Let's go home?" You sling your arms with his arm.
"Let's go~~" he cheerfully point to the sky.

As you both were walking back home, you suddenly have the urge to eat ice cream so both of you take a turn to the convenience store. After stepping out from the store, you bump onto someone chest.

"Ah!! I'm so sorry!!" You apologize.
"It's okay...oh! Y/n?" The stranger said your name making you raise your head to see who it is.
"KANG TAEHYUN!!!!" You happily shout his name and pounce onto him for a hug.
"Long time no see. I miss you" he chuckle at your cute reaction.
"I miss you too!!! Ahh it's been so long!" You said now holding onto his hands.
"Not that 10 years ago?" he state.
"What do meant not that long! Freaking 8 years have past!" You exaggerate.
"Hmmm....y/n?" Hueningkai gently tug the hem of your blazer.
"Oh! Let me introduce you two! Kang Taehyun meet Hueningkai. Hueningkai meet Kang Taehyun. Taehyun and I use to play together back then before he move to the states. While, Hueningkai and I have been best of friend that I lost count how long"  you introduce them to each other.
"I see....well we should catch up soon! I want to know how your life have been" Taehyun smile.
"Sure!!" You agreed and exchange contact number with him.

After saying goodbye to Taehyun, you and Hueningkai began walking to go home.
"You and Taehyun seem close?" He ask.
" and him use to be inseparable. I've know him since we were toddler. He was my best of friend back then" you said.
"How about now?" He ask.
"Hmm...not sure. Taehyun is still consider as my friend but maybe as a childhood friend, I guess? Why you ask? Are you afraid that Taehyun is back, I will spend more time with him and less with you?" You teasingly nudge his side.
"I know it's selfish to admit this but yeah..." He quickly look at the side.
"Aww~ Ningning I will never leave you alone. You're my sunshine" you smile widely at him.
"Okay..." He smile back but deep inside he still feel like you will ended up forget about him after Taehyun is back.

A month have pass by, Taehyun will live at Korea for good. He is also attending the same high school as you and that leave Hueningkai to overthink that you will eventually forget about him. Everyday after school, you three will walk together but it seem like to Hueningkai, you have talk less with him and more towards Taehyun. He's trying to understand that you and Taehyun are just catching up with each other life after being separate for 8 years. However, he can't stop feeling like he's slowly losing you in his life.

Until one day, Taehyun ask Hueningkai to meet him at the park near their neighborhood on Saturday. Hueningkai went and meet Taehyun that day.

"You came" Taehyun said after Hueningkai have arrived.
" what is it that you wanted to meet up?" He ask.
"I'm gonna ask this straight to the point" Taehyun notify Hueningkai.
"You and y/n are just good friend right?" Taehyun ask.
"Ah...yes" Hueningkai lightly nod.
"Good because I'm going to confess to her tomorrow. I have always like y/n so do me a favor when she accept my confession will you stop being friend with her?" Taehyun told Hueningkai that made him stare at him as if he's joking about his last sentence.
"I'm not joking around. I don't like it that you're so close with y/n. I'm the first person to ever be friend with y/n so I connect with her deeply that you will ever been." Taehyun declare that made Hueningkai clench his hands into a fists.

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