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I wake up the sunlight coming in through the windows. I sit up remembering that I was just fired from my job. 'at least I still have somewhere to go.' I get dressed and walk into my kitchen grabbing a poptart and walking out the door. 'If I'm going to move in with him I should go over there and tell him before I just start hauling my stuff, plus he has a car a little easier.' As I walk I get weird feelings in my stomach. I get to Nnys house and knock on the door. "OH HEY Y/N!!" Nny said excitedly, he was covered in blood. "Hi." I walk into the house and there was a dead body on the floor. "You came just in time, I was about to go into the basement and drain him, the walls been a bit iffy." I look at the man, he was tall and round. "That's a little gross, but uhm if I can help I wanna." Nny looked at me beaming with joy. We pick the man up and throw him down the stairs, honestly I'm a little excited to gut him I've never seen inside the human body. We walk down the long stairs.

"I thought you didn't want me down here." I say as we drag the body to another room. "I don't want you in here alone and when I'm down here torturing, only if I'm down here draining a body or need help killing are you allowed down here." He said dropping the body. "This part gets messy so if you don't wanna get bloody then step back, but first hand me that bucket." He pointed at the corner of the room where a pretty big bucket is. "Ok, but uhm the main reason I came over here is to tell you that I called the cafe last night and I got fired." I said as I hand him the bucket. He pulled a knife out of his boot and slit the mans throat, blood spraying every where, especially my shirt and pants. "That wonderful! Now you can move in with me, and you've got blood on you." He drained the blood into the bucket cutting numerous limbs off doing it.

After he fills the bucket we make our way up the stairs, both of us covered in blood. "You diidn't happen to bring extra clothing did you?" Nny asked as we walked towards the wall. "Nope, do you have anything I can borrow until I get a chance to change?" I flick some of the blood off my shirt onto the wall. "Uhm I have a shirt that's kinda small on my if you wanna borrow it, as far as pants go however I don't think you'd fit my shorts, but one of victims had some blank denim shorts you might fit with a belt." He handed me a paint brush and we painted the wall. "That might work." I smiled and painted design and animals, if you're gonna paint a possibly innocent mans blood on a wall to keep an unspeakable horror on the other side from escaping then you might as well have fun! We finish painting and the wall was dripping. "That'll work for now, now to get you cleaned up." I follow him to a room where he pulled out a long sleeve shirt with 'smile you fucker on the front. "Here and I think those shorts are in the kitchen in a cabinet." He ran to the kitchen with me behind him. He handed me the shorts and a black hooped belt. "Here you can either change in the bathroom or in a spare room." He sat on the couch. "I'll go change in the bathroom." I walk into the bathroom seeing the knife sink, it's still really freaking cool.

I put the clothes on, the shirt was a little  big, but it and the shorts fit good. I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room where Nny is sitting and eating chips, this is the second time ever I've witnessed him eating. I sit on the couch and Nny stares at me. "What? Oh uhm your shirts a little big but it's comfy, thank you." I say as I steal a chip from his chip bag. "It looks good on you, and because it doesn't fit me too good you can keep it if you want." He stood up and stretched setting the chip bag down on the crate-ottoman-coffee table? "Alright so you're moving in or am I helping with your rent?" he said  putting one of his hands in his pockets. "I thought about it and I would feel bad just having you pay for my rent, so I'm going to move in." I say standing up. "Oh that's.. Are you sure?" He said unsure of himself. "Yes I'm sure, Will you help me move? I don't have a car and I think moving by carrying stuff is stupid." I ask. "Yeah lets go." he said  grabbing his keys.

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