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I walk to the room Nny was in, the wall room. He was painting designs and doodling a bit while painting the wall. What's that one?" I say suddenly pointing at a stick-figure man with an aggravated looking expression. "Oh that's Happy noodle boy, I write comics about him I just thought it would be cool to draw him on the wall in blood." He said putting the brushes back in the little pail they were in. "Well I guess I should probably take a shower?" He said smiling. "Yeah, you have blood on you from at least those wierdos at the gas station." I say giggling. "eew nuh uh." Nny said laughing. I walk into the living room and watch some tv, then I remember Nny talking about his comic. 'I know I saw a drawing table around here somewhere.' I think getting up and looking around. I see the table and the assorted paper crowded on it. I pick up a page and on the top it said happy noodle boy. 'Well guess I found them.' I thought picking up the papers and carrying them back the the couch so I could read them.

I sit on the couch and start trying to read the mini comics, they seemed jumbled and pointless. I read every single one though, sure they were vulgar and random but Nny put obvious effort and time into something other than murder. I kinda liked it. I hear Nny walking down the hallway. He walked into the living room still drying his hair. "What are you doin'?" He asked sitting down next to me. "I'm reading your comics, they're pretty interesting." He looked at one of the comics. "Oh, thank you." He said. I check my watch; 8:17. "Okie, so I think we should talk about Jimmys note." I say seemingly out of no where. Nny became tense. "Well uhm what is there to talk about?" He said. "He said that he was going to 'come save me' or something, so I think he's planning on coming over here, killing you and taking me. He's insane!" I say collecting the papers and putting them back the desk.

I sit back down on the couch. "Well lets make a plan, if he comes." Nny said putting his arm around me. "All right, I thought about this quite a bit actually whil I was in the shower and reading your comics. What if you did what you did last night, lay with me but don't fall asleep and if Jimmy breaks in you're already awake and Jimmy will be none the wiser as you sneak up on him and kill him." I say looking up at his face. "That's... that's not a bad plan, but what if I do fall asleep?" He asked. "Well uhm what if we got you a coffee or just caffeine?" I ask. "Yeah, ok." He said. "Wicked, I'll just change pants and we can go to the gas station and get you stuff." I say hopping off the couch and running to my room. I change into some black skinny jeans and run back into the living room, Nny off the couch standing by the door. "Walk or drive?" Nny asked holding open the door. "We haven't walked and had a long conversation in a while." I say walking out of the house and waiting as Nny shut the door. We begin walking.

"Ok so what is there to talk about?" Nny asked his hands in his pockets. "Well uhm, when you were growing up did really have any friends, maybe some time we can go find em'?" I ask. Nny stared straight in front of us. "I didn't really have many friends, I was really skinny and the other kids talked about me, what about you?" He said. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know, but uhm until high school I only had one friend, her name was Jenny, I don't think we'll be able to track and find her though." I say looking at the ground. "Why not?" Nny asked looking at me. "Well uhm she kinda had a drug overdose over the summer at her grandmas." I say looking back at him. "Oh sorry, Oh we're here!" Nny said practically bouncing. "Excited much?" I say laughing. "Well last time we were here there was an inconvenience, this time it'll be more calmed." He said as we open the doors to the station.Nny ran to the back of the gas station and filled a cup of brainfreezy. "Is that caffeinated enough?" I ask him. He checks the side of the machine. "This is 90% sugar and 2% alcohol, I think it's caffeinated Haha." He laughed. We walk up to the register and pay. We begin to walk out and on our way home.

We get home and sit on the couch, it's around 9:20, so we turn on a movie and watch tv for at least three hours when I fall asleep, again leaning on Nny. He picks me up and carries me to bed. He runs back into the living room really quick to grab his gas station cup, which is still somehow full. He lies down and looks at me drinking the large cup. CRASH THUMP. Jimmy crashes through the window, Waking me up. Nny jumps off the bed, diving at Jimmy. They wrestle and jab at each other with their knives. Jimmy throws Nny off of him, Nny crashing into a wall. I jump off the bed. "JIMMY STOP STOP!!!" I scream and yell. "Don't you see Y/N We're meant for each other though. I can protect you a hell of a lot better than Johnny ever fucking could!" Jimmy yelled facing me and taking my hands. Nny tries to jump on Jimmy but Jimmy pushes Nny off and pins him on the ground stabbing Nny in the stomach.

"JIMMY I'LL NEVER BE WITH YOU! I LOVE NNY!!!" I smash my dads bottle on Jimmy's head, little pieces going everywhere. He fell off Nny blood gushing through his head. "Thank you dad." I say under my breath. I sit down next to Nny tears streaming down my face. "You used your dads bottle?" He said in a short small voice. "It's just a bottle, you're what I consider important." I say. "Y'know before I die I wanna say something." I look at him tears starting to come down his face. "I love you Y/N, please don't feel sad when I'm gone." I lie down next to him and kiss his cheek. "I love you too." We smile at each other, bittersweet bliss coming in. "Isn't that sweet? Well Y/N IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU NOBODY EVER FUCKING WILL!!!" Jimmy stood up swinging his knife at me. "NOOO!!!" Nny manages to yell and tries to sit up and stop it. SWISH. Jimmy stabs me in the stomach, the knife going all the way through my stomach, pulling it out he falls backwards, the head wound getting to him. I fall on my back facing Nny. "Heh-heh I-I guess yo-you won't die alo-alone." I smile, coughing up blood. "I l-love yo-you Y/N." Nny said kissing my lips. I close my heavy eyelids. 'I'm tired' I think trying to open my eyes. "I love you too." I whisper best I possibly could.

I open my eyes seeing clouds and smelling, fresh bread? I sit up looking around me. I look next to me and see Nny. "NNY WAKE UP!!" I yell hot tears coming to my face. He opened his eyes and looked around sitting up. "Are we dead?" He asked. "I-I don't know." I said. "Wait, slap me." I say looking him in the eyes. "What? Like hell am I slapping, hitting or hurting you." He said standing up. "Wait a minute, this is familiar." I stand up. "Familiar how?" I ask. "I've been dead before, this is heaven." He said looking at me. "So, we... we have the whole after life to ourselves?" I ask. "Yeap." He leans forward and kisses me. I wrap me arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist.

Ok bye!!

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