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I fall around one asleep without Nny noticing for an hour. He looked down and saw me asleep and leaning on him. "Oh you fell asleep, I uhm." He didn't want to wake me so he picked me up and carried me to my bed. He laid me down and pulled the blankets over me, he stood there for a minute staring at me. "Well good night then." He was about to turn around and walk away, when I woke up a little bit. I reach my hand out in time to grab his left hand. "Wait wait." I say only half awake. "What?" He smiled a little bit at my slurred words. "I don't wanna be alone, I don't sleep good in new places without company." He sat down on the edge of the bed looking at me, me still holding onto his hand. "Heh that's cute, what do you want me to do?" He giggled at my tired jumbled speaking. "Uhm I dunno lay with me?" I said in a small voice, leaning forward my forehead on his shoulder. "Mhmm alright then, I guess until you fall asleep." He crawled to the other side of the bed and lied down next to me. I face him and giggle sleepily. "What's funny?" He said looking at me a smile crossing his face. "Hee hee you uhm have some dry blood in your hair and it Heh Heh poked me in the forehead." He laughed and brushed his hair back using his fingers. "Mmkay Imma go to sleep now." I kiss him and close my heavy eye lids. "Pffft ok, good night." He laughed and spoke lightly. I turn over in my sleep and Nny puts his arm around me. After at least 30 minutes Nny begins to feel more tired than he felt in a very long time, however he didn't seem to notice. He fell asleep.

At nine I wake up sun coming in through a window boarded up with planks. I sit up seeing Nny sprawled out on the other side of the bed his boots still on. "Hmm I shouldn't wake him, he needs this." I stand up and stretch. I walk into the hall way, the house at it's quietest. I walk into the kitchen hoping that there might be something in the fridge. I open the fridge seeing a bottle of milk and eggs. "I guess we'll have to go shopping sometime." I pull out the eggs and find a pan. "I wonder if he'll want any?" I ask myself out loud. I pull out two and start scrambling them. I finish making the eggs and as soon as I put them on small plates, I hear Nny yelling frantically and see him running into the kitchen.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" He yelled sliding on the floor with his boots. "What?" I ask setting the plates on the counter. "I fell asleep because of yew." He pointed at me a funny crazed expression on his face. "What? I don't understand how this would be my fault." I say pulling out a fork and sticking it into my eggs. "Last night you asked me to lay with you and I fell asleep." I sit down on the couch as he talked. "Huh when did I- oh yeah Heh heh." I giggle remembering my own nonsense last night. "This isn't funny." He sat on the arm of the couch next to me. "Well did you have a bad dream or your surroundings go to shit?" I asked looking up at him. "I guess not no, I still don't like sleeping though."

He stood up. "What's that smell?" He asked. "Oh I made eggs, did you not notice me literally sit down with these? There's some on the counter still if you want 'em" I held the plate up a little bit and pointed at the with my fork. "Oh." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the plate and a fork. He sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. "So are we gonna get the rest of your stuff?" He said poking the egg with his fork. "I would say that yeah." We sat there a second watching the tv and eating. "These are actually pretty good." Nny said a mouthful of egg. "Thank you, they're better with ketchup so maybe next time." We finish and clean up. "Alright then I'm gonna go change into some not dirty clothes and we can go get those boxes, and maybe go food shopping." I almost walk to my room. "All your other stuff is in the car isn't it?" Nny said jaghung a little. "Oh yeah."

Authors note:Just so Y'all know there are 777 words in this chapter, you're welcome:)   (not including the A/N btw)

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