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"What do you mean you've been talking about me or whatever?" I turn around and sit on the floor in front of them. "I have a question." The blue eyed one said scooting closer to me and sitting down. "What?" I look at him, upon closer look he had scratches and nicks in his face and body. "What are your feelings for our dear friend Johnny?" He made a strange expression on his distorted face. I was caught off guard by the question, I never really thought about what me and Nny had. Sure he was kinda cute sometimes and was sweet, and for gods sake he was there when Jimmy harassed me. But, he's also a mass murderer, and visibly unstable in the emotional department. "I dunno." I say questioning myself.

"OH well then I guess we should help you out then?" The red eyed one sat down on the opposite side of the blue. "What do yo-" I was cut off by red eyes. "Just listen and then when were done talking you tell us what you think." "Ok." I look down at the ground. "Heh heh alright then, so about four months ago Johnny went on a date with a woman named uhh, well I forgot, anyways UNIMPORTANT, nothing out of the ordinary, well he brought that bitch home and they almost kissed, so he comes to us for guidance and help and we say that he should uhm go enjoy his time with her, but he's incredibly unstable mentally and he tried to kill her, because he thought he loved her." I look at him. "What?" My eyes widen. "He killed because he couldn't handle a little happiness, so imagine what could happen to you if you stay?" The red one stood up and pushed my shoulder. "If you and him do fall in love and he can't fucking handle it what do you think will happen? That stupid rabbit said to help Johnny, to 'spend time with him, to GET ATTACHED, THAT FUCKING RABBIT IS SETTING YOU UP TO DIE!!!" The two things started to get louder and scarier, it freaked me out and I needed to get out of there.

I stand up and run out of the room and just run to what ever door I came to. Even after the things I was just told, a small part of me wanted Nny right there with me. I ran to the basement door without thinking and almost fell down the stairs, I fell into a wall on the staircase tears streaming down my cheeks. I continue down the stairs quietly. I make it to the bottom of the stairs and hear nothing but screaming and yelling people pleading for their lives. I look around a corner and see Nny whacking a overweight man with a bat. I scream in fear at the sight causing Nny to turn around, his eyes were wide and crazy looking, but he saw me and his face softened and he looked sad when he saw me.

I jump backwards and start running up the stairs as fast as I could. I look behind me for a split second and saw Nny right behind me, and as I look behind myself I fail to dodge the little puddle of blood on a step. I slip and fall backwards knocking Nny down on the ground, Me on top of him on my back. I open my eyes, I'm only a little hurt, dazed but alright. I sit up a little looking into Nnys eyes. I forget about everything for a moment, then it all comes back. I jump off him and he jumps up after me grabbing my wrists and keeping me from running. "WAIT WAIT!" He yelled trying to get me to sit still and listen. I stop struggling and stand still tears running down my face, I'm terrified. "Wh-Why were you be-beating thahat mann?" I pointed at the obese person with their head smashed in. "Oh, that guy? He's here because he was an asshole, not the point, why did you come down here AFTER I told you not to?" He yelled a little bit because he was angry, but was careful because I was in a clear state of panic and mental distress.

"I wa-was talki-" He cut me off. "Here lets go upstairs and calm you down, your cry-talking thing is kind of annoying and distracting." He let go of one of my wrists and held my hand as we walked up the stairs. We walked into the living room and he sat me down and ran into another room grabbing a blanket. "Here, warm up and calm yourself down."

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