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Authors note: Hi, this is just clearing things up. Your of feminine origin as part of this story, you're around your early twenties.

I walk out of my miserable job at a cafe working as a cashier. 'It's numbingly cold and of course I forget my stupid coat'. I think to myself as I pull my arms around myself trying to make enough body heat to at least make the walk to my cheap apartment. I look up to the sky only really making out two stars and the moon, thanks to the street lights. I had always loved the night sky, the stars above you shining. I suddenly snap out of my daze as I run into someone, "OW what the hell?" I look at the man I ran into. He was fairly tall, really skinny and pale. He looked at me wide eyed as if he had just seen a ghost rather someone mindlessly run into him. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and didn't see you." I apologize not knowing a thing running through his head. "No it's OK I wasn't paying attention myself." His eyes softened. "Oh, well... uhm bye." I walk away. 'What was that all about?' I make it to my apartment. I walk into my cramped little apartment, I'd been here for three months now but the place still just doesn't feel like home.

I walk into my room and pull out some pajamas, an over sized shirt and sweatpants. I collect a hoard of my blankets and make a nest on my couch and turn on the Tv. 'Breaking news: An entire taco hell has just been massacred, with only a single SPORK. police say this was the WACKIEST thing to happen all year!' "Cool!" I've also gotten another interest true crime. I eventually pass out on the couch the Tv still running.

I wake up the blaring of sirens outside of my window. I jump off the couch and go look out my curtain. "Looks like Miss Mary's finally getting evicted!" I grin, Mary was a neighbor of mine who never payed rent. I check my phone. In ten minutes I will officially be late to my dead end job. I run to my room frantically changing. I run out of the house locking the door. I run down the side walk checking my watch. 'at this rate I'll only be five minutes late.' I run into the building and clock in. The line was out of the door. great day. After a few minutes I see a man, he was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who he was. He finally gets to the counter. "Hey, I feel that I had seen you before." I lean on the counter with my elbow. "I don't know where you would have seen me?" As soon as I heard his voice I recognized the tall pale man. "OH wait I know now I bumped into you last night!" I stood up straight and off the counter. "OH, huh you remember me?" He looked at me with a combined look of surprised and confused. "Yeah, anyways what's your order?" I ask remembering the impatient people behind the man. He ordered and left. Something about him was mysterious and intriguing.

I get home that night, again with NO jacket and again it was super cold. I get to my apartment and run to my room pulling out pajamas and a towel. I get in a boiling shower to wash away the cold. I get out of the shower looking at myself in the mirror. I've always hated my face, but then again who doesn't have thoughts like this about themselves? I get dressed and just before I even touch the door knob I hear banging and grunting. I open the medicine cabinet and pull out a small pair of scissors and open the door carefully. As I walk out into the living room I see an opened window and on my couch was...

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